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Sky Tower Trouble.......


Well-Known Member
Train to a higher level.


Is that flying pie?
i know, but i dont have it. sometimes i just reset untilm i get a warp scarf.
maybe if i tell you my stats,you can help me more easily.
Me: treecko
secret power(i save it for rayquaza to paralayze him)
hidden power
mega drain
dig(for metagross')
oh, yeah, my level:28
my partener, char the charmander:
frustration(his iq is only 1, mine is 5.)
brick break
his level is 30
other members i brought with me:
shadow the absol
quick attack
here is a member that joined while in sky tower:
grim the duskull
confuse ray

im hoping to save enough pp for confuse ray and secret power to fight, but i dont survive long enough to fight him.:/
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Heart & Soul...
like someone said get attract. Usefull as hell. It stop the enemy from doing anything, even if it's the same gender, or even if it's genderless! (not as good as imprision, however)


Well-Known Member
Throw a Diet Ribbon at Rayquaza and use Ranged Attacks. (e.g. Shadow Ball and Shock Wave)

I would use a Level 50 Pichu with a High IQ and with the move Volt Tackle.
And have Pichu made the leader before heading to the Sky Tower.
And throw the Diet Ribbon at Rayquaza.
But be careful, if you defeat it from a Distance, it will not be recruited.
When you think Rayquaza's HP is critical, get up close and finish him off.
And it may join your team (best to have a Friend Bow attached to Pichu)


PokeMon Professor
I was a lv. 36 Mudkip with Ice Beam, a lv. 36 Treecko with Bullet Seed, and a Lv. 33 Absol with Shock Wave when I beat him.


Well-Known Member
Every Pokemon Trainer should know the lingo.

Max Stats in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:
Level: 100
HP: 999
Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Sp. Atk: 200
Sp. Def: 200
IQ: 12 Stars


Well-Known Member
Have a Pokemon at level 100 with the Friend Bow and have it the leader.
That is the secret of the best chance of recruiting.

The almost-cheating like way to do it is to use the Easy Recruit cheat code using GameShark.

Using any GameShark code makes attacks 100% accurate and secondary effects happen 100% of the time and when you get to the next floor, you'll be put on or near the stairs.