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Slander from other sites

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hey guys

It has come to my attention that a certain other site has been slandering me to try and turn many of you against me. While some of what he claims I said is true, it's taken completely out of context with him trying to.

They moan that I insult them because they apparently get info first. Truthfully, I do not care. I have more important things to do than worry about pointless stuff like that (besides, the majority info I get first, but that is besides the point). Due to timezones (me being asleep while news appears), there are many times I don't get information first, and I know you guys don't really care about that as you have stuck with us, and yet all this guy does is gloat that he got something first. Its really such a feat to beat a sleeping person to news. This just shows professional jealousy on the part of the other webmaster, trying to make up for their lack of cahones and just cause trouble just because, and I know I may sound big headed because of this, my site is vastly bigger than theirs.

What I find most amusing is how he's getting people on his forums to "band together", to form alliances and even threatened to come here to bash/spam.

Let me just remind you that trolling, spamming and flaming are against the rules and if it happens, then you will get banned

This person is spreading lies and half-truths, saying I steal from thema nd constantly harass the webmaster. This isn't true. I have never stolen from them and I don't harass the webbie. Considering the amount of "ZOMG lets Bash Serebii" topics he has in his staff forum and now in public, I'ld say it was more vice-versa.

I also know that its kinda petty of me to continue this here, but I have already received a few PMs from people telling me to "STOP BASHING HIM!!!!!!!111one" and so forth, and I figured you guys need to know the truth.

Thank you

Good Night



But seriously, I've seen the thread in question and my god. I don't know how someone could spread lies like that. I mean, there was even that convention thing, which was a big joke. But hey, we don't want any of this on our side:
"lets go spam the site lololol"


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
I'm not going to deny that I said some of the things they claim, because, well, I did...but what the guy does is take and post everything out of context. If I posted all the bad stuff hes said about me, both in and out of context...you'ld be reading for days


Well-Known Member
I've not heard of this...does anyone else know this site in question?

~TS ;121;;373;


Well-Known Member
I heard about it, and yeah they are kinda childish for doing that, and don't do the same Joe ^_^, otherwise it will make you as bad as they are.

Anyway about this announcement, maybe this will only attract them to post spam/lies here, maybe you have to make it an only-read-announcement.

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
The webmaster of this other site obviously has nothing better to do. SPP is the only Pokemon site I check anyway, not because it gets stuff first, but because 99% of the information it does get is reliable.


Well-Known Member
I think it's better to see other people's opinions on this.

If allowed, could someone leave a link? Or if not, a hint so I can Google and find it?

~TS ;121;;373;


Well-Known Member
Strange for Serebii to be slandered, I'm just wondering what the true stuff is though...


Well-Known Member
Maybe telling us what site it is, as long as we don't slander them, would help.


Toon link
it is probely jealousy but joe you are seriously the best

i've seen lost of other forums that i don't go on that say serebii.net is bad and all this stuff how they rekon they are the best at everything i've seen heeps of this happen but i'm on your side


Bullet Punch
I hope that most members will ignore this crap about Serebii Bashing, this guy is without doubt jealous. You're right, I wouldn't bother getting up at night just to update a site. We all know that the info is on it's way, even if it's taking a rest. That guy clearly does not respect the fact that these forums are great, and it's team of moderators is not to be messed with. The Miscalleneous discussion icident was an accident, pro hackers can't be stopped, though all is done to do so. If that stuff about his staff forum is true, I don't want to imagine his non-mod discussion forums. Joe, most of us [I hope] will not bother spending time on reading anti-Serebii stuff. After all, we all came back after the major hackings didn't we?



Well-Known Member
Theres nothing to slander this site about expt for the lack of staff attietion to the pokemon ranger password screen (hint)

Seriusly now the important thing is not who posts news first but that people are able to know. I suspect this will probably cuase people to spam this persons site


The Best of the Best
Well, maybe this should be a read-only announcement. Really, why cant you work out your differences with the webmaster of this site? From what I have read, he seems open to it? Cant you two call a truce? If you cant be friends, can you two at least not mention each other? Why do two great sites, each with something to offer have to fight like this? And Serebii, no offense, but by leaving this open, you basicly have started the same kind of thread this guy has going, where your supporters can vent about the other guy. Why cant you just contact him and call for a truce?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that they are probally a bunch of jerks who like to get more "attention", only so they could get more page hits... Like what PkmnTrainerJ, if you could just tell us which site, and who is the webmaster, we should all report him, until one day he gets banned, (and even his I.P Address). I believe that Serebii would never slander anybody, and those bunch of crappy kids will get in trouble one day hopefully.

~ Lapras_Lover


The webmaster of this other site obviously has nothing better to do. SPP is the only Pokemon site I check anyway, not because it gets stuff first, but because 99% of the information it does get is reliable.

Quoted for truth.
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