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Slowbro to SlowKing, why dont it work???

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Anime Fan
I have a LV 42 Slowbro that I want to evlove to a slowking, I traded it holding a kings rock and it wont evlove, I have fixed the net worj systerm and have the national dex, why wont it evolve?


Knight of Oblivion
ummmmm...a slowpoke with a kingstone evolves into Slowking when traded, not slowbro


The King of Karp
It would've made more sense if it worked the way shadowblade had done it. I'm sure many others have tried and thought their game was screwed up.


OG Trainer
lol its traded with slowpoke not slowbro. A simple and careless mistake. justt get a slowpoke level it u again and trade it.


Furret rocks
Just evolve a Slowpoke by trading it, holding a Kings Rock...


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
lol dont worry mate you aint the first one to make that mistake, i tried also when slowking was first introduced n got very stressed when it wouldnt work :p
Yeah, its only Slowpoke since Slowpoke is the one who has a split evo., and Slowking not even a 3rd stage


Pokemon Video Maker
It took me a while to figure out how to get a Slowking. I put a Shellder in my party and leveled up my Slowbro, did it with a Slowpoke, traded a Slowbro with a King's Rock, and I finally got it down by trading a Slowpoke w/ Kings Rock I know how you feel.


The Master...
Well i think the real reason why they don't evovle is, because they slowpoke already got bit by a shelder.In crystal it took a me a very long time till I figured it out however!I mean i thought to get a slowbro put a slowpoke in the daycare with a shelder(P.S. THIS WAS A LONG TIME AGO).


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Figure this has been answered enough times. Slowpoke + King's Rock.

When all else fails, check the main site's Pokedex. You could have gotten your answer right away instead of making a thread.

-Answered, closed
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