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I have a LV 42 Slowbro that I want to evlove to a slowking, I traded it holding a kings rock and it wont evlove, I have fixed the net worj systerm and have the national dex, why wont it evolve?
lol dont worry mate you aint the first one to make that mistake, i tried also when slowking was first introduced n got very stressed when it wouldnt work
It took me a while to figure out how to get a Slowking. I put a Shellder in my party and leveled up my Slowbro, did it with a Slowpoke, traded a Slowbro with a King's Rock, and I finally got it down by trading a Slowpoke w/ Kings Rock I know how you feel.
Well i think the real reason why they don't evovle is, because they slowpoke already got bit by a shelder.In crystal it took a me a very long time till I figured it out however!I mean i thought to get a slowbro put a slowpoke in the daycare with a shelder(P.S. THIS WAS A LONG TIME AGO).