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Slowking's Day (001)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Slowking's Day!

A Day In The Life of Slowking on Shamouti Island. What does he do?

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Dull Manga Avatar
It's only a couple of minutes long. I don't know exactly what circumstances it first appeared in, but I suspect it was to fill a few minutes of some longer program. It can hardly be considered an episode, but since there's no better classification for it, that's what Serebii's done.

Since it isn't and was never meant to be the equivalent of a full episode, stop insulting it like one.


Custom User Title
Just recently got to see this and it was pretty annoying. It wouldn't have been bad at all if they just had the narrator doing commentary or something, but they had a bunch of Japanese kids, pretty young judging by how they sounded, saying the same friggin thing over and over again. >>; It really got on your nerves after about the second time they said it.

Water Man

Toonami will air the specials in May, so lets hope they dont air this one first!


Old Coot
That's unconfirmed, damnit. --; There is NO WORD on the Houso specials and regular specials.


Yeah, ok!
Water Man said:
Toonami will air the specials in May, so lets hope they dont air this one first!

Pokemon isn't going to air on CN anytime soon and if it does it certainly won't be airing on Toonami.


Custom User Title
Even if they were going to show the specials I sincerely doubt this would be included. It's barely more than three minutes long, it hardly even counts as a special. :p


Contaminated KFC
On the subject of Pokémon airing on Toonami, that random poster is refering to Toonami UK, which is apparantly going to be airing the Chronicles series in May according to pkmn.net.

I haven't seen any other sources or pieces of evidence as of yet, and the UK Toonami site is pretty slow with news as it is, so I'll ask around a little~


Idiots United!!!!
The Stupid Thing!!1!

....... WHY DOES IT EXIST i mean i say it's kinda like a commercial!!!! that's what i say!!!!!!1!!! Down with Slowking!!!!! ;199;


Well-Known Member
It wasn't even like an episode, it was only a couple of minuted. Even still, it is a special, so Serebii had included it. Still it stinks.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
He should have said that he needed pants. Yes I know that was a dub-only line, but it was the best line he ever got.

And this still doesn't help with the issue of where the shrine *is*. I always figured it was on the far part of Shamouti Island, and this special is as murky about it as the movie.


Slowking is amazing! ;O;

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
Possibly the worst short ever made.


Possibly the best short made ever?

Yes. That's right. Slowking was SO amazing in this special, I can't even decide which of the scenes was the greatest. I loved the scene when he was sleeping amongst the flowers and when he was swimming undrwater in the crystal clear sea. Slowking forever. ;)