This thread is more like a helping thread for me, and I need help with description. Yes, all authors ask for detailing help, and think one will be probably simple to many. --;
Upon writing up a big, juicy-long battle for the tenth chapter of Sky, I stumbled upon a problem with the details of a Swampert. I was planning on the beast as using Focus Punch a few times within the battle, though I need help on something. How would sometime describe a Swampert's physical features of its hands, whether they'd be simply hands or somewhere in the features of aquatic claws?
Somebody help me. ;_;
Upon writing up a big, juicy-long battle for the tenth chapter of Sky, I stumbled upon a problem with the details of a Swampert. I was planning on the beast as using Focus Punch a few times within the battle, though I need help on something. How would sometime describe a Swampert's physical features of its hands, whether they'd be simply hands or somewhere in the features of aquatic claws?
Somebody help me. ;_;