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Small Help; Description of Swampert

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
This thread is more like a helping thread for me, and I need help with description. Yes, all authors ask for detailing help, and think one will be probably simple to many. --;

Upon writing up a big, juicy-long battle for the tenth chapter of Sky, I stumbled upon a problem with the details of a Swampert. I was planning on the beast as using Focus Punch a few times within the battle, though I need help on something. How would sometime describe a Swampert's physical features of its hands, whether they'd be simply hands or somewhere in the features of aquatic claws?

Somebody help me. ;_;


look! a shiny dragon
well if you look the swampert's "paws" are like fins; they have rivet-like features on them

so its sort of like getting smacked by a nail file on the filing part except the rivets are deeper and the blow hurts a lot more

so ol' swampy would curl up his fin to strike w/ focus


Well-Known Member
I think of them as webbed, rubbery paws that are constantly rimmed over with a thin layer of slime. Yeah, that nail-file smack would hurt like a mother. x0

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Thanks for the suggestions, ClowSui and Scrap. ^^ Both are greatly appreciated.

I never thought of them as 'paws' because they don't take the regular formation of them, like the paws of a Houndoom or Persian. I figured that, however, that it is somewhat rubbery and sleek, having a smooth surface and feeling on the outside, though balling "paws" would be just excruciating, even to a Gyarados. 8D Again, thank you two a lot!


Lost but Seeking
I think of them more like flippers, albeit with distinct digits.

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Negrek said:
I think of them more like flippers, albeit with distinct digits.
Exactly. That's exactly how I thought about them, although they do take feathers of both flippers and webbed claws. o.o


Same as Negrek. I've always thought of them as flippers, sort of like the kind tortoises have, except more paw-shaped. A Swampert walking around would sorta make a slapping sound, expecially on metal/synthetic floors. Slap, slap, slap. 8D


Well-Known Member
Yes. Yes, you are. XD I also imagine the sound would be a little sticky, since Swampert seem like the type to be....sticky? o.o;;


look! a shiny dragon

roflcopters on lollerskates scrap, you are so funny XDDD

on topic: i'm glad that you put up this thread serpent...i've never actually wondered about this


Yeah. Describing Pokemon is all in the mind of the writer, and if you're creative enough you can really spark something in the minds of readers, like, I never thouhgt of that being like that. It's fun. ^__^

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
A sticky sound? I would just find them to be more of a slapping noise, or perhaps a sliding, dragging sound on hard surfaces? >.o


Well-Known Member
Not a dragging sound, but like a wet, squelchy, STICKY slapping noise. XD Wow, this discussion is getting a bit graphic. *coughs innocently*

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Wait, I have another question.

So, would Swampert's feet simply be feet then? o.o Sure, that's a short question, but I'll eventually fill up this post with nonsense of some sort. XD


Well-Known Member
Well, feet are....feet. o.o;; It's kind of ambigious.

feet:The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.

paw:The foot of an animal, especially a quadruped, that has claws or nails.

We love Dictionary.com. X0

Ryano Ra

Verdant Vitality
Oh...well then, that was simple. ^.^ I thought that there would be some kind of interesting name for a Swampert's foot, since it has rubbery paws or distinct flippers. I got my hopes up for nothing. 8D I think that I'll refer to them as paws, since it sounds more suitable for a monstrous mudfish.


Yeah. They don't really have claws, but they do have sort of hand-like appendages with four fingers that are webbed. The fingers don't really have nails, but if I'm correct they come to somewhat of a point at the end. Not enough to really be sharp, but they're good for slapping people. xD