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Smeargle rate


Well-Known Member
Is this good for Smeargle?

Smeargle lvl.56
Focus Punch
Double Team


Smeargle same level
Belly Drum
Milk Drink
Focus Energy
Cross Chop



Do NOT give Smeargle attacking moves. It’s incredibly weak.

Smeargle @Salac Berry
Nature: Jolly
-Belly Drum
-Baton Pass

If you’re faster than the opponent, put them to sleep then use Substitute, Belly Drum to get max Attack and a speed boost from Salac Berry, then pass to a physical attacking Pokémon.

Smeargle @Salac Berry
Nature: Jolly
-Quick Attack/Mach Punch/Extremespeed

Brinng yourself down to 1 HP, get the speed boost from Salac, put the enemy to sleep, and then use Endeavor and finish them off with a first strike attack.
Um, don't give Smeargle damaging attacks except on the Endeavor set.

Smeargle @ Salac Berry
-Belly Drum
-Baton Pass

Spore, Sub on the switch, Drum and Salac, then pass. Enjoy.

Smeargle @ Salac Berry
-Extremespeed/Seismic Toss

More novelty, but plenty of fun. Endure an attack from a faster Pokemon for Salac, Spore, Endeavor on the switch, and finish them off.

Smeargle @ Leftovers
-Baton Pass

Only on Baton Pass chains; it prevents your team from being blown away with Roar/Whirlwind and heals the team. The switch-preventing effect doesn't matter since you don't want to switch anyway.

EDIT: Damn, I was beaten again.


Well-Known Member
or you can be cheap
you get umbreon and Double Team then Subsitute then baton pass
smeargle uses lock on then sheer cold :)



No, use the ones that Brown Bomber and I gave you. Smeargle can learn every move, but those three sets are the only ones that really work (and they aren’t cheap either).


Well-Known Member
^ bad. You use Spore, they switch, you use Mind Reader, they switch, doesn't work. They'll probably switch to something faster than you anyway eg Aerodactyl which will then kill you before you can even hold up youre little paintbrush in protest.....