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Smeargle with sub troubles

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Well-Known Member
I hope this is the right place, so here it goes.

Ok i have a smeargle and i want it to learn sub but its not copyable is it? or is there any other way to make him learn sub?

If anyone could help me that would be great, thanks.


Feather Trainer
Did you select the pokemon using sub? Is it slower than the user? Did you sketch after the Substitute broke? If you didn't, then try using sketch again, then hope that your foe breaks the substitute(because it will fail if the Substitute's not broken before you used Sketch) after you try using substitute, and getting this message too:

"But(insert pokemon here)already has a Substitute!"

Once the above message appears, then if you tried using Sketch on the turn you got the message, then well done! Smeragle will learn Substitute after it uses Sketch!

EDIT: Next time, ask for game help in the respective FAQ for questions like that rather than a new thread that asks for help that could've been given in your version's respective FAQ thread, ok?
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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
You may want to start with a false swiper when facing the pokemon that only knows substitute and get it down to 1 HP so by the time smeargle faces it it cannot due to lack of HP. Works like a charm as I then bred it onto skitty along with wish, baton pass & toxic.
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