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Mr Kabutops
Just a quick question, because I haven't got a hold of smeargle yet.

Does he use sketch like he does in the original games? I was thinking of getting him to learn something crazy like 3 Swords dances linked and wide slash or something. ;235;


Well-Known Member
Yup, he uses Sketch...But i have never used him so i dont now exactly how it works...

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
yes it dose


Mr Kabutops
Awesome. Now I just have to think of some unstoppable combo with link moves. Does lock-on and sheer cold work the same in this game? ^_^

Oh and how the heck do I get a smeargle?
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Staff member
Super Mod
After you beat story and get Sky Blue Plains from a mission there will be a mission posted on the Bulletin Board, you have to Help Smeargle. After you do he joins your team. he also changes your flag.

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
but it's only at level 5


Staff member
Super Mod
Ya, that could be a problem for you. But since you want these moves you'll have to train it anyway while you're looking for the correct moves ot sketch.


Mr Kabutops
Heh yeah I found hypno's give a ton of EXP for some reason too.


Heart & Soul...
Smeargle? I never got to no smeargle dungeon...and I'm on silver trench!


Well-Known Member
Smeargle? I never got to no smeargle dungeon...and I'm on silver trench!

Firstly you must get the friend are Sky Blue Plains. If you haven't gotten that, then do this mission:

Client: Baltoy
Objective: Escort to Spearow.
Place: Tiny Woods B3F
Difficulty: D
Reward: Friend Area
Wonder Mail:
2 ? 0 N 1 3 + ? ? 3 6 R
M T ? R 8 4 2 0 M X ? W

Then, you should go the board infront of the Pelliper Post Office. There you should see a Smeargle mission. I don't remember the exact name and details, but it basically talk about Smeargle not wanting to grow up or something. Anyway, after that you get a free Smeargle in your team. It can also change the design in the flag. You have to tell him to do it, then you do a random mission or just clear a dungeon. Then the next day you flag's design will change. The flag will change randomly. Eventually your first flag will return if you want it.


Active Member
Which dungeons do those Pokemon appear in? I'm currently trying to find good middle level dungeons to level up in. My starter is around lvl 40 (im up to Buried Relic). Any recommendations?


Mr Kabutops
I've only ever seen castforms out of that list, heh.

Edit: Oh yeah, screw swords dance. Link belly drum and slack off!
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Mr Kabutops
He learns wide slash too. Awesome.