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Active Member
Yah recently( or a few minutes ago) i beated Kyogre and I didnt see a smeargle.Does anyone know when does it appear!?!!?!?

;382; ;235;
The site is wrong-ish, I had the mission before I went to Groundon's dungeon, the only requierment is to have a house (plus first flag) and have Sky Blue Plains.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
omg >.> get rid of everything in your mailbox and do random rescue missions.


Active Member
So like delete all those mail stuff peleper gave oris it the other mail?!?!


Mr Kabutops
Agh you guys are making this sound so confusing.

1) Get the friend area Sky Blue Plains
2) Look at the bulliten board for a job about Smeargle
3) Go get him


I won't give up!
Make sure you have the Friend Area Sky Blue Plains. I just got it a few minutes ago and the Smeargle mission is already on the Bulletin Board.


Well-Known Member
Yes or just wait till it appears as a reward for a random mission


Well-Known Member
That's strange. I got the Smeargle mission right after I remodled my rescue base. Make sure you have the Sky Blue Plains friend area and when you do, do a few random missions.


Well-Known Member
Get the Sky Blue Plains friend area, and go to the Pelliper Post Office.
And if you see "Howling Forest" on the Bulletin Board, accept it,
And you'll go to Howling Forest and rescue Smeargle!


Well-Known Member
I got Smeargle before entering Groudon's cave!

So I have no idea, how you still haven't got it even after battling Kygore?

Serebii, is also wrong on the main site...