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Mr Kabutops
I want to teach my smeagle some badass moves, so he'll be able to topple anything. Does anyone know if any wild pokemon use the following moves?:

Belly Drum
Recover(Or softboiled, slack off)

Obviously i'll be linking belly drum with recover to get a free attack boost, then i'll teach it wide slash or something to deal lots of damage. Spore for any ambushes from monster houses.

Unless someone has some better ideas?


< That's me! Hello!
I want to teach my smeagle some badass moves, so he'll be able to topple anything. Does anyone know if any wild pokemon use the following moves?:

Belly Drum
Recover(Or softboiled, slack off)

Obviously i'll be linking belly drum with recover to get a free attack boost, then i'll teach it wide slash or something to deal lots of damage. Spore for any ambushes from monster houses.

Unless someone has some better ideas?

Belly drum doesn't halve your HP in PMD. Instead, it brings your belly down to one and recover can't help that much in the long run for an empty belly.


Well-Known Member
Get swords dance instead of belly drum. By the way, if belly drum brings your belly down to one, does it still do that if you have the tight belt?


Kyokudo <33
you can get belly drum from poliwags in Northwind Field,you can get spore form parasects at Mt.Faraway and recover from kadabras at Solar Cave if your lucky


< That's me! Hello!
Get swords dance instead of belly drum. By the way, if belly drum brings your belly down to one, does it still do that if you have the tight belt?

I do not know if it brings the belly down if you were a tight belt do to the fact that I have failed to acquire one. I cannot test it to find out.


Mr Kabutops
Thanks everyone for the info. I might give belly drum a miss then, and simply use swords dance. Should be easier to find anyway (I know zangoose love to use it).

Hmm that way I won't even need recover eh? Let's see...

Swords Dance
Swords Dance - Link these three
Wide Slash


Heh... Now I just gotta level my smeargle


Onions? Where??
I personally like disable, because it leaves the foe paralyzed for quite a few turns, I love paralysis in MD because then foes cannot move at all..


Glitch Hunting Freak
Meh attract is better. It last as long as paralisis but they can't throw items or move. they just sit there.

Anyway maybe earthquake instead of wide slash? A doublebuff then BOOM!