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Smight The Ubers!!

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no troll
Yeah. Um... a 1 Uber team is still an Uber team. That means teams with up to 6 Ubers will challenge you. It is never a good idea to have only 1 or 2 Ubers. Most good Uber teams have at least 4 Ubers. Some have only 3, but it's rare. A team of 6 Ubers isn't likely to be a very good team at all though. IF you choose to use a team of 1 or 2 Ubers, you cannot be expected to be taken seriously in the OU metagame either, as with just those two Ubers there, you could quite easily take out a whole (good) team.

If you don't have any Ubers, it is expected that your opponent is complying to the same rules, so that it remains fair. If you are using solely UU pokemon, it is expected of your opponent to do the same - again, so that it remains fair.

This is effectively the tier system everyone uses. (No, I'm not going to classify each and every one of the 200 and something usable pokemon, but I will show you how it breaks up.)

It goes:

High OU
High BL

Low BL
High UU

Btw, BL = BorderLine, NU = Never Used

Those are the 3 basic metagames, and the classes of pokemon that are generally associated with it. As you can see, any pokemon is allowed in Uber. Uber pokemon are banned from OU, but otherwise, anything can participate. In UU play, Ubers, Staples, OUs, and High BLs are all banned. This is to create a balance. Pokemon like Scyther would never survive in the OU metagame, so the UU metagame was created, where many of the weaker pokemon are used and thrive. Just a note here, it is common courtesy to use one NU pokemon for every BL pokemon you use on a a UU team. There is also a seperate, NU metagame, but it's called Never Used for a reason - hardly anyone plays it (that, and it contains some of the worst pokes known to NB).

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
when speak to a lot of trainers thay say things like
its ok to use ubers as long its not more then 2 or 3
the team i use (i know it has ubers) but i wouldent change it to suit other people. anyway this is a sucky topic anyway if game freak know that this pokemon are unfair then thay wouldent have made them in the 1st place and any pokemon is beatable and any team is beatable to all trainers can do is make there team as hard as posible to defeat.

the person that posted this thread was starting a flame war from the start.


no troll
I've got a question for you. Do you play on Netbattle? If you don't that might explain a lot about your dilusions. If you do, well, then the people you were playing are a strange bunch. There is no respectable player out there who will accept an Uber challenge with a normal team with open arms. Not one. Why don't you make a poll in CRMT asking if any of the NBers accept Uber challenges with a normal teams on a regular basis. I can almost guarantee you it will sway toward no, and by a good margin, for good reason.

Ubers are more powerful than other pokemon, sheerly because of an advantage in base stats. Some of the more powerful Ubers have an advantage of at least 70 or 80 points worth in base stats, and at Lv.100 that's 140 or 160 in actual stat points. There are maybe 30 pokemon usable in Uber play. That's not a very diverse metagame. According to your philosophy, these 30 pokemon should be the only ones ever used?

There are perhaps 60-70 pokemon that are actually usable in OU play. This metagame is slightly more diverse. If you include certain (somewhat usable) UUs, this number rises to near 100. The rest are all UU, which is the most diverse metagame of all (and this is without underevolved pokemon being used). Now, if Ubers were allowed - Period. The end - then neither of these metagames would exist and pokemon would be extinct, as it would be so unbelievably boring. You see, there are several reasons why Ubers have their own metagame, and the other pokemon are used seperately.

There is no pokemon that is unbeatable. That is true. However, did you ever stop to consider why the tier system exists? In a way, it's to determine whether a matchup is fair or not. And Uber can easily beat an Uber, but something like a Swellow would never stand a chance. That's why there are different styles of play, so that an overly strong pokemon isn't used against some UU one.


insert custom title
Good point leafgreen386.

I believe ubers are best left for the uber metagame. OU's for the OU metagame. Lower BL/UU/NU for the UU Metagame.


Jade Star Trainer
this is kind of off topic but since we are talking about wobuffet nad other uubers, what is the best nature 4 wobuffet?


no troll
Any +Def or +SDef nature that doesn't decrease the other defensive stat will work, although Bold/Impish is preferred. For EVs, train in the defenses, rather than HP. It is a common misconception to train in HP first. The closer your HP and the defensive stat are to each other, the less % damage you will receive. Wobbuffet already has monster HP. It doesn't need more.

Poke Freak

leafgreen386 said:
Any +Def or +SDef nature that doesn't decrease the other defensive stat will work, although Bold/Impish is preferred. For EVs, train in the defenses, rather than HP. It is a common misconception to train in HP first. The closer your HP and the defensive stat are to each other, the less % damage you will receive. Wobbuffet already has monster HP. It doesn't need more.

Now I'm no expert when it comes to training pokemon and having the right nature and EVs, but wouldn't training the defence be a worse than EV training HP because higher defence would decrease the damage to Wobby, and the less damage to Wobby = the less damage Wobby does to the opponent?


no troll
It's still almost guaranteed to OHKO back anyway. Wobbuffet has 416 HP without any EVs. If you take out even half of that, most pokemon will die instantly. It needs to be able to survive to Encore, etc and to do that it needs boosted defenses.


Poke Freak said:
Now I'm no expert when it comes to training pokemon and having the right nature and EVs, but wouldn't training the defence be a worse than EV training HP because higher defence would decrease the damage to Wobby, and the less damage to Wobby = the less damage Wobby does to the opponent?
Would you rather increase its attack?


Volcano Trainer OSHI
The only real killers are Wobbuffet, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, and Kyogre. All the others can be
killed easily through weakness.(Tropius versus Groudon)


no troll

Any one of the Ubers will be broken in normal play, so please explain your reasoning. Most OU teams don't have pokes that can take out an Uber, and for those that have the poke, they most probably won't have the set. For example, Skarmory can be used to take on SDGroudon, but it needs Counter, which is just plain stupid in OU.

Btw, what's your NB name?


JimBob said:
Would you rather increase its attack?

What for? Unless you think that counter/mirror coat relies on the attack power of the move used against it? like if kyogre used hydro pump, wobbuffet would hit with a move that has a 120 base power special attack?
I think that if wobbuffet gets hit 10hp, counter/mirror coat hits 20hp on the opponent.


I don't beleive in the "classifications" of pokemon (UU,NU,BL, etc.)
Because pokemon wasn't meant to "classified" like this. I refuse to fall into this state of mind.

Anyway, I never use "ubers11111" since they just are too powerful, unless someone that is truly retarded is using them.
I used to use them, but I got out of it since I scared my friends away ;.;
I use Wobbuffet, but then again I don't consider it to be "uber11111"


no troll
ShadowAlakazam said:
What for? Unless you think that counter/mirror coat relies on the attack power of the move used against it? like if kyogre used hydro pump, wobbuffet would hit with a move that has a 120 base power special attack?
I think that if wobbuffet gets hit 10hp, counter/mirror coat hits 20hp on the opponent.
Hi. You might want to learn what a little word "sarcasm" means.

Because pokemon wasn't meant to "classified" like this. I refuse to fall into this state of mind.
Whether it was meant to or not, it has been, so deal with it. You cannot deny that certain pokes are better than others.


We should get rid of the ubers by beating them-that'll discourage uber users from using uber pokemon. At the same time, we should PREVENT future uber users-by avoiding using ubers on noobs.

Personally, I think using Ubers against Noobs is just downright VILE-it'll encorage them to make stupid moves in the team building slot and go from Noob to Uber-Using Noob.

Also, has anyone considered making an anti-noobal team? Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Lugia and Ho-Oh are the main problems, so here are some possible results-

Raichu: Destroys Lugia & Ho-Oh, and also destroys Moltres and Articuno.
Glalie: The Ice type that will defeat Rayquaza.
Umbreon: For Lugia, Mewtwo, Mew and Deoxys.
Milotic: Destroys Regirock
Flareon: Destroys Regice and Registeel, maybe Jirachi.
Slaking: A pretty good tank.


I think people should stop taking a video game so seriously... but that's just me.

If you don't like "ubers" then don't use them, but don't go insulting people and calling them names because they use "ubers" because that is incredibly childish and "n00bish" (I hate that term)

If you don’t like ubers then don’t fight people who use ubers, but you’ll be the one who get’s called a chicken for turning down a fight.

I think it’s okay to use rare pokemon, it’s fun! And is incredibly insulting to the designer who made throes pokemon to have them shunned by a bunch of whiney babies preaching “ZOMG THE UBERZ R TOO POWAHFUL LOL!1”
who know nothing and take things too seriously.

Besides isn’t it so much nicer knowing you destroyed someone who has a team with 3 or 4 ubers in them? It’s not easy but if you have a strong team with well-balanced attacks it can be easy.

Personally I think charizard/blastoise/venosaur are cheap because they are rare and powerful, yet everyone uses them (by everyone I mean a large percentage)

I also think poison, paralysing and sleeping techniques are cheap, and using super potions in fights is cheap.
But like it or not it’s part of the game, and a person who is truly good at the game will adapt their style and over come these problems.

Enough said, thanks for reading!

This rant was brought to you by the P.W.N.T.LU Corporation.


Obiwan Shinobi

Gamesfreak13562 said:
Raichu: Destroys Lugia & Ho-Oh, and also destroys Moltres and Articuno.
Glalie: The Ice type that will defeat Rayquaza.
Umbreon: For Lugia, Mewtwo, Mew and Deoxys.
Milotic: Destroys Regirock
Flareon: Destroys Regice and Registeel, maybe Jirachi.
Slaking: A pretty good tank.

Jinrachi isn't uber due to it's limited movepool. and the Regi/Birds/Dogs stats are too low to be considered uber. Celebi isnt uber because of 7 weaknesses.

Lo. Raichu has a bsae of 55 defence, Ho-Oh has 130 attack, Earthquake = gg Raichu. Lugia is a tank, 154 base Sp. Def is going to eat a Thunderbolt and Earthquake it into an oblivion.

Rayquaza is faster than Glalie. and a choice band Rock Slide hurts off a 150 base Attack.

Umberon doesnt even attack, it baton passes mean looks, and Superpower = gg.


The only "uber" I use in my team against other people is Blissey. And usually my other Pokémon take down the opposing team before I even get a chance to bring her out.

Pokémon is meant to be fun and it is also meant to allow people to think up ways of beating their opponents.

Personally, I think people that are too scared to fight a team with a Wobba, Blissey or any of the legendaries doesn't deserve to be called a trainer. But then again, that's just me.

No Pokémon are better than the others. It is only a matter of what moves you use, how you used them and how you trained your team.


Feather Trainer
Illumise said:
The only "uber" I use in my team against other people is Blissey. And usually my other Pokémon take down the opposing team before I even get a chance to bring her out.

Pokémon is meant to be fun and it is also meant to allow people to think up ways of beating their opponents.

Personally, I think people that are too scared to fight a team with a Wobba, Blissey or any of the legendaries doesn't deserve to be called a trainer. But then again, that's just me.

No Pokémon are better than the others. It is only a matter of what moves you use, how you used them and how you trained your team.

Wait a second-- Blissey isn't uber...

Anyway, I hate ubers-- however, I still use them, but only when another trainer uses one of those pokemon, and only then will I respond by using an uber, and when that uber goes down, and I find that he doesn't have any more of those ubers, and thus sends out a non-uber pokemon, then I get my uber out of there, and send out one of my non-ubers(However, if my Uber's the last pokemon, meaning my uber's the only one remaining, then it can't be helped--I send my uber out anyway to show that I'm not a coward)... But even then, I know that ubers shouldn't be used in battle in the first place-- Why? Because they possess traits that make them above every other pokemon, so take them out w/ the Uber clause, and you got a good number of non-ubers that are saved from getting creamed by Uber teams, thanks to the Uber clause...
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Evanji Axu

Disclaimer: I have never been in NetBattle. Chances are it's gonna stay that way. Dammit.

It IS a game. Shigeru-san meant us to play Pokemon to have fun, not to go crazy trying to find the "perfect" team. Ubers are meant to fight ubers. Underused are meant to fight other underused.


The girl near Mount Chimney said it well. "If you have the most fun, you win!"

*dons flameproof clothing*
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