Okay all about the ubers has confused me. Dragonite is an uber or not.
leafgreen386 said:OK. Can anyone here who does not understand why Ubers are banned just SHUT UP?
Ubers are disallowed from normal play by most competitive battlers for a reason. They have insanely high base stat totals, with the movepools, typing, and abilities to back them up. Uber vs. Uber is considered fair because both players are using the same superstrong pokemon.
Wobbuffet is the only Uber with a low base stat total (490), but its placement of base stats, trait, and its small but ingenious movepool are what make it Uber. Plus, if two Wobbuffet switch in on the same turn, and both are holding Leftovers (which is likely), the battle will never end because they'll recover more from Leftovers than Struggle will deal. If that's not enough reason to ban it from any form of play I don't know what is.
For those of you who think they are fair against normal pokemon because they are in the game, consider this: Pokemon is an unbalanced game. We humans have to implement rules to keep it balanced. These include Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, Hax clause (no hax items or purely hax moves ie. Quick Claw/Horn Drill), and yes, the Uber clause. Unless both players can use Ubers, it becomes an extremely one sided fight.
There is a whole other metagame for Ubers, just as there is one for OU, where OU pokemon and anything below them are allowed. But then, there's one for UU as well, because most of them get overpowered by the OU pokemon. In UU play, both OUs and Ubers are banned. As you can see, this forms a sort of heirarchy, and so the tier listings comes in to play.
There are only a handful of non-Uber pokemon who can stand up to Ubers, which include Ninjask (sets up Subs, Sword Dances when given the chance, and once it's activated its Liechi berry, can BP off to a Groudon for an easy sweep - can also BP to other physical attackers or even a special attacker like Kyorge if need be, as additonal speed is never a bad thing, just watch for Lugia switch ins, as if they Whirlwind you away your pass is ruined), Shedinja (because there are many pokemon who's standards can't even touch it unless they are carrying HPark ie. Kyorge, Lati@s, CMMewtwo, CMMew - note: Mew and Mewtwo can both be very diverse, so there's no guarantee you're fighting a CM Mew/two until you see them use the move), Blissey (it also does a good job of walling the special attackers in the Uber metagame with a CMing set, and T-Wave can really mess up some Ubers such as Deoxys-F which rely on their Speed to win), Metagross (typically carries Pursuit for Deoxys-F and Shedinja, which can both really screw you up if you mispredict against the Deoxys-F or you don't want to take up a slot for HPark on your CMer - Meteor Mash can put a good dent in some Ubers, and Explosion always hurts), Jirachi (can switch in on Deoxys-F's Extremespeeds, CM, set up a Sub and sweep basically), Tyranitar (it can actually DD in Uber w/o getting killed), Exeggutor (this plus Drought equals pwnage, just be sure to kill Kyorge first), Celebi (with Sub/CM/BP/Giga Drain it can make a nice passer, the problem is getting it in safely with so many weaknesses, and so many strong pokes in the Uber metagame), Armaldo (makes a nice Ninjask counter with Rock blast, and HP:Bug can hit a lot of Psychics hard on the switch - Knock Off is also cool for messing with your opponents, although Armaldo won't last long in Uber, with meh SDef and being vurnerable to at least one attack carried by every physical sweeper in the Uber metagame), and Registeel (with its high defenses and Steel typing it can actually take a hit - uses a Cursing set so that it can actually deal damage).
Those are the only non-Ubers who can stand up to Ubers. Still think it's fair? How many pokemon was that? Ten? Yep. Ten. Compared to... how many other non-Ubers are there? Well, provided I didn't mess up, I counted 207 fully evolved non-Ubers. You do the math. If you just use your favorites (like I'm guesing you do if you don't care about Ubers), then the odds are against you. Even if you do use these pokemon, there's no guarantee you'll win. In fact, you won't win if your opponent is smart.
If you want to experience why Ubers are banned firsthand, download Netbattle and head on over to the Battle Mountain server using only non-Uber pokemon, and ask for a battle against Ubers. You will be owned. For the most part, only the experts frequent that server, so you'll be guaranteed to battle someone competant, and doesn't use something like Eruption Groudon (there are many n00bs on NB who use Ubers just because they're powerful, but don't have any idea what kind of moveset makes them effective). Just be warned, you can't enter that server if you have Quick Claw, Scope Lens, Brightpowder, Lax Incense, or Focus Band equiped on any of your pokemon, and you also can't enter if any of your pokemon know Double Team or a OHKO move (ie.Sheer Cold/Fissure). I'm not sure if other hax moves such as Minimize have been banned there or not, but it'd be safe to assume they are.
Well now... this is a new standpoint. Ubers ARE NOT, I repeat, ARE NOT stupid or n00bish. Only when used in a metagame not their own. Ubers are perfectly allowed in the Uber metagame, there'd be something wrong there if they weren't, but they are just too powerful for anything else. An Uber could take down 3 OUs if played properly before dying. HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THAT FAIR?!?!
Shut up.
If you hadn't noticed, unevolved pokemon weren't on that list. No one uses unevolved pokes in a competitive match (well, except for the ones who are different than their evolved forms ie. Scyther, Pikachu, etc.)
That list was decided on Smogon. gregjammer had no part in making it. And just because it can fight Blaziken doesn't mean anything. It's one pokemon. In fact, if the Blaziken is equiped with Thunderpunch, it can't even do that. Plus, what good is having a "double weakness" do anyway? Pelliper's Atk sucks Just because you have a certain type, doesn't mean you have to teach the pokemon that type of attack. And even if both of Pelliper's types are SE against Blaziken's, even if it had as good of an Atk as it did SAtk, you wouldn't gain the quadruple damage bonus. They're seperate attacks. Your comment was effectivley pointless. Learn something about competitive battling, then you can pass judgement on the tier list.
Alejandro said:Your answer doesn`t have any sense. Tyranitars conbined Stats are higher than the combined stats of Articuno, Moltres or Zapdos. And it isn`t an uber. The ubers aren`t really as powerful and unbeatable as you say. One of my friends has a Kyogre that I couldn`t never beat and with one single Lanturn I managed to beat his Kyogre (Kyogre`s conbinated stats are 670 and Lanturn`s conbinated stats are 460). So I think that anyone that can`t beat an uber pokemon with one single pokemon doesn`t know enough from pokemon games.
And if you don`t like uber pokemon`s because they are too strong, why you don`t also use them. You are only jealous, because you always lose.
If you say to me only one uber pokemon and I can`t say a pokemon that can`t beat it I will jump from a bridge.