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Do you think like me that they should've included a bit more of team snag'em? i mean all they did was steal the machine, u get it back, and when wakin puts the guards to sleep. Snag'em was an important part in colloseum and i think they should've put more snagem in XD.


Well-Known Member
Pokemaníaco Desesperado said:
Just a little more. When they said that they wanted to take revenge, they should have done that (e.g. a little scene after beating Gorigan).

But wasn't there some dialogue from the Snagem boss saying he's now a rival of Michael? I'm not sure, I don't have the game yet. Besides, I'm sure if he wanted revenge, he'd do it against Wes and not Michael, he doesn't know what Michael's really doing.

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
Former Absolkid said:
But wasn't there some dialogue from the Snagem boss saying he's now a rival of Michael? I'm not sure, I don't have the game yet. Besides, I'm sure if he wanted revenge, he'd do it against Wes and not Michael, he doesn't know what Michael's really doing.
What Gonzap wanted was revenge against Cipher for abandoning them, I forgot to say that part.


[SPOIL]You will encounter Team Snagem' again at the orre Collosseum, now that Gonzap is Orre Collosseum quality I would not be complaining, hehe.[/SPOIL]


Yeah I think Team Snagem could have been included a little bit more. They were a huge part of Colusseum, being almost the sole reason that the game had a plot. It was the whole explanation behing Shadow Pokemon, the Snag Machine, and the main characters. I also thought Gonzap had the coolest hair in the world, (or lack of hair), and it's too bad he doesn't have a role in XD.


true love
Personally, I'm still mad at some of the Team Snagem for stealing the snag machine.. even if I've been playing for 100+ hours. ;p But Gonzap's cool..

Overall, I'm neutral on the lack of appearance of Team Snagem.. like any way would be good, though I do sympathize with them.
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