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SNES Classics Hints & Tips: Super Mario World

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Well-Known Member
The fastest way to get to Bowser's Castle...

Start by heading to Yoshi's Island 2.
Then when you get to Donut Plains 1, get a feather and ride Yoshi to the top.
And get the key. Find another Key in Donut Secret 1, and it'll take you to the Donut Secret Ghost House.
Get to the big room and use the P-Switch.
Get the vine above the center door and head to the blue door above quickly!
And it'll take you to the Big Boo.
Defeat the Big Boo and you'll get to the Star World.
Get the keys in Star World 1 thru 4 and get to the southeast Star Road and you're there at Bowser's Castle.

Anything else you want to say?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Has anybody not known this for the past 15 years?
Has anybody not known this for the past 15 years?

Anybody whos young enought that "Super Mario World" is that game on the Gameboy Advanced, not the Super Nintendo


Well-Known Member
Super Mario World started on the Super Nintendo. then it was made on the Game Boy Advance. It's the same game.
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