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~So evil, you'll quack, er, scream...Halloween special~


Leave my posts alone
Wow. I really like it.

My only complaint it that the "Genius" part of its name is kinda hidden behind the hair of Psyduck.

And yes, you have a bad sense of humour :p (Lol! Device for all humans to quack like duck! Love it!)


Dazzled By The Roses
wakakaka.....psyduck was never cool until now..i really luv it..especially fowl play. i really lov to see my opponent quack like a duck. i giv it a Quack/10


Well-Known Member
cool... maybe should make more cards for more events such as christmas jynx for christmas. my rating: 9/10

the legend master

Well-Known Member

stupid 10 character limit.


Furret rocks
That was rather humourous, I think. Though, it's difficult to read the name, so 9/10


Oh noes, toast =O
Hahahaha, oh God that's amazing, I love the poke power, and the art work. This is probably the only thing on SPPF that's made me laugh so much.

Kudos to you good sir.