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So I guess this is a guide about how to EV your pokemon

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Translation: I do not understand, more explaination please.



Arriving glacially.
OK, does any one think they could sorta tutor me on how to become a good competitive battler? I think I know an adequate amount on battling, but when it comes to EVs and exact stats, I get confused quite easily. So, mainly, I really need help with EVs, but if anyone could help me with overall competitive battling, I would be grateful for that too.


i guess you should mention that 16 evs in one point except speed is really useless


ps i didnt read this guide i didnt even click on page 1

Pokemon trainer Jeremy

<I will find you!
Hi i have a quick question...

If I have a Treeco who has pokerus, and macho brace, and i want him to have 252 special attack, and i already gave him 100 with calciums, so theres 152 left, does the macho brace half that to 76 then the pokerus half that to 38...is that how it works? please reply ASAP!!!

and how long does pokerus last?


prophecy fulfilled
yes with macho brace and pokerus it would make it seem as though you only need 38evs because;

say you beat a spinda with no macho brace or pokerus

you get 1 SAtk ev

with macho brace

you get 2 SAtk evs from one spinda

with pokerus AND macho brace

you get 4 Satk evs from one spinda.

and pokerus can last anywhere from one day to 4 days iirc, if you want to keep it, just infect a pokemon by leaving it in your party, and then stick it in your box, in the boxes the pokemon will never lose pokerus. it will lose it when taken out and left in your party for a day or two though


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the guide, but how do you know when you have gone past the limit of an Attack Ev? If that makes any sense.

Edit by Willowwhisp: Even though this post has bumped an Old Thread, the Thread itself is Stickied so posting questions even if the Thread has been inactive for a long period of time is okay. Figured I should post this before someone tries to mini-mod. Also means you guys can feel free to reply an answer to his question...
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