"A Gengar came to me in my sleep. 'What Pokemon do you want to be and who do you want your partner to be?' he asked. 'I WANNA BE A GROUDON! AND MY PARTNER SHOULD BE A SHINY RAYQUAZA!' I replied. So I was sent to the MD world and I was a Groudon and I met my partner. She was rich and had 99 of every item. We were going to save the world."
I am not joking when I say that I actually saw a fic that started off just like this. Yes, a human kid chose to turn into whatever Pokémon he wanted and to have whatever partner he wanted. So he chose an 00ber strong Legendary.
A perfect example of abusing this lovely fic universe.
So far I haven't seen all too many Mystery Dungeon fics. I've seen a few n00b ones that were quickly closed, but a few decent One-Shots that zomg didn't completely focus on a human-turned-Pokémon have also caught my eye.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with MD fics, even ones focusing on the hero from the games. Granted, like a Journey fic with no real plot, sometimes you just might as well play the games instead of reading a fic where the only difference is the main character, but the univserse is so...huge, so diverse, so fun to play around with, that just following the game's plot, despite it being interesting in itself, could be...more.
Truth be told, awhile ago I was considering making an MD parody. Just to make fun of the plot and all the fics that follow it. I was bored of seeing a lack of interesting or original Mystery Dungeon fics or even comics and the idea came to me while I was brushing my teeth.
But I didn't have the game and knew nothing about it, so I knew that writing about it would be a bit hard.
So I got my hands on the game through *coughs* rather illegal means, and am currently playing through it to see what the whole thing was about.
And now I have this wonderful little idea brewing for a One-Shot. There is only a breif mention of that human-Pokémon hero from the games, but things get cooky and the most dysfunctional Rescue Team ever is born. Totally unorthodox.
Of course, knowing me I won't have it written for another year, and by then somebody will probably get a similar idea.
Or just steal the whole 'dysfunctional Rescue Team' thing from me. Which is BOUND to happen, I just know it.
And one last note: if Pokémon lived off on their own without humans, no way would they, their society or anything about their world be like that of humans. The fish in our seas have no human interaction, but you don't see them doing human stuff.
...unless all the animals hidden from view are all planning a conspiracy! Yes, to enslave us and make us work in cheese mines!
Yeah, um, not gonna happen. Animals will be animals and Pokémon will be Pokémon.
EDIT: zomg I moved up to some rank whose name I don't know. :3