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So... Mystery Dungeon fics...

Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
For being out for a while, there haven't been many of them, have there? I know Ishafan has his Displacement and Pink Parka Girl did an interesting one shot about the low level missions in a high ranked team world, but that's about it...

What I'm wondering is your thoughts on the subject.

I've never actually played the games - though it is on my Christmas list... - but I've had an idea. Its sort of a thing were a character tries to make the attack of all types - a chain move, and ends up dying when trying to show it off to the mayor of the capital city of Dun - that's what I call the MD world.


Lost but Seeking
There haven't been terribly many here, surprisingly enough, but they're somewhat like a plague elsewhere on the Intarwebz.

I don't see any problem with them, provided that they're not simply retellings of the main storyline, just with whatever characters the author got in their game inserted as the main ones (why are there so many of those?!). However, a couple of problems with your idea: namely, pokemon can still only learn four attacks, so even with chaining there would be no conceivable way to combine all seventeen types, and you'd have to work hard to pull off a convincing, new large pokemon city, given that the only remotely settled place on the entire world map is pokemon square, which is pretty tiny, really.


The Mystery Dungeon games does offer alot of ideas for potential plot lines...

But unfortunately, people just want to write about human characters. Even if they do want to portray pokémon as characters, there's some unwritten rule that they must behave exactly like their real-life counterparts. If this pokémon does have human qualities, it's automatically labeled as a human inside a pokémon skin, or even worse, an anthro...

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
If this pokémon does have human qualities, it's automatically labeled as a human inside a pokémon skin, or even worse, an anthro...

Actually I don't do that. Just when it looses it's animal nature, instincts, and becomes completely human like. I mean I can understand them thinking and all that- but Ash's pikachu is smarter than wild pikachu's I bet, because it's been around him so long. Shocking I know.

To get back on topic, the reason why there's so few MD fics is because not many people got PMD here, unless who posts here did, and the other is what few are posted, are by noobs. So maybe because of the noobs, people got afraid to post.

Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
But wouldn't a world without humans, with just pokemon, have pokemon act like humans?

PDL said:
If this pokémon does have human qualities, it's automatically labeled as a human inside a pokémon skin, or even worse, an anthro...

Well, that is what happens in the games... a human gets stuck in the skin of a pokemon...


Lost but Seeking
But wouldn't a world without humans, with just pokemon, have pokemon act like humans?
No. If there were no humans in this world, wouldn't animals still act like animals and not like humans?

Edit: And in fact, without humans around, I daresay pokemon would be even less like us than they are now. I can understand aspects of human personality rubbing off on trained or domesticated pokemon, for example, and the expansion of human civilization would require some changes in behavior for wild pokemon, too, but if there were no humans, where would they acquire stuff like human mannerisms, morals, and so forth?
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Really and truly
"A Gengar came to me in my sleep. 'What Pokemon do you want to be and who do you want your partner to be?' he asked. 'I WANNA BE A GROUDON! AND MY PARTNER SHOULD BE A SHINY RAYQUAZA!' I replied. So I was sent to the MD world and I was a Groudon and I met my partner. She was rich and had 99 of every item. We were going to save the world."

I am not joking when I say that I actually saw a fic that started off just like this. Yes, a human kid chose to turn into whatever Pokémon he wanted and to have whatever partner he wanted. So he chose an 00ber strong Legendary.
A perfect example of abusing this lovely fic universe.

So far I haven't seen all too many Mystery Dungeon fics. I've seen a few n00b ones that were quickly closed, but a few decent One-Shots that zomg didn't completely focus on a human-turned-Pokémon have also caught my eye.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with MD fics, even ones focusing on the hero from the games. Granted, like a Journey fic with no real plot, sometimes you just might as well play the games instead of reading a fic where the only difference is the main character, but the univserse is so...huge, so diverse, so fun to play around with, that just following the game's plot, despite it being interesting in itself, could be...more.

Truth be told, awhile ago I was considering making an MD parody. Just to make fun of the plot and all the fics that follow it. I was bored of seeing a lack of interesting or original Mystery Dungeon fics or even comics and the idea came to me while I was brushing my teeth.
But I didn't have the game and knew nothing about it, so I knew that writing about it would be a bit hard.

So I got my hands on the game through *coughs* rather illegal means, and am currently playing through it to see what the whole thing was about.

And now I have this wonderful little idea brewing for a One-Shot. There is only a breif mention of that human-Pokémon hero from the games, but things get cooky and the most dysfunctional Rescue Team ever is born. Totally unorthodox.

Of course, knowing me I won't have it written for another year, and by then somebody will probably get a similar idea.
Or just steal the whole 'dysfunctional Rescue Team' thing from me. Which is BOUND to happen, I just know it.

And one last note: if Pokémon lived off on their own without humans, no way would they, their society or anything about their world be like that of humans. The fish in our seas have no human interaction, but you don't see them doing human stuff.

...unless all the animals hidden from view are all planning a conspiracy! Yes, to enslave us and make us work in cheese mines!

Yeah, um, not gonna happen. Animals will be animals and Pokémon will be Pokémon.

EDIT: zomg I moved up to some rank whose name I don't know. :3


Well-Known Member
For Displacement, I used the PMD premise and as little else regarding the game as I possibly could aside from the essentials (Pokémon-only world, rescue teams, humans showing up out of the blue, etc.). I've never actually played the game; my research consisted mostly of visits to Wikipedia and GameFAQs. ^^; Really, it would probably have been hard to keep the plot original if I followed the game's setting too much.

The further into writing Displacement I've gotten, the further from the games I've been able to get, and that's something I'm very happy about. My take on it is similar to what Arcanine Royal pointed out. For Displacement, one of the main characters makes the distinction between transformation into a Pokémon and being given the form of a Pokémon--that distinction is reiterated in the chapter I'm still writing in bits and pieces in my spare time. -_- The game, so far as I know, makes no such distinction.

For example, I've watched gameplay videos of the opening, and I found it really silly that a human would wake up in a Pokémon form and somehow instantly know how to do all these Pokémon-ish things such as elemental-based attacks, even if this human came from the "Pokémon trainer" world (some of Chun Soft's literature on PMD calls the game's protagonist "a young trainer," so this assumption is a good one). That'd be like an animal taking the form of a human over 16 and instantly knowing how to drive a car. I guess there could be some contrived explanation about how the brain was re-wired for the Pokémon physiology, but all you'd do there is skip over a bunch of potentially more interesting writing. :)


An Ode to the Fallen
I have attempted a fic somewhat like the storyline for MD (I only used the whole no humans and rescue teams parts). I failed pretty bad and I cancelled it.

Personally, I like the fics that are based more around Pokemon, than humans. The fics with humans are almost always about either a new trainer with a Pokemon on another journey to become some kind of master, Ash on another adventure to do more stuff involving getting higher up in the ranks, or (god forbid) another Ash and Misty romance fic! The Ash and Misty romance fics are way too overrated and overused! They like each other and they wont get anymore serious than they are now! To save my life, I just never read them.

I would love to do something in the MD catigory, but I messed up once and I feel like if I attempt to make another fic with the MD plot again, I'll fail even worse.....so I'm sticking to mine....course mine sux pretty bad too.....

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ooo, what's cooking?
I would like a Fanfic were there r no humans transforming into pokemon involved, but where pokemon act like humans, but so it doesn't delve TOO deep into that style so it don look at all like that stupid thing , digimon, Bleack
if someone can make a fic like that I'd read it...
Displacement is a great fic, even if the human transformation is used, it's the way it's don is so good. I wonder who the amaker is in real life, a profesiocla author perhapss?