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So There Won't be a Smash Bros. Brawl Section on the Site?

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
I've been wondering about this. Since there's are SSB and SSBM sections on the site, and Serebii was even covering some of the info prior to SSBM release, it seems weird that SSBB doesn't have a section.

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
it not purly a pokemon game and that was a long time ago
There're more important things at the moment like these two new Pokémon games called Diamond and Pearl. A game that only cameo's Pokémon largely takes a back seat in comparison to that kind of thing. :\



Well-Known Member
it will probably be up when the game comes out and the d/p hype settles down


Well-Known Member
If there is no specific SSB or SSBM section then there will be no specific SSBB section.

Wait, are you taling about the site or the forums? If just the site then more than likely it will happen when the DP hype goes down or when someone gives Serebii information translated so that he can put on the site.