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So...what happened to Gary?


Yeah, ok!
Is anyone else starting to think that Gary won't be showing up in Shinou, or at least, not for the entire beginning?

The new opening shows a ton of minor characters, such as Hikari's mother, the new Professor, Joy/Jenny, Tracey/Oak/Delia, and even the Contest judges. If they showed all them in the opening, why didn't Gary get an image?

It really makes me think he's not going to play as big a role as we thought, because they wouldn't feature such extremely minor characters in the opening and not showcase Gary.

The opening also makes it quite clear that Shinji is Ash's main rival this saga, which further puts me at a loss.

So, what exactly was the point of bringing Gary back for two episodes and giving him new clothes? Do you think he's going to actually show up in D/P or what?

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
Hmmm... is whoever translated that stuff about him becoming a trainer again and heading to Shinou completely sure?

If so, the most I expect out of him is participation in the league, maybe a few appearances beforehand. It's Johto all over again. >> Pity, Gary's presence hasn't been felt since Kanto.
Of course he's going to be in Shinou we're only 5 episodes into it, give it some time.

Shigeru has been stalking Satoshi since he arrived in Shinou. I saw his shadow in a bush in Episode 4.


SoulSilver ftw!
He is working with his dad to become a Pokemon Researcher he might appear in sme episodes investigating some Shinou Pokemon
It's too early for Gary to be seen. I'm betting that Gary and maybe, if possible, Misty will show up (Misty for a cameo) in the middle of the season. And by then, maybe a new opening will feature Gary. I guess the writers want to focus on bringing in the new stuff first before bringing anything "old" back. So yeah, I think that Gary could come show up...just not now, I mean we didn't even see Hikari's rival yet so give it some time.


Hmmm... is whoever translated that stuff about him becoming a trainer again and heading to Shinou completely sure?

He is going to Shinou, but I don't know about the "becoming a trainer again" part. I need to watch AG191 again...

But I would laugh if Shigeru DOES decide to become a trainer upon beating Satoshi, after he became a researcher when Satoshi beat him. XD

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
Shigeru has no dad. Like Satoshi, he was born from a magical egg that appeared out of nowhere.
Ash has a mom however, who was impregnated by a Gardevoir, which was kidnapped by Scientologists. I found it on Pokesho everybody. They're making this into a story arc in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
i think we just have to wait and see if he realy going to appear or not

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Are there any pictures of the old Gary and the Gary who recently appeared in the final AG episode to make any comparisons besides looks?


Well-Known Member
Are there any pictures of the old Gary and the Gary who recently appeared in the final AG episode to make any comparisons besides looks?

I'm sure there's episode pictures on the main site, so go have a look there...