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So, what kind of character will you be creating!?


Well-Known Member
Now that we know that you can create and design your own character on PBR, have you got any ideas on what to make?

It would be good if you could make several as I think it would be a blast recreating characters from the handheld games. Anyway, I think I'll create the character I always imagine myself in a pokemon game to be. Similar to the one in my trainer card below but much better.

But I want to hear about what you guys will be making!


Blue jeans, Green shirt, Blue eyes, scruffy Brown hair, tall.

Yeah. That about sums it up. Even though my favourite colour is red, my character wears green.

Besides, red is too cliché. Every character in Pokemon seems to wear some variation of red, on some part of their body.


Munna King
If there are leather jackets, then....
Black leather jacket
khaki(sp?) pants
blue tank top
Black spiky hair

Oris Phoenix is his name, and the Phoenix will Rise! (who the hell am i talking to?)


Lurker Extreme
Tall, black spiky hair, black t-shirt, khaki short-sleeved jacket, black jeans. That's what I'm wearing now >_>

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
I'd like to recreate the character sprite of myself in my sig, that's assuming that they let you alter the skin tone.

I may also add more to him, like headgear and a backpack.


Someone that looks like Shinji Ikari, I guess.


The Psychic Savior
i doubt there will be much depth in the character creation mode. while im 75% sure that im right, i hope it has as much depth as the Mii creation system.

but changing skin tone??? why do i feel that may be unlikely.


Brown shaggy hair, grey sweatshirt, dark green baggy cargo pants, skate shoes.

Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
but changing skin tone??? why do i feel that may be unlikely.
Yeah. Something deep inside is telling me that it will not be implemented.

But I'm holding on a kind of hope that it is present.


Well-Known Member
Looks better then the Mii to Mii. Anyways, they better allow you to change skin tone. Everyone in Pokemon is too white

Hope you can also alter hight and weight. Maybe even choose a base sprite for your age like 8-10, 10-13, 13-15, 15-17, 18+
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Dratini 79

Well-Known Member
Bright red shirt under a denim jacket, khaki shorts, black, messy hair, and glasses if possible. (although I think they will be left out, too)


DefinetI'm so happy! I hated looking at those horrible Pokemon Colloseum and XD Trainers! I think I'll create one that has Brown Shaggy Hair, A Plain Blue T-Shirt, Black Shorts, and an Orange Backpack!

haha...you know...If they had girl sprites, I'd make mine have Pigtails


Well-Known Member
They have girl sprites. Remember that trainer in one of the videos

'Cause they are Japanese =P The game is mainly aimed to the Japanese audience, so skin change is the less likely thing to happen.
There are a lot of games made in Japan, and this game is aimed to everyone, not just Japan
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it shone! ^_^
I'll try to make a girl that looks like me. ^_^

And for a male character, I'll design him after one of my favourite Anime characters (probably one of the boys in my signature picture).


either me, if more then 1 ill remake the old trainers.

or a realy hot looking girl

EDIT: i also try kid goku or 11 year old ss2 gohan lol

SS3 Gt kid Goku FTW!
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looks like game freak hasnt been doing nothing i am going to go with my fav colors red & black and maybe some white gloves