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so what's the point of doom seeds?


I can and I never paid.
(BTW read the sig rules because your sig is stacked and the pics are too big and you didn't give credit to creativeworlds :()


World domination!
I found some In purity forest when chased by 5 beedril with a pierce orb it decreased all of their levels!


Gust of Wind
doom seed sounds creepy


Tails the Bouyzel
If you lower your lrvel it only takes 1 exp is level up again. It makes a creepy laugh when you eat or get thrown a doom seed...
I've seen some in Purity Forest.Doom seed aka Unfortunate seed lowers your level by one. Its actually very helpful outside of a dungeon. Let's say you're a Torchic at level 34.When you go to level 35 you evolve into a combusken using the cave.At level 36, you then evolve into a Blaziken by going to the cave again.But WAIT!You didn't learn Blaze Kick because Combusken levelled to level 36 not Blaziken.So what you do is eat a Doom seed as a Blaziken and it lowers you to level 35.Then you get to level 36 and you learn Blaze Kick.


Tails the Bouyzel
A somewhat dumb one, I'm just keep the seed and use it for fun in tiny woods. XD
how is it uselful in lv1 dungeons?

Because it lowers your opponents lvl. which will be lvl.25someting later on in the dungeon.And you want to faint the oppenents easily.