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So why didn't they have an episode thursday?


Boulder Trainer
Why did they skip a week for the DP saga? Couldn't be for the playoffs since that probably isn't on tvtome, and it's more then a week.


Property of Jesus
It was preempted for baseball.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
To make up for it, though, they finally put up the Japanese version of Mastermind online.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Didn't know baseball was so big in Japan.

Thought it was purely an American sport.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
That "American pastime" stuff is crap. Everyone knows the real one is football. You know, the game with the round white-and-black ball that you kick around the field? OH WAIT HOW DID I EVER GET FOOTBALL CONFUSED WITH AMERICAN FOOTBALL WHICH HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH FEET.


Die, "standard" system. Metric system's where it's at.
Haha baseball? xD Damn, its popular over there too? Well at least its not as bad as football (damn guys in family screaming over it right now >[)

Well, I didn't even know about this till I saw this thread. Haha I'm not even keeping up with the D/P episodes. I'm probably going to just wait till they come out in the U.S.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Wow, I can't believe so many people don't know how ****ing huge baseball has gotten in Japan (China is gaining major interest as well). I hate baseball, and even I knew that. If anything, it's bigger than it is in the U.S., where interest in the sport seems to be waning. Or maybe just overshadowed by football. Whatever. Totally irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
That "American pastime" stuff is crap. Everyone knows the real one is football. You know, the game with the round white-and-black ball that you kick around the field? OH WAIT HOW DID I EVER GET FOOTBALL CONFUSED WITH AMERICAN FOOTBALL WHICH HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH FEET.


Die, "standard" system. Metric system's where it's at.

No, Baseball is America's Pastime, Football is just more popular right now. And Baseball is extremely popular in Japan.


Well-Known Member
I guess people should watch a certain episode of Samurai Champloo.

It teaches about the origin of baseball in the edo-peroid in Japan. ;p


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
That "American pastime" stuff is crap. Everyone knows the real one is football. You know, the game with the round white-and-black ball that you kick around the field? OH WAIT HOW DID I EVER GET FOOTBALL CONFUSED WITH AMERICAN FOOTBALL WHICH HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH FEET.


Die, "standard" system. Metric system's where it's at.

The reason being that its a big laugh that the final game in baseball is called the World Series and yet they are practically the only country that plays the sport.


Well-Known Member
I saw a US-movie with tom selleck when I was a child.

He was an unsuccesful baseball player in the USA but started a carrier in the japanese league, winning everything at the end after learning of the japanese culture.

this is how I learned about baseball ( or was it softball? ^^; ) in japan.

but it is common knowledge if you ask me. Like knowing how big scocer in Europe is.