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Beginning Trainer
forgive my ignorance, but i've never quite understood this Wifi thing.

does this mean that any two people can battle whenever & wherever they want?

and that people will be trading any & all of the pokemon, making it possible to get all 400something with only one DS and one copy of the game?


[Witty Title]
you can get all the pokemon by trading with people on wifi providing that pokemon is up for trade.You cant do it just anywhere however.You must have some method, like a wireless router, of connecting to the internet.


Veteran smartass
all you need for wifi is:
-wifi compatible game cartdige
-computer with internet connection
-a wlan router OR the nintendo wifi usb connector


Thank you, SPPf! :)
How much is the USB connector? And is it available from Nintendo online, because I've never seen them at any stores. My crappy new router that I switched to several months ago is not compatible with Nintendo's crappy Wi-Fi system.
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