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Socom 3

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Mind Trainer
Anyone here getting socom 3 or have it already? I just got mine and I'm about to go play it. No one has it here?
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Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
I have it and the S Guide also. I just need my Ps2 back to play it though....


My brother and I are thinking about getting it for Christmas.

If we get broadband, we're going to kick foreign ***!

Socom Online is mostly like Xbox Live. That's good news. :)


Mind Trainer
I have it and its my favorite video game. A little like Halo but its awesome, no lag at all.

Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
I dunno know. Last night I experienced major lag spikes is Fault.

Btw, if I ever get on (most likely Friday) my name is "ownd." I'm vertified so add me!( if your vertifyed also)
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