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soft resetting for legends

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Thor's Beard

Well-Known Member
How long did i take other people to soft reset for shiny legends?
I have currently been soft resetting for a shiny groudon for the last couple of days and i just was wondering how long it took other people to find them.


Well-Known Member
i am busy with kyorgre now for 2 days so i don't know yet but if you stand 1 step from kyorgre and save there to go soft resetting, can it then be shiny because when i take 1 step you immediatlly begin talking??

Thor's Beard

Well-Known Member
im doing the same thing as you so i hope it will be shiny eventually because otherwise im wasting loads of time lol. how do you plan on catching it when you finally do see one? i dont want to use my masterball because i want to save that for trying to get a shiny rayquaza but i dont want to accidentaly faint it and waste 4 days of soft reseting!


Well-Known Member
first i am going too try ultra's but when it gets dangerous (he can use double edge, can he?) i'm going to use my masterball and going to trade another masterball too sapphire for rayquaza because i cloned it on emerald

Thor's Beard

Well-Known Member
i dont think that they have any moves which can faint themselves, i was more worried about getting a critical hit. once on silver i saw a shiny geodude at the very beginning of the game and fainted it:(. i cant clone either because i dont have emerald but my friend does so if i need to i could always ask him to clone one for me. ive got plenty of ultra balls (about 60 i think) so i dont think i will run out at least.


Johto Champion
im doing the same thing as you so i hope it will be shiny eventually because otherwise im wasting loads of time lol. how do you plan on catching it when you finally do see one? i dont want to use my masterball because i want to save that for trying to get a shiny rayquaza but i dont want to accidentaly faint it and waste 4 days of soft reseting!

if its emerald then just clone it

Thor's Beard

Well-Known Member
i dont think that they have any moves which can faint themselves, i was more worried about getting a critical hit. once on silver i saw a shiny geodude at the very beginning of the game and fainted it with a critical hit:(. i cant clone either because i dont have emerald but my friend does so if i need to i could always ask him to clone one for me. ive got plenty of ultra balls (about 60 i think) so i dont think i will run out at least.


Johto Champion
im doing the same thing as you so i hope it will be shiny eventually because otherwise im wasting loads of time lol. how do you plan on catching it when you finally do see one? i dont want to use my masterball because i want to save that for trying to get a shiny rayquaza but i dont want to accidentaly faint it and waste 4 days of soft reseting!

if its emerald then just clone it


it shone! ^_^
Well for Latios it took around 100 soft resets. I went to Southern Island once to SR for a Modest natured one, but got bored after awhile.

And then one day I just felt like fighting my new shiny Clefable against a Latios, went to Southern Island again and Latios was shiny on the first go.

It took me completely by surprise, as I hadn't even gone there to hunt for a shiny one.

And for Latias it took around two months (I started at the end of March, and just got her today - but I didn't SR everyday).

Thor's Beard

Well-Known Member
im glad i finish school in two weeks then because it seems like its going to take me a while to get one... thanks for the rough idea of how long it could take me.


Well-Known Member
ive tryed i with kyorgre with the 1 step, i catched two times it with master ball whitout saving and they had both other natures and stats so it can with 1 step
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