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Some art


Get the Point?
Eh, some art I drew and uploaded. The one with the three Shinou starters is a bit messed up due to the fact that I didn't know Hikozaru's true height and thus.....made him short...So tell me whatcha think

http://img391.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lastscanvx2.jpg My sayia-jin, Couric, in a doll or chibi form...and it scares me o_O

http://img391.imageshack.us/my.php?image=triope8.jpg My three sayia-jin characters,(from left to middle to right) Eric, Couric, and Couric's twin sister, Kea. Eric is technically half sayia-jin, having demonic blood from his father.

http://img157.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shinoutriopm0.jpg And finally, the Shinou Trio; Pochama, Naetoru, and Hikozaru(who is rubbing under his nose, not picking it...I hope >.<')