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~:Some Fusions:~

What do you think of my fusions?

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aka Arbok
Hey hello everybody, i'm owning a shop (currently 38 pages), and i putted some of my made Fusions togheter on one page... Tell me what you think of it. (Vote please.)



Well-Known Member
Could you tell me why?


on tyranimew the little legs on the giant body look odd, the same thing with it's eyes and tail. This is because the legs are too small - I like the comedic value but thet should be a little bigger, the same with the thickness of the tail. On the eye I thick it's because it's too light in my opinion...

On pikatwo the only problem is that the eye on it's right looks misplaced - it's way too far apart from the nose + OTHER EYE...


aka Arbok

on tyranimew the little legs on the giant body look odd, the same thing with it's eyes and tail. This is because the legs are too small - I like the comedic value but thet should be a little bigger, the same with the thickness of the tail. On the eye I thick it's because it's too light in my opinion...

On pikatwo the only problem is that the eye on it's right looks misplaced - it's way too far apart from the nose + OTHER EYE...

Hmm, i just thought Mewytar was one of my best...

Anyway yes the pikatwo was my almost first one i made, so...


Well-Known Member

Hmm, i just thought Mewytar was one of my best...

Anyway yes the pikatwo was my almost first one i made, so...

sorry, it was just my opinion, I think the combusken and bayleef mix is awesome!
The same applies to tropius and yanma...

can I suggest mixes?


eevee evolution
the cintiquill+totodile mix looks alot like the one i made... see?-
but, its easy to have the same idea :) very nice sprites btw! :D


Well-Known Member
your fusions pokemon are:

They good, I love it like the byleaf+ combosken. the ubereon it only a new sprite but it good. Your pefect!


elite trainer
I like the Umbreon and Typhlosion with Charizard wings, it makes it cool


well, i'll actually say something that needs work, rather than say it's just bad or good...
on the pikachu and bellosom (to different mixes) the heads are a bit off. the pikachu's eyes don't quite work with the head, and bellosom's eyes might be too close to the flowers on its head.

the dragonite-mew mix is ok. the wings should be in front of the tail at all times, so you may want to fix that.

i really like the combusken-bayleef mix, and i like the tyranitar-mew mix. funny imo.



aka Arbok
well, i'll actually say something that needs work, rather than say it's just bad or good...
on the pikachu and bellosom (to different mixes) the heads are a bit off. the pikachu's eyes don't quite work with the head, and bellosom's eyes might be too close to the flowers on its head.

the dragonite-mew mix is ok. the wings should be in front of the tail at all times, so you may want to fix that.

i really like the combusken-bayleef mix, and i like the tyranitar-mew mix. funny imo.


Well, thankyou for the comments!

And yup, the Belossom thing is one of my worst Fusions.
I will improve some later.

More comments in the remaining time? Anybody?


Currently active.
I'm quite fond of the Machamp/Hitmonlee fusion, though you could of taken it a step further, and fused it with all three Hitmon's. All in all, they're all quite good. Keep up the good work.


Tastes like chicken!
Some good sprites, maybe change the eyes on the Bellosom(sp) and the Pikachu and possibly make the tail on the ex + Dragonite one (it seems too big to me)
Well done and keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member

Well, thankyou for the comments!

And yup, the Belossom thing is one of my worst Fusions.
I will improve some later.

More comments in the remaining time? Anybody?

The machamp+hitmonlee is very good!

The tail on the mew+dragonite seems a bit thick were it connects with the body.

Could you do a growlith+feraligatr mix please?