Just as suggestions, maybe you could install some of these hacks, as some can come in good use. Others... not as important though. But consider some.
Default BBCode by Butterfree ^_^ (But it's really for 3.5.4, and installing it now will make it super buggy, so I think. Happened to me.) It will make it so that users can go into their "Options" and enter simple BBCode (bold, italic, font, color) so that all their posts are like that. It would be very helpful for people who format their text in every post. Or this one looks pretty nice from the screen shot.
Seperate Threads From Stickys would be great. You always here "read the rules" or "read the stickys". This will make them stand out that much more. It also gives it a clean look.
VBPlaza is cool. But I have said it before, and I think this forum is too big... it will turn into a pointless mess. Also I found two nasty bugs; threads with new posts will not have a bold title and on the members list the user titles will show twice.
v3 Arcade. I personally don't like this, and wouldn't use it, but out of the 20,000 members I'm sure a nice chunk would get a kick out of it. Again, I believe you need vBPlaza, and it would just turn into a pointless mess.
Thread Prefixes would be really good for like fan art. What it does is gives you a drop down box with text to choose from. For fan art requests you could make like a "Closed" and "Open" choice to reduce the amount of requests at a closed shop. Or in the show forum maybe do "Sprites" "Banner" etc. Make good use of it.
No Double Posting might be pushing, but it sure will enforce the rules. Since there is a no double post rule, it would be good here. If someone double posts it automatically takes the second one and merges it with the first one. Then it will say "Reason for edit: Merged double post." But, I know there is some exceptions here and sometimes staff needs to do it. I think you can control to who and where it works though.
And some cool ones I have seen, but can not find: User Notes Since Last Visit under private messages area. I think it was made by Virtual Headache. Quick reply in PM; makes it so you can use the quick reply like in normal posts, when responding to a private message. And wow, there was more, but now I'm forgetting.
Also some non-hack suggestions while I'm here:
Make more Group Memberships, and then make a sub-forum in Clubs for them, then a thread for each one. In them users in the group can talk to other people in that group as you would a normal club. For the one for fan art it would be like "Hey guys, check out this new sprite" or "Topic of the day: What's your favorite type of spriting?" etc.
User-Submitted avatars. Make a thing were users can submit avatars via a thread. They a staff member (of fan art probably) can approve of it if it passes the made rules. Then it can be put in an avatar category "User-Submitted" for other members to use. It would also be a good way for people to get around "no custom avatars". And maybe give Serebii a break from all the uploading. Right off the bat, I would say no non-Pokemon avatars.
Again, as I was typing this, I forgot most of what I wanted to say. But there is some.
Default BBCode by Butterfree ^_^ (But it's really for 3.5.4, and installing it now will make it super buggy, so I think. Happened to me.) It will make it so that users can go into their "Options" and enter simple BBCode (bold, italic, font, color) so that all their posts are like that. It would be very helpful for people who format their text in every post. Or this one looks pretty nice from the screen shot.
Seperate Threads From Stickys would be great. You always here "read the rules" or "read the stickys". This will make them stand out that much more. It also gives it a clean look.
VBPlaza is cool. But I have said it before, and I think this forum is too big... it will turn into a pointless mess. Also I found two nasty bugs; threads with new posts will not have a bold title and on the members list the user titles will show twice.
v3 Arcade. I personally don't like this, and wouldn't use it, but out of the 20,000 members I'm sure a nice chunk would get a kick out of it. Again, I believe you need vBPlaza, and it would just turn into a pointless mess.
Thread Prefixes would be really good for like fan art. What it does is gives you a drop down box with text to choose from. For fan art requests you could make like a "Closed" and "Open" choice to reduce the amount of requests at a closed shop. Or in the show forum maybe do "Sprites" "Banner" etc. Make good use of it.
No Double Posting might be pushing, but it sure will enforce the rules. Since there is a no double post rule, it would be good here. If someone double posts it automatically takes the second one and merges it with the first one. Then it will say "Reason for edit: Merged double post." But, I know there is some exceptions here and sometimes staff needs to do it. I think you can control to who and where it works though.
And some cool ones I have seen, but can not find: User Notes Since Last Visit under private messages area. I think it was made by Virtual Headache. Quick reply in PM; makes it so you can use the quick reply like in normal posts, when responding to a private message. And wow, there was more, but now I'm forgetting.
Also some non-hack suggestions while I'm here:
Make more Group Memberships, and then make a sub-forum in Clubs for them, then a thread for each one. In them users in the group can talk to other people in that group as you would a normal club. For the one for fan art it would be like "Hey guys, check out this new sprite" or "Topic of the day: What's your favorite type of spriting?" etc.
User-Submitted avatars. Make a thing were users can submit avatars via a thread. They a staff member (of fan art probably) can approve of it if it passes the made rules. Then it can be put in an avatar category "User-Submitted" for other members to use. It would also be a good way for people to get around "no custom avatars". And maybe give Serebii a break from all the uploading. Right off the bat, I would say no non-Pokemon avatars.
Again, as I was typing this, I forgot most of what I wanted to say. But there is some.