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Some Mixes (clicky clicky)


Well-Known Member
What do you think?

Here, I recolored the Groudon/Swampert mix.

Comments and constructive crit., Please.
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Musical Trainer
The Muumaji* and Tangela Evo fusion one is kinda interesting, but it has more Muumaji then Tangela Evo.


Well-Known Member
The bottom one isn't much of a mix, i just took Lucario's pre-evo and put Lucario's patterns on him.

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
The Muumaaji/Mojanbo's arms are coming out of the back of his head. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure most stuff doesn't have arms coming out of the back of its head.

Every single one of them is just a bad C+P. Try being more creative, customing stuff, changing shading, that sort of thing.
your pretty good at making mixes... but theres room for improvment... but still, really good.. 9/10