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Some More Screen Shots


Psychic Breeder

Manafi's Dream

I know, he's so cute!


< This guy Rocks
what move was Neatoru useing?

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Meh, I'm still more impressed by the backgrounds and attack effects than by the Pokés themselves. Their models are nice and round, but I'm just not a big fan of the Plasticmon look. =/


Queen of Charizards!
I got a question. In order to use the old Pokemon that are not in D/P, can you use your GBA game instead fo transferring them or we can only use D/P


Jonathan Davis
Wow, such a big improvement graphically, from XD/CO

Manafi's Dream

Naetoru is using either one of these moves:
Giga Drain
Mega Drain


Queen of Charizards!
no the wii cant connect with gba games

Thanks, I was just confused, seeing Kyogre an dGroudon, but i remeber you can transfer Pokemon form GBA to DS. Why can't the wii connect with GBA, should there be a link cable for it