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Some of my Banners


Here they are:





Please Comment on them and Tell what I need to Improve. I accept Constructive Criticism. Thanks


GFX maker
Wow....You're very good..
Well, you use blending properly and the renders match the BG so 10/10..
I still Don't have constructive Criticism on you...


They're over-brushed. You could barely see your image and you use too much of the 3-D like technique on your banners. Personally, the colours should be mellowed down so it won't look so horrid.

I'm only being honest, and to be making banners, take critisism.


Thanks for being honest, I'll try not to brush Too much next time


x_x I try not to sound so mean, but thankfully you took it in a not so bad way.

Umm. You see how my banner is all smooth and it doesn't pop out too much, I think your banner should be somewhat like that. The borders should be something else instead of looking so rocky. x.x;


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest 1px. black or white borders instead of those rocky, huge ones. Also, the text needs some improvement. Just because all those fancy effects like outer shadow or gradient are there, it doesn't mean they must be used. The best text in a banner is plain.


Thanks for the comments. I made a Signature following what all You said:

Please Comment on this one too

Azure Wolf

Well-Known Member
^Better than the others, now you just need depth i.e. try using some lighting effects and shadows.
EDIT: Look at my Naruto one, shadows and light.


Another suggestion, why not blend other colours in your banner and use the right amount of brushes? I usually do that and it should be light and stuff.

Bright banners are eww to me. >_>; Dark colours and light colours are always good for each other and the neon and bright colours are NOT your best friend. D:

Lemme see, if you need a border the main colours to use is black or white. I'd say in your green one white looks so much better.


Thanks for the comments
Here are Some more:






Seems like you're taking crit. That's good. I'll help you then. Those stuck up, arrogant brats that don't take crit tire me- There are so many of them.

First of all, don't go 3D. It's not a good look on a 2D forum. You should try a 1-2 pixel border that's 2D. Now, look at my banner... Try using patterns over images. They work effectively in calming bright colours down.

In banners, you want contrast, sometimes you don't. You should spend time planning out what you want for your banner... What light effects, what colors.

You see, I used Sugimori images. Now, normally they're dark and plain, not that bouncy looking because of his colouring. That can be fixed. You simply play around with the Brightness and Contrast, and try to get something acceptable.

You want things to match. Take a look at IronSceptileX'x banner. Everything matches. The red/purple is in contrast with the white, but it's all blended nicely. It looks perfect and all. Now, for the most important part... You need better brushes.

I reccomend... Celestial-Star.Net, Aethereality.Net and Animeshare.Org. They have wonderful brushes. They have good tutorials on Photoshop as well.

Also, stop abusing filters. Filters make me sad. They normally can't make professional effects you can make in the style of graphics that is... "Fashionable".

Don't make your fonts all icky. Just leave them the way they are, amd mak them smooth. Give them a glow, a stroke... But don't make them pop-out of the banner. Also, stop making the text blend with the backgroud. I can't read it. Also, try... Hmmm... For one of those "emo" banners, put in small text that is still readable. The text should be a poem. Then change the opacity to 50%. Gives a sad, yet refined effect.

If you want to learn more about the best designs and such, try going to Lust and IronSceptileX's banner shops. You can sprout great ideas from those places. If you want, you can go to mine. People seem to like my designs, but I'm not too sure about myself


Thank You very much! Its like You took out each and every flaw! And Yeah there's a Problem, I've Adobe Photoshop 6 and Its hard to find brushes for it...:(


Oh, no wonder... The sixth version... Brushes for it are not that common. Perhaps google brushes for Adobe Photoshop 6? Try...

Adobe Photoshop 6 Brushes
Photoshop 6 Brushes
Adobe 6 Brushes

In the google tool bar. You'll probably find something. I'll check if the main sites I go to have any for the older versions.

EDIT: Do you know how to load the JPG stamps into brushes? I don't, I've never used the 6th version... But if you do know, here are some links with JPG stamps.


The brushes here are very nice. I love these brushes. I use these ones, mostly. Also, if you're in need of fonts...


Hope it helps!
Last edited:


:D +loves Sammi to death+

Umm. Sammi says it all. D:


^ No, I don't D: I forgot something. If you don't know how to do the JPG stamp thing, google it! Look around the forum for ideas. Porno Hippo is a great graphic artist I just discovered... So take a look at his banner. And as you see, my NEW banner, that is when you don't want the colours in the background to contrast too much. It's when the image already contrasts it... You don't make more contrast, unless you have a plan you can pull off in your head...

Use that brain. Work it to the point where you have an idea that's AWESOME.


JPG Stamps are AWESOME. Thanks a LOT. The brushes are awesome. You've to open the JPG Image and Go to Edit > Define Brush and Its over!


You're welcome! I'm always happy to help non-stubborn people like you. I expect to see some banners later, Mani. I'll critique those ones too, if you don't mind. xP


I'll be posting new Banners soon and I've a Question..Sorry If its too Stupid
What do you mean by "Depth" in Banners as IronSceptile X said?