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some of my photography


well, i dont have a really good camera, and i plan and getting a little more serious with photography. im saving up for and SLR (only problem with that is once you get the $1000 for the camera, need another $2000 for the lens >.<)
So, here's just a few of my shots, not much, but i'd like some comments on them.

First up is probably my favorite macro shot.
Its a purple cone flower, and i really like how the colors came out.

Second up is a sunset scene that i took while birdwatching late this summer with my friend in a prairie. I really thought the light on the clouds was cool.

And finally, my Canyon Shot. Taken at Camp Saganau Canyon in southwest suburban Chicago when i was hiking last fall. This version is small, here's a link to the larger photo

so..thats it.​


Well-Known Member
Beautiful :O They look very professional to me :D Good going :D

Like what Alecat said, I could imagine them in those scenery-themed calendars :D Keep it up.