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some pokemon I plan on using...


I need help with some pokemon....

Erureido (SalacBerry/Leftover?)
-Leaf Blade
-Pyscho Cutter(stab)
-Brick Break(stab)
-Swords Dance

Kaburaisu (ChoiceBand/Leftovers)
-Dragon Claw
-Swords Dance/something else

Dotaitos (Leftovers)
-Wood Hammer
-Crunch/leech seed/filler

i'll post more later I need help with, but I need help as individual pokemon, not as a balanced team.


I won't give up!
Erureido @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Blade test
- Leaf Blade
- Brick Break / In Fight
^^ One of my favorite 4th gen pokés. This thing has so many physical options , you can't go wrong with this creature.

Kaburaisu @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Eartquake
- Fire Blast ( for Skarmory and Forretress )

Dotaitos @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Curse
- Leech Seed
- Seed Bomb / Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
Swellow 91 suggestion is good, but i have one problem:

Remove Erureido and put in Gardevoir;

Calm Mind
Shadow Ball
My team? Well, just look at my Trainer Card!!!


ok curse will work. And I think i'll put Psycho cutter over blade test so it gets double stab. I really like the Kaburaisu and Dotaitos movesets ^_^ Thanks.

Can I get help with developing a Mukuhawk?