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some sprites


Well-Known Member
some scratch sprites, please give crit.






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Chuckie's back....
tha second one bothers me for some reason..needs some black outlines with white background.
youre not supposed to do that..

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Steven, delete your sprites, post in your own thread, not someone elses. And since you've done that, I assume you haven't read the rules. Please read them now before you do something to get a mod to give you a warning or more :/


Mau: The top two sprites are pretty good. The Panda is alright, but looks plain for some reason. Maybe cause it's just white/green with a leaf.. maybe you could edit in some other bits, not much, but that's up to you. The Rice Ball is o_O cause it's cute and makes me hungry at the same time. And the final one, well, it looks kinda bad compared to the others, no offense. The wings look puffed worse than a Spearow's, and the body seems too thin and straight.


Beginning Trainer
awwwwwwww....soo cute ^^. U did a great job on it. I have only two crits. The 1st is the horn. U should give it some volume, and the second one is the far right leg...It just looks odd...Besides that, it's great. ^^


Some Sprites And Stuff I Made Recenlty In My Shop Check It Out Linked Below
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