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Somebody help my Mantine?


The Furret Fanatic
See, I'm going to be battling my friend this weekend, and he has this pesky Jolteon that has a tendency to damage and/or kill a lot of my team. I need to have a water type, so Mantine is my Pokemon of choice. Here was my stradegy.

Switch in Mantine against something that'll force a switch, like a fire type. Rain Dance on the switch. He sends out Thundering Jolteon to counter Mantine. But rain danced Mantine is faster then Jolteon. And so begins the sudden death match. I have to OHKO his Jolteon before he uses Thunder and OHKO's me. Is there any move that Mantine learns that can OHKO a Jolteon? For the record, both Jolteon and Mantine are lv. 60.

See, I WOULD use Swampert instead, but Swampert scares Jolteon away. I don't want that. I want to lure it out kill it before it does too much damage.
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I won't give up!
Jolteon wins if it's 1 vs 1. So you have to think of something that can handle Jolteon and make sure it can't escape so you can finish it off. You can do the following :

If Jolteon doens't have HP Ice / Grass / Water you can switch in a Dugtrio with the trait Arena Trap to prevent Jolteon from escaping ( watch out for Baton Pass! ) and Earthquake it away...

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
First question: why Mantine? Why on earth would you use a Mantine to counter Jolteon?

There are better counters to Jolteon than Mantine.......and Mantine isn't the best Rain Dancer out there. Mantine isn't exactly the best attacker out there: sure, it can learn Earthquake, but it won't do much damage with that pitiful 40 base Atk.

Venusaur, Gardevoir with Trace, Porygon2, Blissey, Swampert, Steelix and Raikou counter Jolteon with ease. Venusaur sponges electric attacks with ease with its good HP and Spec. Def, and can easily incapacitate it with Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. Same applies for Blissey with her high Spec. Def. Any ground type can stop Jolteon in its tracks if it only has electric attacks, especially Dugtrio with Arena Trap.

Gardy and Porygon2 can Trace Volt Absorb, which shuts down Jolteon without HP [Grass / Ice] / Bite. Gardy works better in this case since those attacks won't hurt her too much with Gardy's high Spec. Def and Calm Mind. Raikou with Sub and Calm Mind can stop Jolteon as well.

Once you have something like Swampert you don't have to worry about Jolteon switching in to kill your pokemon. If you still want a Mantine moveset here it is.

Modest Nature
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rain Dance
- Toxic / Rest

Trait: Swift Swim

Kingdra and Ludicolo can pull this off better.

From what I read it sounds like you have a massive electric weakness: give me the rest of your team so I can rate it as a whole.


The Furret Fanatic
Jolteon wins if it's 1 vs 1. So you have to think of something that can handle Jolteon and make sure it can't escape so you can finish it off. You can do the following :

If Jolteon doens't have HP Ice / Grass / Water you can switch in a Dugtrio with the trait Arena Trap to prevent Jolteon from escaping ( watch out for Baton Pass! ) and Earthquake it away...

True. I never thought of that. Now I have to remove something from my party to make space for another water type.


Blaziken rules!
Mantine can learn Earthquake by using the TM. He can also learn Mud Slap through the Emerald Move Tutor.


Blaziken rules!
Dugtrio can easy kill Metagross, because he can learn many Ground attacks.


Metagross has the Defense to survive even a STAB EQ from Dugtrio though, I believe. And one Meteor Mash will send Duggy to oblivion. But unless your friend EV trains and breeds for the perfect nature/IV's etc., I doubt that Duggy will have much trouble with the Metagross.

Oh, and like Frost Nova said, it'd be best if we had your full team so that we can see how, say Dugtrio, complements it. And...there's a reason Mantine is NU, simply because it sucks.


The Furret Fanatic
I'm not using Mantine anymore, I'm using Milotic. I like the Sleep Talker set from Smogon. =) I'm raising stuff right now... I'll post my team later.


i never use any but id rather use mantine


@SimChao: A wise choice, my friend. Like it says on Smogon, RestTalking Milotic never dies.

@striker: You have a lot to learn about Water-types and tiers.
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I'm not using Mantine anymore, I'm using Milotic. I like the Sleep Talker set from Smogon. =) I'm raising stuff right now... I'll post my team later.

Hi Im just asking what moves does your Milotic currently have???
If it does know Rest, then you should let it hold a Chesto Berry so that it can wake instantly..:D

A good moveset for Milotic is: (I know because i have one too)

Hydro Pump/Surf-both powerful moves, i added Surf because it has better accuaracy
Recover/Rest-my Milotic has recover since i dont have many Chesto Berries, but if you are going with Rest, give it a Chesto Berry.
Ice Beam-can counter flying, and grass types which is reely good
Attract/Toxic/HP- attract is a good move because it can not let the other pokemon attack. toxic is good too, and HP grass is the best to use

But still a very good choice Milotic has very high special defense so it should be no problem to fight Jolteon.
And what level is your Milotic, and what level is his Jolteon? And what gender is his Jolteon, and what gender is your Milotic?
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The Furret Fanatic
My Milotic is female. All Pokemon in our tournament are lv. 60. I'm raising my Milotic now, so it's not level 60 yet, but it will be when I use it.
If I were you I would use a Dugtrio (with Arena Trap). The Jolteon wont be able to hurt you, and it wont be able to switch out. Dugtrio and Jolteon are as fast as each other iirc, so try to have a fast Duggy (Timid nature). His Jolteon may have Hidden Power Grass or Hidden Power Ice (or even Water if he still thinks this is GSC). If it does, it puts even more pressure on you to outspeed it. If his Jolteon has HP grass or water then Venuaur is also a fab counter to it, and since most people underestimate Venusaur so much, he probably wont be intimidated enough to switch out. Venusaur is also great even if it has HP Ice.

I wouldn't even use a Mantine, and keep Cursepert for your Water type (or Milotic is you are using Duggy). Mantine is UU for a reason.
My Milotic is female. All Pokemon in our tournament are lv. 60. I'm raising my Milotic now, so it's not level 60 yet, but it will be when I use it.

My Milotic is female too!!!!! But what Gender is your friends Jolteon??


If I were you I would use a Dugtrio (with Arena Trap). The Jolteon wont be able to hurt you, and it wont be able to switch out. Dugtrio and Jolteon are as fast as each other iirc, so try to have a fast Duggy (Timid nature). His Jolteon may have Hidden Power Grass or Hidden Power Ice (or even Water if he still thinks this is GSC). If it does, it puts even more pressure on you to outspeed it. If his Jolteon has HP grass or water then Venuaur is also a fab counter to it, and since most people underestimate Venusaur so much, he probably wont be intimidated enough to switch out. Venusaur is also great even if it has HP Ice.

I wouldn't even use a Mantine, and keep Cursepert for your Water type (or Milotic is you are using Duggy). Mantine is UU for a reason.
Jolteon outspeeds Dugtrio, and in NB usially runs 373 speeds minimum to outspeed said Dugtrio so it can Baton Pass out. And Hidden Power shouldn't be that much of an issue since he's battling someone irl. also, read the bolded part carefully.

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Please for your own sake don't listen to MistyLover. That guy has no idea what he's talking about: what sane person would leave a Milotic in against a Jolteon?

@Simchao: good choice. ReSTalking Milotic is sweet.

ReSTalk + Marvel Scale allows Milotic to sponge physical attacks like nothing. Its high Spec. Def works wonders as well. Chestoresting sucks especially with Milotic because it WANTS to be statused. A very good status absorber, and a top tier bulky water.

I'll give you the EVs if you want to: 252 Def / 212 HP / 44 Spec. Atk.

Or you could replace the Spec. Atk EVs with Spec. Def if you want a little more staying power, but personally I think that's overkill with a base 120 Spec. Def stat.