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Someone's Sprite Request Thread



Lately amongst my friends I've been making these sprites of Gods and Goddesses. It's actually very interesting.


The first one is the Goddess of Fire. Next one is God of Smoke and Stars ( me ). Next one is Goddess of Water , my friend Deiji. Next is Goddess of Lightning, my love Gigi. And the last one is God of Water and Wind, le pamplemousse.

Now no more then 2 requests at the maximum per person , alright? I'm busy with school and these take awhile to make. D8

Also nothing like God or Goddess of french fries instuff. >.>()()

Here's how you should post your request:

Gender: ( God/Male or Goddess/Female )
Element: ( Ex: Ice, Wind, Lightning, Fire, Plasma, Rain, etc. )
Name: ( optional )
Description: ( optional )

Here's an example.

Gender: God/Male
Element: Stars and Smoke
Name: Chama

You don't need to give me a description if you have nothing in mind. I can create something off the back. >=3 I like that better then when I get a description. If I get to go all out and put things together rather then having to stick to a description, it's not so stressful.


Hehehe.. .I'm one sexy goddess of lightning. X3 Aww, no fast food gods? D: I wanted to see that.


Sure. No problem. I can't do it tonight though. I have to get off soon so I don't have enough time. I'll start it tomorrow when I come on.