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Son of a-...


Well-Known Member
Tonight, out of sheer boredom, I decided to wander up to the 99th floor of Western Cave, and kick/recruit some Mewtwo ***. So I load up my trusty ickle Vaporeon (Lv. 62/66 at end) with plenty of Max Elixers and Revival Seeds, and make my way through. I recruit no one, and barrell my way through 98 floors, with two Reviver Seeds to spare no less! Just after I ascend the stairs, and before I land a single attack on Mewtwo, I check the Spindex. 99.9% recruitment rate? Yey!

I kick his *ss. Three Bites in and he falls like soggy cardboard. Mission Complete. Would I like to save? Yes, I'd like to save. I wake up, bright-eyed and fin-tailed, in my giant Eevee-head home. No Mewtwo!

What did I do wrong? I have the Cryptic Cave friend area (and every other friend area for that matter). There was plenty of room in my team, as I went in alone. I was 26 levels higher than him. I'm a Platinum Rank rescue force! Am I overlooking something or was I just so unlucky to exploit the 0.01% chance of not recruiting him?


Well-Known Member
Yes. I told it no.

Of course it didn't ask. If it had asked, I wouldn't have made this thread, huh?
I'm not that stupid. I've obviously played this game long enough to grasp the concept of recruitment if I've made it to Mewtwo. You have to recruit four different legendaries just to unlock his Dungeon.

Shall I repeat myself? I scaled a 99-floor dungeon with a Lv. 62+ Vaporeon (Platinum Rank Team). I beat Mewtwo, who has a 99.9% recruitment rate. There was no recruiting. I either did something wrong, or am unlucky. However, I am not so stupid as to not know how to recruit the b*stard. If he had asked, I would have said yes, and this thread would never have been made.

Zora - SPP says nothing about that. That's bullocks. Absolutely trash. They can't honestly expect me to scale that Dungeon twice just for a Pokemon I barely like.


I am Erureido
Yes. I told it no.

Of course it didn't ask. If it had asked, I wouldn't have made this thread, huh?
I'm not that stupid. I've obviously played this game long enough to grasp the concept of recruitment if I've made it to Mewtwo. You have to recruit four different legendaries just to unlock his Dungeon.

Shall I repeat myself? I scaled a 99-floor dungeon with a Lv. 62+ Vaporeon (Platinum Rank Team). I beat Mewtwo, who has a 99.9% recruitment rate. There was no recruiting. I either did something wrong, or am unlucky. However, I am not so stupid as to not know how to recruit the b*stard. If he had asked, I would have said yes, and this thread would never have been made.

Zora - SPP says nothing about that. That's bullocks. Absolutely trash. They can't honestly expect me to scale that Dungeon twice just for a Pokemon I barely like.

You beat it only once, correct? Looks like you'll have to trek down to Mewtwo again. You can only recruit him after you beat him once before. Thats how it works. Other sites will tell you this, such as pokemonelite2000


Noah's Scapegoat
You need to go through Western Cave so that the Go symbol disappears. From then on Mewtwo will join.

It is annoying, but get enough Levels on you and it'll be a lot less annoying.

EDIT: Whoops, beaten to the punch.


Well-Known Member
u.u Well, I'm done here then. That's bullsh*t however, I don't want him that bad.

Edit: It wasn't hard, just time consuming. I lost two of my three Huge Apples to the Grimer Trap early one and ended up dying every 30 floors and using Revive Seeds. In fact, that's the only time I died.
I spent a friggen HOUR on this Dungeon, and now I'm told I have to do it again? how anticlimactic and unsatisfying.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah you have to get to most of the legendaries twice if you want to recruit them, you should have figured that out since you weren't able to recruit the bird trio or Rayquaza on your first try.

Well, I actually assumed that that was just because it was before the credits. :/ I guess I never really snapped to the fact, since I usually have my team full for for the first go through of any legend's dungeon. However, it's not such a big deal, I just wanted to know if I had done something wrong (as I obviously have) or if I was just unnaturally unlucky. Either way, thanks, I have my answers, however unsatisfying they may be.
Its not bad to go through it twice. I've gone through Buried Relic multiple times to recruit the Regis and Mew. Imagine your Escape Orb becoming sticky the second your about to use it, to escape with your newly recruited Regirock, then you have to face about 85 floors of terror with only a Reviver Seed and two Max Elixers in your possesion, yet you have to tack care of the level 18 peice of rock >_>;; Much more irratating and time-consuming
So far I have obtained all of the legendaires except my favorite, Deoxys, and Mew. Regice and Registeel I have not got yet, but the only one I want is Deoxys... I had to beat Metwo twice as well, but it only took me 30 minutes to get to him. Dont mean to brag, but my Sceptile was level 73 when i completed it. Mewtwo will get Deoxys and then my rescue team will be complete!!! MUAHAHAHAHA! Uh, excuse me.


legendary trainer
you need to beat him twice and say yes when he asks to join.