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Songs of a Distant Earth (a Pokemon RPG: LSUs now accepted!)


please wake up...
Yes, I did take this title from the book and the song, why do you ask? :p I AM SO UNORIGINAL, WOE.


What little is known about our planet, our galaxy, our universe is absolute. We all know that birds fly, that fish swim, and that humans dominate the planet.

And that fiction is just that: fiction.

Pokemon is a popular global phenomenon on this planet. How easily humans are swept away by the newest fad, a simple, fictional universe invented by a humble man only trying to make a living for himself, barely expecting to become a celebrity and a household name. Such global phenomenons are both loved and criticized by many, but are unstoppable nonetheless.

But no one believes it could ever be real. It is a thing of imagination, and only imagination. There's quite simply no way it could ever happen.

Still, there is one person who believes. She knows that anything is possible and nothing is for sure, and thinks that maybe... maybe on one of those distant stars, they survive.

Taunted and ridiculed for her silly beliefs, still she presses on, hoping that one day they will come and prove her right. "Aliens aren't real, and neither are Pokemon!" they chant in an intimidating chorus, trying their best to conform her, to make her "normal".

She knows that in the filthy, monochrome world, there is no room for a dreamer like her.

But one day... it happens.

The world awakens to quite a surprise... a surprise of many different colors, shapes, sizes, and species. She slaps herself to see if she is dreaming, but comes to the conclusion that her wishing has paid off.

They fly in the air now, they swim in the seas, they crawl about the land, and they decorate the heavens. The biosphere that is called Earth has been invaded by aliens.

The aliens called Pokemon.


As for you... you are a child, of ages 10 to 18, who lives their own life, connected to this dreamer girl in some way. You will be there to witness it first-hand: the arrival of the Pokemon, the event that will alter the way the world thinks forever.

The universe you belong to is the one most familiar to all of us: our own. When the Pokemon arrive on this planet, everyone reacts differently: the lovers of Pokemon celebrate, the adults panic, the unbelievers don't know what to do, and the world as a whole is thrust into chaos.

Legendaries, too, have come with the rest of them: it is almost as though the entire universe they came from has followed them to this planet. Legendary Pokemon will become important as the plot progresses, so don't fear if you like legendaries.

Other life, the stars, and alternate solar systems/universes will be key parts to this RP. Though it seems all fantasy, it also has a scientific portion to it, as well. Things will be explained as scientifically as possible unless there is a reason for it otherwise.

All standard RPG forum rules apply. That means no bunnying, godmoding, Mary Sues and Gary Stus, bad spelling/grammar, and twinks.

On NPCs: NPCs are to be controlled by authorized users only. Please do not use them or alter their actions in your post unless you have been given permission by one of their players to do so.

The sign-up sheet is as follows:

Name: (No last name required, though it'd help your application.)
Age: (Remember, 10-18.)
Sex: (Male or female. Hell, you can even put "unknown" if you really want to impress me.)
Description: (5 or more sentences, please. This is mostly physical, so try to keep personality description out of it.)
Personality: (Again, 5 or more sentences. Be original, and don't skimp on the details!)
History with Anca: (What is this person's connection to the dreamer girl? This is required, by the way -- it will really help if all the players are connected somehow.)
Pokemon Fanatic?: (Is this person a fan of Pokemon, a hater, or just plain neutral in the matter?)
Favorite Pokemon: (If this person knows anything at all about Pokemon, then they at least ought to have a favorite. This will come into play later, actually. Can be legendary or otherwise, and of any generation.)

Here is the info sheet for Anca, the dreamer girl, just so you know:

Name: Anca Quinn
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Description: Tawny red hair that is about shoulder length, coupled with muted green eyes. Nothing overly-stunning, but not ugly as sin either. She is of average weight for her age, perhaps a bit on the short side. Changes her clothes every day, like a NORMAL PERSON (gasp!), but likes to wear bold outfits that make a statement. Looks particularly average at first glance, basically.
Personality: While she says nothing and commits to nothing, inside her mind is a world of dreams: she is imaginative and creative, and no limits apply to her at all. While her clothes suggest otherwise, Anca is actually quite an introverted, secretive girl, sharing only what she wants to share and having no trouble keeping secrets. She is also of about average human morality: if offered a hundred dollars, she would probably take it, and would likely just ignore hitchhikers if driving along the road. Still, she is kinder to her friends than to strangers, and when she is kind, she's incredibly giving. Anca can be philosophical at times, too, often absorbing herself into thought, though her idea of philosophy doesn't always go hand-in-hand with reason.
History with Anca: N/A
Pokemon Fanatic?: HELLZ YEAH.
Favorite Pokemon: Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss

If anyone has any questions (I know I suck with explaining things) or would like to reserve a spot, please do post and I will do my best to accomodate you.

So, let's get cracking! :D



Well-Known Member
Name: Gorizion Ankari( It's hard to come up with japanese sounding names.)
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Description: He is a big fan of pokemon. He is not made fun of. He is not an outcast by any means, he is just not very popular. He usually wears all black, with black pants falling to his socks, only slightly showing them. His skin is a pale, paper white. He is thin and quite tall. about 6 feet and 150 pounds. His eyes are a peircing blood red, and his hair is a dark black, falling to his eyebrows. He tries to smile, but it only makes people afraid. His teeth are a polished white, his canus teeth being slightly pointed. His shirt is a jet black long sleeved which is not baggy on him, yet not tight by any means.
Personality: His personality only slightly resembles his appearance. He seems to be Near schizophrenic.(Probably spelled that wrong.) Sometimes he is lighthearted and foolish with a smile constantly on his face. Though he has a much darker self. He likes dark places, forests in dark are his absolute favorite place.
History with Anca: He is her best friend. He is a huge pokemon fan, and always wished what Anca said was true. He never thought it was and was very surprised. He jumped out of the window and tried to fly because he thought he was dreaming. Luckily it was on the first floor. He instantly tried to grab a pokemon and take it home. He was left in pain saying "Stupid Feraligatr.....*
Pokemon Fanatic?: Yes.
Favorite Pokemon: Lucario.

Is this good enough? I also want to ask whether we will be able to catch pokemon. Basically, did pokeballs come with the pokemon? Also, your favorite pokemon were 3, however were of the same line. Would it be possible to have 2 favorite pokemon? If so, my second would be Charizard.
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Well-Known Member
Name: Leon Raine
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Description: Leon is a lanky adolescent that stands at 5 feet and 7 inches. He has unkempt medium-length hair that reaches about an inch above his shoulders. His hair is a dark brown and a lighter brown along the edges of his hair. Beyond his dull green eyes exists a fierce glow. Leon has a slightly tanned complexion gotten from his swimming lessons, even though he dislikes the activity itself. Exercising through swimming gave him a decent running speed and stamina, but not the kind to top physical education in school. Leon commonly wears shirts that are white or near black (such as navy or grey). All of his pants are loose-fitting and allow him to run easily. He wears 'Loafers', which are slip-on shoes with no lacing or straps.
Personality: Leon is usually quiet, even towards his best friends, that is if he had many friends. You could say that Leon is anti-social, more often than not, he would rather stay in the comfort of his own home than go "hang-out" with his friends. However, Leon is loyal to the true friends that he has and would help them out in their times of need. Leon is also quite an intellectual and despite being young, he knows when to act mature. Though Leon appears lonely, he is cheerful at times. He dislikes it when close friends fight amongst each other and he longs to lead a happy, peaceful life.
History with Anca: Leon finds Anca and her ideas interesting. He has tried interacting with her several times, but being secretive, she hardly shares much. Leon shares Anca's vision that anything is possible and nothing is for sure. When the Pokemon descended to our world, it surprised Leon and he rushed to Anca to check if she knew anything about it.
Pokemon Fanatic?: Leon feels neutral towards Pokemon.
Favorite Pokemon: Absol, the black cats of the Pokemon society. Leon is fascinated by how it is able to foretell disasters.
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Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Wow, this must be like the second RP I ever did made by you. :< In three freakin' years. Talk about LONG. My character's also one of the first joke characters I've been thinking about making.

Name: Aerais Mistia
Age: 14
Sex: Male (loltestosterone. actually, pretty ambiguous, but not ambiguous enough to be unknown.)
Description: Aerais absolutely despises having haircuts for some inane, unexplained psychological reason, so his hair his slightly longer than shoulder-length, perhaps somewhere around upper torso. His refusal to have haircuts tends to annoy a lot of people but he doesn't care. His hair is black with dyed purple streaks scattered along. His eyes are a rather blank grey, and his facial features are nothing to be amazed about. His height is around average, somewhere around 5 foot 8. His physical body is a rather obscure blend. It has quite an unusually lithe, sleek figure, however, the relatively thin features of his arms and legs are toned by slight muscular extrusions. He has a strange obsession with Japanese culture, and as a result his wardrobe is stacked with clothes from that as such. However, he does occasionally wear the plain colour t-shirt with the plain ol' trousers. What is interesting of note is that there is a spiked choker on his neck that won't seem to come off.
Personality: Aerais is a rather odd mishmash of personality traits. Despite being quite popular within the in-crowd due to his oddball looks and how he manages to get other people to notice him all the time, within he can be quite crazy. He's generally bubbly and cheerful, however, when it comes to certain types of situations he can become deathly serious. During these moments of serious times, Aerais would either do one of two things - actually think about the situation, or scenario two - use sarcasm and sardonic wit to get out of it. Because of his looks it's easy to mistake him for an outsider, but when you get to know him he can be extremely uplifting and comforting and a wonderful friend to have. His virtuosity is a good thing, but sometimes he just doesn't know what to do with it...
History with Anca: Aerais is simply within several of Anca's classes. It appeared that Aerais wanted to delve more into the whimsical aspect of the dreamer girl's moments of thought. Naturally, Aerais' mentality would cause him to do something rash, but within her presence, Aerais appears to be calm. He would not be forthright in his attempt to converse with her due to her quiet nature, and instead just trying to get into light conversation. Overall, Aerais is just a person Anca would be able to confide with. Aerais' relationship with Anca is not great, but still a relationship nonetheless.
Pokemon Fanatic?: Aerais has tried at the first instance to get into the Pokemon craze, but it had failed. It interests him and fascinates him, however, he is generally neutral about the whole thing, despite knowing quite a lot about it after several failed attempts at getting into it.
Favourite Pokemon: Aerais secretly harbours a like for Elrade (Erureido) because of its figure and its elegant stance.

~ET(EeveeTrainer)/Trance Myrmidon
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Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
This seems interesting...

Name: Joseph Regulus
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Description: Description: Joseph has brown hair that is seemingly untamable. He has bright blue eyes that seem to shine in the moonlight. He stands at about 5 feet, 2 inches, and weighs around 83 pounds. He loves bright clothing and can often be seen in bright shirts, and jeans. He has many bruises along his arms from his Pokemon, who he is around often. He is tanned, and has a slender body, making him easily recognizable. He often wears an amulet around his neck with a silver wing on it that he bought at a yard sale. He wears sneakers, and short white socks. He is not muscular, but can easily defend himself if needed. Joseph has a light splattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose, and he wears some rectangular, black glasses.
Personality: Joseph is very optimistic, always smiling and happy. He was picked on when he was younger, making him afraid of "big" people. He is easily angered, but is easy to calm down. Joseph is very smart, and was revered as an honor student in his school. He is always on time for everything, and is a very good student earning him the title of being an honor student. He is very kind and is against being rude, but can be a rogue at times. He is a loving person and cares much for his family, and will endanger himself to get those he loves out of trouble. Joseph will defend his thoughts and beliefs at any cost.
History with Anca: Joseph saw Anca, with her beliefs with Pokemon, and knew that she was right. While others ridiculed, he stayed quiet, not trying to be "like her." He continued to follow her ideas until someone noticed him doodling Pokemon. He was ridiculed, now taking half the ridicule away from Anca, but at the cost of being ridiculed himself.
Pokemon Fanatic?: YES
Favorite Pokemon: Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein

Is that good?


please wake up...
I probably should've clarified what I meant when I said the whole world came with them: the technology didn't follow, just the living things. ^^; Sorry.

I've got a few questions about your app... is it supposed to come across as particularly gothic/dark in tone? I don't have a problem with that, I'm just curious.

Best friend is good... of course, I'd like to remind everyone else that it's not totally impossible to have more than one close friend, so just because someone took the best friend slot doesn't mean you can't not be close to Anca. :p

Also, I think I'm going to change the last name policy, actually... I'll make it so that a last name is required, just to make it more realistic, since this is supposed to be a particularly realistic approach to an RP. So do you think you could make up some sort of surname for him? ^^;;;; Sorry for the inconvenience, but I just kind of changed my mind about that.


Reserved. :D


I know... XD I've been wanting to make an RP like this for a while, but I just kind of stopped forum RPing up until now. But yeah, I remember the old times... ^^

Well, first, do you think you could change the hair length? It seems rather... hard to believe, and remember, we're aiming for realistic. I don't have a big problem with the ambiguity, though. But overall, looks good, so aside from the hair thing, I can call you accepted. :D

Canis Lupus:

Looks good, I don't see any glaring problems or anything. And I'm being rushed to get off, so I'll probably take a closer look at it later, but for now, accepted. ^^


Name: Mark Sythrophio Lunaquatic
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Description: Black Whisky hair with dyed, almond eyebrows. Tanned skinand has one extrordanarilly small index finger on his right hand (about the same length as his little finger. Is 5' 9'' and weighs 9 st excactly. Blue eyes with lobed ears. Thin lips and pink tounge. Healthy glow and no stubble. When he walks he has his ahead of each other.
Personality: He is fairly genourous, but can get angry. He is very intelligent with the knowledge he has got, but he doesn't know as much as some other kids. He is residendly cool with a very strong taste for Creating and Imaganing things. He is a very good swimmer and his ambision is to work for game freak. He has a light russian accent from staying around his dad, who is russian. He spends most of his time at the local youth club the only place in town where people appreciate his ideas of new pokemon. In all other times, you will finde him hangigngwith his mates.
History with Anca: He is Anca's next door neighbour, and a useful freind, they often gather together to compare pokemon ideas.
Pokemon Fanatic?: Yes, and as stated above Mark's ambision is to work for game freak
Favorite Pokemon: Matatric
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please wake up...

Do you think you could edit your favorite Pokemon to only one Pokemon/line of Pokemon? What I'm planning doesn't have room for three.

...Okay, well, maybe, but I'd prefer if you could stick with one for now. :p

Other than that, accepted like woahz.


I'll start after like two or three more sign-ups, and LSUs will be accepted if someone feels the need to sign up later. ^^


Russian May

Well-Known Member
Name: Maria (Mia) Jones
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Description: Mia is rather tall, about 1, 75 meters, with a slim figure. She's got dark-blond shoulder-length hair, aquiline nose and small mouth. She's wearing pink top with a little heart on it, blue jeans and black boots on a high sole. She wears silver necklace, bracelet and earrings.
Personality:Mia originally came from Russia but her mother fall in love with an American and they had to emmigrate. Being an optimist, Mia is always cheerful and happy. If you with her, you can't help smiling, because she's always giggly and really likes to laugh. But sometimes she can act really childish and she can be really absent-minded and naive. Because of this she can easily get into trouble! Mia is very sociable. But also it's very easy to drive her mad, because she's really impulsive so better watch out! Her hobby, despite Pokemon and all stuff connected with them, is Internet. She can always be found in the Net.
History with Anca: Mia is one of Anca's best friends. The thing that connected them is their pokemon crazyness. Mia heard Anco's ideas but she didn't found them strange. in fact she secretly beleives them and hopes one day it will become true.
Pokemon Fanatic?: Of course!
Favorite Pokemon: Torchic\Combusken\Blaziken


i feel his pain
Name: Nicola Marie Gail
Age: 14
Sex: female
Description: Nicola can never be seen without her usual Dark red sleeveless shirt. It has a pink broken heart on her chest area. Her secondary, never-seen-without item of clothing is either her faded light blue jeans with black graffiti style writing on the right knee or more likely a black mini skirt. She is seen to wear the same clothes everyday but she infact has two pairs and washes them each night. Her hair is always tied in a ponytail mainly to the left hand side and her hair is a dirty blond colour. Her eyes are usually either sapphire blue or emerald green but alter their colour from time to time so she may sometimes be seen with yellow eyes. She also has a braclet that is just above her left knee and just under where her skirt ends. She also has a necklace of a rose quartz gem stone pendant in the shape of a heart that dangles loosly from her neck. She is known to have a very athletic posture.
Personality: Nicola can be a girly girl at points, having fun is her main way of how to do things. She can be very flirty to boys if she is in a good mood but is known to change moods in a blink of an eye. People see her a fun loving girl that can just play around all day and be happy but inside she knows herself that she needs other people around or she is not very fun and is infact the opposite of that.
History with Anca: Nicola will ocasionally have discussions with Anca and beleives what the girl says will come true
Pokemon Fanatic?: Yes, a huge one
Favorite Pokemon: Moukazaru
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Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Well…this sound interesting but I don’t know if I really want to be in this RPG or not(various reasons like how busy i might be)…but here’s my sign up just in case I do stay…

Name: Jack Mariner
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Description: Jack is abit on the tall side, being about 6’01’’. He is of a medium build, but it doesn’t show, giving the impression that he’s tall and lanky. His face is rather set in, but ok, with high cheekbones, a rounded chin, thin lips, a slightly pointed nose and crystal eyes that strangely sparkle in certain angles of light. Jack’s hair is a dirty blonde, with hints of light brown in it, and the length being about down to his ears, so covering them up.
Clothing wise, Jack wears simple style clothes, just dark blue jeans with the odd tear in it. He also wears a yellow collard short-sleeve shirt with a red jacket over the top which has a logo on the sleeves. On his feet are some expensive trainers, white with black lines all over them. He also wears black woollen gloves with the ends cut off (named as ‘hobo gloves’) for no apparent reason except, probably as a fashion statement.
Personality: Jack’s personality is a little…Odd? He likes the limelight yet he doesn’t, wanting to be in style with everyone else but wanting to be different (hobo gloves), loving attention but hated to be talked about. But in general, he’s a nice person, if not a little bland, which is due to thinking too much, making his face appear bored or miserable as he concentrates on his thought stream. He is also abit lazy and will only do what he has to. But when the situation arises, will take the leadership role temporally, but to continue to do so, will lead him to just quit or get annoying headaches. But an unusual contrast to him is that he loves to know gossip about other people.
All in all, he’s quite quiet and thinks waaaay too much for his own good.
History with Anca: just a person he knows vaguely as she is in few of his classes. He know she LOVES pokemon but is very quiet, even to him when he tried talking to her once or twice
Pokemon Fanatic?: he has a secret that is he does, but no one but a few very trusted friends that don’t care about pokemon know he does. Jack know loads about pokemon, a rather unhealthy obsession, in the way he likes pokemon
Favourite Pokemon: he likes the pokemon Blaziken and Flygon a lot but his secret favourite pokemon is Beautifly because of its beautiful wings and it just looks cute to him :D


Well-Known Member
Name: Reckard J. Kage
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Description: Reckard has brash, timber brown hair that twindles all the way down to just under his neck length, complenting his white complexion and ultramarine blue eyes surrounded by a tambourine of golden around the pupils. He wears a white, long sleeve shirt going down to just below his waist. and tightened by the nice, red belt around his hips. On his right arm he wears over the white sleeved shirt, a black arm socket tied around his arm and laced with three red strings, and a black and red glove on that hand as well. He wears the same crimson red pants but with silvery grey leather sewn along the front of them for a nice transaction,all leading down to his average sneakers. (in other words, like the sprite in my sig :3).

Personality: a very stout and confident person, Reckard truly jumps between feelings from time to time, though not sensetive in the least. He's not really too social with anyone, but really a hermit either. At most times he seems to be mellow, yet definetly dose't bottle up naything inside. He can a little bit..unpredictable with the people he truly cares about. When it comes to pokemon, he becomes engaged and abseloutly insane about them when in the mode, and finds the feeling exillerating.

History with Anca: In (whatever town) Reckard had always seen Anca from afar. It started when he was 12, and had already gotten quite into the game, when eveyone really was. He had moved there a month ago, and was exploring the new country side feilds along his new town when he met Anca, along with a few friends playing the TCG, and she asked if he could join. The others reluctantly agreed, and began to chat when they relaied they were all-suprise, suprise-fanatistic about pokemon. While doing some more talking, Anca suggested playing a game. She split her skillful deck with his, and caught on quickly. The to battled neck in neck when about in the middle of the game, a thunder storm arose and Anca declared they should play again another time, and ran home. Ever since that moment, he saw somthing peircing within her. Striking. Almost like an aura of brillianc overcasing an unexplainable, mythic feeling. Ever since then, he didn't really go around her that much. but more from afar wondering what this feeling was. Just something he couldn't grasp. But once he heard she believed pokemon was real, he felt intensly complicated and complexed why, and his head began to throb in eager to ask her why she does believe in pokemon. He never did though, and after a little while, it wore off. But now, it has been starting again.
Pokemon Fanatic?: He surely likes pokemon, just is not all too sure pokemon is real.
Favorite Pokemon: Bonsly/Sudowodoo
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Divine Beauty
Name: Reika Wyatt; nicknamed Rei

Age: 15

Sex: female

Description: She is of average height and weight for her age. She is quite pale, as she doesn't leave her house much. Her died blonde hair has a slight reddish tone to it, and frames her cheekbones a little, then going down to her shoulders. She rarely puts her hair up, now does she ever mess with it; she doesn't beleive in hair spray, nor does she waste the time to put it in, so her hair tends to frizz out a little when it isn't wet. She died her hair blonde to bring out her light blue eyes. She likes to wear jeans or long pants, matched with a shirt bearing some sarcastic commentor sentence on it, such as, 'Bite me', or 'My imaginary friend thinks I'm crazy'.(I actually have those shirts. xDD)

Personality: She has a wide ranged persona, mainly due to being Bi-polar and a bit obsessive. When she's around her friends, she's acts slightly immature because she gets hyper and manic when she's around someone she's comfotable with. It gets worse if she drinks caffinated beverages; rather unfortanate becaue she loves them.(True story, lolz)

When she's around strangers or someone she doesn't like however, she tends to never say a word, unless they talk to her. she usually opens a book or starts to sketch something. She doesn't like talking to others because she's always been outcasted for her love of Pokemon, and her tendancy to not like something that's in style. Around these people, she seems rather serious, unless they say something stupid to her or laugh at her because she doesn't understand their stupid trends or slang. Then she gets angry and snaps at them, which usually either scares them off or eggs them on.

In short, she's somewhat anti- social, but not to the Emo level. She actually loves to talk, but only with someone she's on neutral terms with or likes. She's also asexual; she has no interest in either gender.

She has a short term memory that's terrible. She often forgets homework, phone numbers, and even names or birthdays.

History with Anca: While she isn't exactly friends with Anca, she feels slightly drawn to the girl, and sypathizes with her. They've talked few times; but those times did not feel terribally awkward to Reika, which is farily rare.

Pokemon Fanatic?: Heck Yes. She is a diehard Pokemon fan, and has loved it since she was seven.

Favorite Pokemon: She loves most pokemon, but if you asked her, she'd say Charizard.


please wake up...
Heh, I'm getting more apps than I expected to get. XD

Just a reminder, could I ask everyone who hasn't already to please only choose one species/line of Pokemon and make it their primary choice? It complicates my plans when there's more than one. ^^;


Russian May:

From what I see, I'm suspecting English might not be your first language. I'm okay with that, though, I won't kick you out for that or anything. Just thought I'd note it. (If I'm wrong, though, please do correct me.) But in spite of that, I'll mark you as accepted, and encourage you to do your best, okay? :D


Although it seems that Nicola wears the same thing every day, make sure you have a good excuse for it, okay? Like she only washes her clothes once a week or has multiple of the same outfit or something. XD Which is kind of weird in itself, but a little more believeable.

So, is she, like, bipolar or MPD? It'd be particularly interesting if she was diagnosed with one of these conditions. If you know how a bipolar/MPD person acts and thinks, then go for it, but if you're not sure, I'd either recommend you research it a bit or get rid of the mental disability-esque bits.

So, I'll accept you once I hear a response for that second paragraph of a comment I wrote.


Hey, if you can't keep up, you can't keep up. Just let me know if you wind up dropping out or something. ^^

Haha, Beautifly lover. XD That's cute. Accepted on the possibility that you'll be keeping up with the RP. If not, please don't hesitate to PM me and say you can't do it anymore.


I like the history. XD It's really interesting. I like the way you describe things, too, it's very rich and powerful. Accepted!

...Okay. Good. I'll post some final info before I go and make the OOC and main threads in their respective forums sometime soon, and then we'll be off! :D

EDIT: Oh, jeez, Seraphinu, you posted while I was typing my response so I didn't see yours. XD

Aha, a bipolar. XD Not that being bipolar is funny, but... I'm sure there are a lot of people like her who like Pokemon. It's also a lot easier when the character is based on personal experiences, so I can tell you're going to do well. Accepted, yo.
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Divine Beauty
Thanke. And don't worry, I know how those peoplz work. xDDD

Kinda goes without saying how I know. xDDD

And this is a pokemon fanbase, so yeah, pretty much everyone here likes Pokemon. hehee.


Well-Known Member
Um... I think you missed my post.


Well-Known Member
>_> You're not going to get many non pokemon fans. Also, I gave him a name. Also, just a question, but Possible Are we going to turn into pokemon? Seems like a good idea, and if we befreinded them we could have more than one. Also, he is supposed to look like a goth a little bit, but I'm not a goth, so he has a good personality. He doesn't have the goth personality, only the look. Also, no eyeshadow. Or any other such makeup.

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
Name: Abel Aria
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Description: Abel is around 6'0, and muscular. He has messy black hair that he lets hang down onto his forehead. Abel also has a pair of goggles he wants to wear if he ever gets to fly. Abel's eyes are sky blue and distant. He usually wears a plain blue shirt and blue jeans, but will wear anything he has lying around. He always wears a long black coat. Abel also wears a necklace with three pieces of wood in the shape of feathers.
Personality: Abel is obssessed by the sky, and often stares off into space wandering what it would be like to fly. He doesn't have a lot of friends and keeps to himself. Abel is quiet and will only say a few words at a time. He will help anyone who needs it. Abel will also protect anyone he cares about at all costs.
History with Anca: He goes to Anca's school. When they were younger Anca showed him the pictures of the pokemon, and told him about her dream. Abel didn't make fun of Anca, and now he nearly forgot about what she had told him. Anca and Abel are friends, but don't talk much. Secretly Abel likes Anca's dream. Last year Abel beat up a group of kids who were picking on Anca, and ended up with a broken arm. Abel wants to be a better friend to Anca, but he doesn't know how.
Pokemon Fanatic: He doesn't know what he thinks about them
Favorite Pokemon: Aerodactyl is the pokemon that stuck out to Abel when Anca showed him the pokemon.
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