Yes, I did take this title from the book and the song, why do you ask?
What little is known about our planet, our galaxy, our universe is absolute. We all know that birds fly, that fish swim, and that humans dominate the planet.
And that fiction is just that: fiction.
Pokemon is a popular global phenomenon on this planet. How easily humans are swept away by the newest fad, a simple, fictional universe invented by a humble man only trying to make a living for himself, barely expecting to become a celebrity and a household name. Such global phenomenons are both loved and criticized by many, but are unstoppable nonetheless.
But no one believes it could ever be real. It is a thing of imagination, and only imagination. There's quite simply no way it could ever happen.
Still, there is one person who believes. She knows that anything is possible and nothing is for sure, and thinks that maybe... maybe on one of those distant stars, they survive.
Taunted and ridiculed for her silly beliefs, still she presses on, hoping that one day they will come and prove her right. "Aliens aren't real, and neither are Pokemon!" they chant in an intimidating chorus, trying their best to conform her, to make her "normal".
She knows that in the filthy, monochrome world, there is no room for a dreamer like her.
But one day... it happens.
The world awakens to quite a surprise... a surprise of many different colors, shapes, sizes, and species. She slaps herself to see if she is dreaming, but comes to the conclusion that her wishing has paid off.
They fly in the air now, they swim in the seas, they crawl about the land, and they decorate the heavens. The biosphere that is called Earth has been invaded by aliens.
The aliens called Pokemon.
As for you... you are a child, of ages 10 to 18, who lives their own life, connected to this dreamer girl in some way. You will be there to witness it first-hand: the arrival of the Pokemon, the event that will alter the way the world thinks forever.
The universe you belong to is the one most familiar to all of us: our own. When the Pokemon arrive on this planet, everyone reacts differently: the lovers of Pokemon celebrate, the adults panic, the unbelievers don't know what to do, and the world as a whole is thrust into chaos.
Legendaries, too, have come with the rest of them: it is almost as though the entire universe they came from has followed them to this planet. Legendary Pokemon will become important as the plot progresses, so don't fear if you like legendaries.
Other life, the stars, and alternate solar systems/universes will be key parts to this RP. Though it seems all fantasy, it also has a scientific portion to it, as well. Things will be explained as scientifically as possible unless there is a reason for it otherwise.
All standard RPG forum rules apply. That means no bunnying, godmoding, Mary Sues and Gary Stus, bad spelling/grammar, and twinks.
On NPCs: NPCs are to be controlled by authorized users only. Please do not use them or alter their actions in your post unless you have been given permission by one of their players to do so.
The sign-up sheet is as follows:
Name: (No last name required, though it'd help your application.)
Age: (Remember, 10-18.)
Sex: (Male or female. Hell, you can even put "unknown" if you really want to impress me.)
Description: (5 or more sentences, please. This is mostly physical, so try to keep personality description out of it.)
Personality: (Again, 5 or more sentences. Be original, and don't skimp on the details!)
History with Anca: (What is this person's connection to the dreamer girl? This is required, by the way -- it will really help if all the players are connected somehow.)
Pokemon Fanatic?: (Is this person a fan of Pokemon, a hater, or just plain neutral in the matter?)
Favorite Pokemon: (If this person knows anything at all about Pokemon, then they at least ought to have a favorite. This will come into play later, actually. Can be legendary or otherwise, and of any generation.)
Here is the info sheet for Anca, the dreamer girl, just so you know:
Name: Anca Quinn
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Description: Tawny red hair that is about shoulder length, coupled with muted green eyes. Nothing overly-stunning, but not ugly as sin either. She is of average weight for her age, perhaps a bit on the short side. Changes her clothes every day, like a NORMAL PERSON (gasp!), but likes to wear bold outfits that make a statement. Looks particularly average at first glance, basically.
Personality: While she says nothing and commits to nothing, inside her mind is a world of dreams: she is imaginative and creative, and no limits apply to her at all. While her clothes suggest otherwise, Anca is actually quite an introverted, secretive girl, sharing only what she wants to share and having no trouble keeping secrets. She is also of about average human morality: if offered a hundred dollars, she would probably take it, and would likely just ignore hitchhikers if driving along the road. Still, she is kinder to her friends than to strangers, and when she is kind, she's incredibly giving. Anca can be philosophical at times, too, often absorbing herself into thought, though her idea of philosophy doesn't always go hand-in-hand with reason.
History with Anca: N/A
Pokemon Fanatic?: HELLZ YEAH.
Favorite Pokemon: Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss
If anyone has any questions (I know I suck with explaining things) or would like to reserve a spot, please do post and I will do my best to accomodate you.
So, let's get cracking!
What little is known about our planet, our galaxy, our universe is absolute. We all know that birds fly, that fish swim, and that humans dominate the planet.
And that fiction is just that: fiction.
Pokemon is a popular global phenomenon on this planet. How easily humans are swept away by the newest fad, a simple, fictional universe invented by a humble man only trying to make a living for himself, barely expecting to become a celebrity and a household name. Such global phenomenons are both loved and criticized by many, but are unstoppable nonetheless.
But no one believes it could ever be real. It is a thing of imagination, and only imagination. There's quite simply no way it could ever happen.
Still, there is one person who believes. She knows that anything is possible and nothing is for sure, and thinks that maybe... maybe on one of those distant stars, they survive.
Taunted and ridiculed for her silly beliefs, still she presses on, hoping that one day they will come and prove her right. "Aliens aren't real, and neither are Pokemon!" they chant in an intimidating chorus, trying their best to conform her, to make her "normal".
She knows that in the filthy, monochrome world, there is no room for a dreamer like her.
But one day... it happens.
The world awakens to quite a surprise... a surprise of many different colors, shapes, sizes, and species. She slaps herself to see if she is dreaming, but comes to the conclusion that her wishing has paid off.
They fly in the air now, they swim in the seas, they crawl about the land, and they decorate the heavens. The biosphere that is called Earth has been invaded by aliens.
The aliens called Pokemon.
As for you... you are a child, of ages 10 to 18, who lives their own life, connected to this dreamer girl in some way. You will be there to witness it first-hand: the arrival of the Pokemon, the event that will alter the way the world thinks forever.
The universe you belong to is the one most familiar to all of us: our own. When the Pokemon arrive on this planet, everyone reacts differently: the lovers of Pokemon celebrate, the adults panic, the unbelievers don't know what to do, and the world as a whole is thrust into chaos.
Legendaries, too, have come with the rest of them: it is almost as though the entire universe they came from has followed them to this planet. Legendary Pokemon will become important as the plot progresses, so don't fear if you like legendaries.
Other life, the stars, and alternate solar systems/universes will be key parts to this RP. Though it seems all fantasy, it also has a scientific portion to it, as well. Things will be explained as scientifically as possible unless there is a reason for it otherwise.
All standard RPG forum rules apply. That means no bunnying, godmoding, Mary Sues and Gary Stus, bad spelling/grammar, and twinks.
On NPCs: NPCs are to be controlled by authorized users only. Please do not use them or alter their actions in your post unless you have been given permission by one of their players to do so.
The sign-up sheet is as follows:
Name: (No last name required, though it'd help your application.)
Age: (Remember, 10-18.)
Sex: (Male or female. Hell, you can even put "unknown" if you really want to impress me.)
Description: (5 or more sentences, please. This is mostly physical, so try to keep personality description out of it.)
Personality: (Again, 5 or more sentences. Be original, and don't skimp on the details!)
History with Anca: (What is this person's connection to the dreamer girl? This is required, by the way -- it will really help if all the players are connected somehow.)
Pokemon Fanatic?: (Is this person a fan of Pokemon, a hater, or just plain neutral in the matter?)
Favorite Pokemon: (If this person knows anything at all about Pokemon, then they at least ought to have a favorite. This will come into play later, actually. Can be legendary or otherwise, and of any generation.)
Here is the info sheet for Anca, the dreamer girl, just so you know:
Name: Anca Quinn
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Description: Tawny red hair that is about shoulder length, coupled with muted green eyes. Nothing overly-stunning, but not ugly as sin either. She is of average weight for her age, perhaps a bit on the short side. Changes her clothes every day, like a NORMAL PERSON (gasp!), but likes to wear bold outfits that make a statement. Looks particularly average at first glance, basically.
Personality: While she says nothing and commits to nothing, inside her mind is a world of dreams: she is imaginative and creative, and no limits apply to her at all. While her clothes suggest otherwise, Anca is actually quite an introverted, secretive girl, sharing only what she wants to share and having no trouble keeping secrets. She is also of about average human morality: if offered a hundred dollars, she would probably take it, and would likely just ignore hitchhikers if driving along the road. Still, she is kinder to her friends than to strangers, and when she is kind, she's incredibly giving. Anca can be philosophical at times, too, often absorbing herself into thought, though her idea of philosophy doesn't always go hand-in-hand with reason.
History with Anca: N/A
Pokemon Fanatic?: HELLZ YEAH.
Favorite Pokemon: Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss
If anyone has any questions (I know I suck with explaining things) or would like to reserve a spot, please do post and I will do my best to accomodate you.
So, let's get cracking!