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Songs of a Distant Earth (le OOC thread)


please wake up...
Ashkid, I'm getting complaints from players AND potential sign ups alike. Could you please just... reverse what you've done? Like, not have the Lucario and not have hit the Pikachu? You don't have to edit your posts or anything, but from now on, can we pretend it didn't happen?

Anyway, you can befriend your Pokemon of choice if you want, but keep in mind that any normal adult or non-Pokemon fan who catches you with one is going to want you to get away from it and/or will forcibly take you away from it.

Also, I think I'll do a bit of a plot advancement either tonight or tomorrow... and I know exactly what I'm going to do. >3


please wake up...
Fine. But I'm still at your house.

Thank you.

And yes, it's fine that you're at her house, that much I don't mind. But just to patch up the hole in the storyline, can you come up with another reason for how he got there? Did he just kind of go over or did he have a reason...?

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
SapphireDewgonong, I had Joseph hang up with Anca. By the way, Is it okay if we befriend 4th Generation Pokemon? 'Cause Joseph has befriended a Nyaruma...


please wake up...
SapphireDewgonong, I had Joseph hang up with Anca. By the way, Is it okay if we befriend 4th Generation Pokemon? 'Cause Joseph has befriended a Nyaruma...

Yes, that's perfectly fine.

But before I do a plot advancement, I have a few things to fix...

ashkid, I hate to be a critic, but don't you think a rare Pokemon -- a LUCARIO of all things -- popping out of nowhere is a bit too... convenient?


please wake up...
Sorry I'm like... not here, guys, but I've been really busy. I'll get back to normal schedule soon.

......Question it and the lucario metal claws you.

...Are you just trying to be a prick?

Look, I'll be blunt here. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like your RPing style and the way you seem to bunny in every way possible. Beating Pokemon, trying to become the main villain in a roleplay you don't own without permission, making a rare Pokemon appear out of nowhere... I just really am not happy with it.

I'm going to ask you one more time. After this, I'm not going to ask you again.

Will you please utilize common courtesy and not bunny like you've been doing (IE: not have a Lucario appear out of nowhere for your own convenience)?


Well-Known Member
......Wait......why are you not questioning the person who somehow got an ENTIRE POKEMON TEAM out of nowhere? The count is up to about 5-6.
I'm not criticising him, but why can't I have a lucario? And I'll stop bunnying, though then the story never gets advanced. Also, never said I wanted to be "evil". Just wanted to do evil things. .....there's a difference, though I don't want to get into philosophy.


UnlimitedBlade Works
I know I haven't posted yet, but I am waiting for the perfect moment.

First of all Ashkid, I don't like how you role play, you are being a gary-stu. You can't obtain pokemon by clubbing them, key word is 'befriending' clubbing does not make them befriend you, and why would they want to be on your side after you abused them? I say get your act together or quit this RPG, it is annoying reading your posts. You can't do evil things, for you kill the plot that way, and it is up to SD to advance the plot, not a lowly member as your self, so how you are RPing currently, HAS to stop, or I'll think of away to kill your character off if it comes to that extreme, for other members are complaining about your Role playing as well, and for me, this is getting tiresome, so please change your ways, and role play better.




Well-Known Member
......Wait......why are you not questioning the person who somehow got an ENTIRE POKEMON TEAM out of nowhere? The count is up to about 5-6.
I'm not criticising him, but why can't I have a lucario? And I'll stop bunnying, though then the story never gets advanced. Also, never said I wanted to be "evil". Just wanted to do evil things. .....there's a difference, though I don't want to get into philosophy.

Because Lucairos are rare? Not to mention that your Lucairo just happened to pop its head out of the bushes and jumped into the room. Heck, the both of you even EXCHANGED GREETINGS! And the Lucairo happily accepted a nickname that you randomly gave him, and it felt completely comfortable despite only just meeting you. And your pathetic attempt to advance the plot by posting about hostile mews that made hives... >.> One more thing, Doing evil things =/= Evil? If doing evil things doesn't maek you evil, I don't know what does. And you said it yourself earlier in this discussion topic that you had hopes of becoming the villian of this story.

I"m crazy, want to control pokemon, and have a bat. That=villain.

You're right, you are crazy >.>

I know I haven't posted yet, but I am waiting for the perfect moment.

First of all Ashkid, I don't like how you role play, you are being a gary-stu. You can't obtain pokemon by clubbing them, key word is 'befriending' clubbing does not make them befriend you, and why would they want to be on your side after you abused them? I say get your act together or quit this RPG, it is annoying reading your posts. You can't do evil things, for you kill the plot that way, and it is up to SD to advance the plot, not a lowly member as your self, so how you are RPing currently, HAS to stop, or I'll think of away to kill your character off if it comes to that extreme, for other members are complaining about your Role playing as well, and for me, this is getting tiresome, so please change your ways, and role play better.



I agree. Not to mention that you (ashkid1993) tend to bunny people as well. We have repeatedly told yu to stop what you're doing but did you listen? NO! At this rate, ashkid1993, even if we don't kill you, you'll be kicked out of the RPG anyways ;) Good luck


I don't know what to post because my post has two people in it,and I don't know what to post without controlling their charictors.


Head AlwaysHeld High
Sorry I was so late in posting.... Also for any shoddiness of the aforementioned post (hey, it was very late in the day). As said before, feel free to shove me out if any part of my post, time or writing, was unacceptable. :p

ashkid1993 said:
I"m crazy, want to control pokemon, and have a bat. That=villain.