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Songs of a Distant Earth (ze RP!)

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please wake up...
((Welcome to the RP~!

Okay, so, if you want to LSU, then go to the appropriate thread in the Sign-Up forum. Other than that, it's time to RP IT UP!

...And I have nothing else to say. I can't really think of much else that needs to be said, and I forgot what I was GOING to say earlier. XD So, if you still have questions, post in the RPG Lounge thread.))


It was like the beginning of the world all over again, she thought.

Perhaps it was, in more ways that one.

The world was in a state of shock and panic. The whole planet itself seemed to be frightened, as well. Various storms were pounding upon various continents, volcanoes and earthquakes were scattered throughout, and the whole Earth just seemed to be in complete pandemonium.

Once these natural disasters had subsided shortly after morning on the west coast of North America, the people regained their bearings and their governments decided to make it official that everyone was to stay inside until further notice.

But then it struck her that, in another sense, it really was the beginning of the world all over again, although only one person knew it at the time. It was the end of dreams and the beginning of reality, the end of the old Earth and the beginning of the new.

And thus marked the beginning of the most exceptional event in the history of the Earth for this generation, and perhaps for generations to come.

The discovery of aliens, as it were.


The sound of sirens could be heard the world over today, the day that the U.N. made it official to the public: no one could be allowed out of their homes.

It was the safest method possible, they thought. With any luck, these aliens wouldn't be hostile, perhaps only instinctive, and equipped with only the law of self-preservation and the fight-or-flight response.

They had all heard the cries. "They're Pokemon!" But none of them truly believed it; they needed evidence, they needed to see scientific proof with their own eyes. It just wasn't scientifically possible. There had to be a logical explanation for this.

Another notable event that was occuring, the scientists noticed, was the rapid decline of animal sightings around the planet. Even the most common birds, fish, and even housepets were disappearing. People had woken up to see Rover or Fluffy missing from their homes. And yet, there were no corpses to be found. Surely deaths of such a voluminous number would bear corpses...

But that was all they knew. They were quite simply too afraid to capture one and study it, perhaps later dissect it for further internal analysis. At least for now.

"Just let me finish, will you, officer?"

She turned her head toward the man in the next yard. The man had been mowing the lawn, and she had been watching him -- though, more importantly, she had been on the lookout for them.

"I'm sorry, sir, I really am, but this is a global emergency. You have to stay inside, or we'll take you somewhere where you'll be forced to stay inside." The police officer made a gesture at his car. In the distance, other police sirens were blaring.

"Global emergency my ass... I haven't seen a single one of these so-called 'creatures' yet, so can I please just have the liberty of finishing my lawn, sir?" he asked irritably.

"I'm sorry, sir. Now please, go inside. This is the last time I'm going to ask you."

"...Urgh, fine, whatever," the man said in defeat. He stepped on a pedal on the lawnmower, and the buzz of the motor ceased.

The officer smiled. "Thank you, sir,"

The man simply grumbled in response, steering his lawnmower back into his shed. He then headed for his front door, sighed, and bolted the door shut. The cop soon got back in his vehicle and drove away at last.

Over the course of the next few hours, she watched cop car after cop car survey the streets, driving slowly so as not to miss anything. Her heart had been beating at maximum speed since first hearing about people claiming the creatures were Pokemon, but she had to be sure. Since that news report, she had been on guard duty at the front window.

"Anca, sweetie, come and eat dinner. You've been there for hours."

Her mother was there, and she had been expressing concern over Anca's incredible resolve to watch this phenomenon. She hadn't had breakfast or lunch, and had not budged an inch from the windowsill all day.

"Mom... I can't."

"I don't see what's stopping you."

Anca was taken aback by this somewhat curt response. She sighed wearily. "I just... can't. It's... well..."

The phone rang. Anca's mother sighed as well, trotting into the kitchen to get at the wireless phone.

"Hello? ...Yes, she is. Hold on."

Carrying the receiver with her, she offered it to Anca. "It's for you."

"Mom, do I have to...?" she complained, still keeping close attention on the events (or lack thereof) outside the window.

"I already told them you were there, now don't be rude," her mother chided.

Brushing a piece of her hair out of her face, she took the phone and gingerly held it to her ear.

She had a feeling she knew what was coming.



((Alright, there's the opening post. ^^;;;;;; It's kinda lousy, but it will do, for now.

If you want to have your character be the one at the other end of the phone, go ahead and do so, but remember that anyone else who tries to call in this time period will get a busy signal, so see if you can arrange interactions with others either here or in the Lounge thread once someone's set to be on the other end of Anca's line. At this point, people will be mostly communicating by telephone or internet, so feel free to have your character call someone or log onto AIM or something where they can be contacted by others.

(Don't worry, things will pick up, I swear! XD It will happen!)

Now, post!))


Divine Beauty
Hnh... all these reports and I haven't seen a single one...

So thought Reika as she sat on the edge of her bed, rocking back and forth on her knees as her blue eyes scanned outside her bedroom window, ready to snag the first sign of movement, too see the creatures that she always wished were real. All over her walls, there were posters. Even her curtains, and bedspread. All were adorned in tribute to them.

Bored with sitting with her face glued to a window, and leapt of the bed in a soft motion, and strode over to the entertainment unit whose shelves hid her stuffed animals, most of which were Pokemon plushies. She hugged a Charmander, and softly patted a Vulpix. She had a thing for Fire types. Except for Slugma, no. That thing was ugly. Finding herself bored again, she decided to leave the room. She entered the hall, and into the cluttered living room. She said hi to her mom, and quickly snuck into the den past the kitchen before her finicky mother could suggest otherwise.

Her favorite room in the house. Her last sanctuary before her mind itself. The quietest room in the house, and it held her computer as well. She sat in the high backed, black, soft chair and clicked the mouse to bring the machine out of its sleep mode. Clicking the internet browser, she began checking different websites, looking for replies. Finding none worth answering at the moment, she opened up MSN, and proceeded to log in.

Welcome to MSN Rei, the words across the window bar read. Then she sat back and waited for someone to log in.


The end of design...
Claudius - or Claud as many people call him, had stared at the same page of his novel for nearly an hour, why do all these weird occurences happen when I'm alive? Ugh, this is way too unlucky, Claud thought to himself. He then got up to his computer, and although his bed was incredibly soft, his back felt like as if he just slept on a bed of rocks. After the computer had started up, he opened up his MSN.

Good Evening, Claudius

He had set himself to appearing offline first, as he felt like checking something first. Claud opened up his internet and searched up, 'Alien Appearances'. He was curious if any actually have proof of the aliens being pokemon.
"Heh, wouldn't Anca love it if the aliens were actually alive." Claud chuckled to himself. After searching, Claud had found a blurry picture of one of the aliens - supposedly.
"Whatever, probably not true," Claud then opened up his MSN to 'online', "Everyone is probably bored." Claud then started to decide who he feels like talking to...

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
Abel was just wandering around. He had been outside for 2 hours now, and had been avoiding the cops. Abel had just been looking for one of the aliens, but there wasn't anything he could find. He had watched a few of the news reports, and heard a few people throwing around the idea that the aliens were pokemon.

"Hey you," a policeman walked in Abel's direction, "you're supposed to be at home."

"Sorry," Abel answered annoyed at the current restriction.

"Don't worry about it just get home soon,"the policeman just let it go and started to walk away.

"Well I haven't seen anything so I guess I will head home," Abel said to himself. Then, he headed in the direction of his neighborhood.
OOC:I know it's short but there isn't much to do yet.


Fire/Flying Trainer
Ever since this so called "occurence of creatures", Seth hasn't been at school at all. Seth lays around on his couch watching TV all day. Every now and then the emergency signal would come up and Seth would have to change the channel since its the same emergency to "Stay indoors at all costs!" that keeps repeating over and over again.

Seth decides to jump on the computer to get rid of his boredom.

Welcome....You got mail!

"Mail? I never get mail..." Seth opens the file and it automatically enters the Spam folder. Seeing that it has over 200 files he deletes them all and heads for his message he received. "Its from the principal at the school. I knew I shouldn't have left my E-mail on the registration form." Seth opens the file.

Dear Parents,
Your son/daughter may not be able to return to school for quite some time. So we have set up a new program in which they may learn at home. Classroom and homework assignments will be posted at class websites in which your son/daughter is in. Please watch over your kids and help them with any work that may be confusing to them.

Dear Students,
All assignments and projects are to be due as soon as school is allowed to be opened again. Until this "strange phenomenon" clears up, I and fellow staff members expect you to do all assignments! If no assignments are completed, you will retake your classes and, possibly, might flunk you into repeating you school year in the current grade you are in.

On that note, make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.

Principal of your high school.

"Man, thats a bunch of bogus. Having homework on break sucks! Oh well, I'll check any assignments later." Seth does his normal Myspacing and decides to IM his buddies.

Seth talks to his friends about not being able to hang out at all until they go outside again. Then the topic of the creatures being Pokemon came up.

Seth types, I really don't think they are Pokeman, I mean come on, how can something from a TV show from long long ago be a reality. I mean who ever made the show and made the games for Pokeman would have to be like major psychics and freaking geniuses, you know!
Seth's friend types a response which agrees to his opinion.
Seth continues to type, Besides I don't think we will be indoors for long, I am pretty sure this whole ordeal is all a misunderstanding. I am going to let you go, the parents are about ready to serve dinner. Peace out!

Seth logs off and goes to eat with his family.
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Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Aerais was in the detached part of his residence, a private place that he would run off to and his parents and lone sister did not seem to mind. Aerais was wearing a loosely-fit yukata and sat knees down in the middle of the floor, staring into space. It appeared that he was in some sort of meditative state, and when he pulled up the sleeves, there were bruises there. He flinched slightly at the sight of it, being reminded of what happened some days before the "quarantine" and the order for everyone to stay home due to the strange occurence and the alien-like phenomena. He felt his composure calm down and he stood up in his white tabi socks (which he purchased from eBay, apparently) and he walked out of the room and walked up the stairs to his room. His room was strewn with posters and the shelves were packed of books, graphic novels, video games and random doujinshi, and he sat down calmly in front of his computer, which, despite what everyone thinks, is actually quite decent and perhaps close to top-of-the-line. When he booted up the computer and everything was loaded, he opened MSN, which prompted an email and password, to which he slapped down his email and password quickly. When the sign-in was successful, he closed it and began to browse the Internet. He went off to his Wordpress to see if there were new comments. As usual, they were, but they consisted of people trying to get his location, and only a few of them were actually from people he knew. He sighed and logged on to the forum he frequented the most and noticed that there was a thread on the speculative theory that the "aliens" who came were actually Pokemon. Naturally, Aerais would be one to scoff but he did think about it for a moment and soon set down to typing a reply. When he was done, he started to browse for a few moments before creating a new tab and going off to another forum he was a regular at, which he had joined 5 years before. There was nothing particularly interesting in that there was only new private messages for him. Soon enough, there was an instant message from someone he knew, but it was his stalker-ish friend who had strange tendencies to do what she did, and Aerais just ignored it. Aerais rolled off and sat on his futon and stayed there, thinking...


Well-Known Member
Leon hated his life. Yesterday he had detention for not doing his homework and the day before, he had lost his cellphone. And now, he was stuck at home because some "aliens" were patronizing the town. Apparently, the "aliens" were though to be Pokemon. Sure, he believed in aliens, he had watched shows about them on Discovery Channel, but Pokemon...

Pokemon had been on video games, television shows, trading card games, heck, there were even plushies of them. But why would they turn out to be real? Leon didn't really hate Pokemon (He didn't exactly love them either), but at the moment, Pokemon was preventing him from getting the groceries form the local supermarket. He entertained the thought of capturing a Torchic and roasting it, but he quickly erased the thought and scolded himself for it. It looked like he was going to live on instant noodles for the next few days.

After slurping on the last few strands of noodles, Leon locked himself away in his room and and started up the computer. As he waited for the computer to load, he wished he had Anca's contacts. Anca was a true believer in Pokemon, she loved it so much. Surely she would know at least something about these "aliens"? Sadly, Anca was a secretive girl, although Leon never brought up the courage to ask her anyway. No, he was too anti-social (and probably lazy) to do so.

The computer was done loading and had signed-in to MSN automatically. Leon didn't bother checking who was online. Probably everyone, Leon thought, seeing how the recent event had forced everyone to stay in their homes, they would be playing computer games on their computers. All the emails in his inbox were newsletters from a games website he had subscribed to, there was never anything that interesting, but it was free. Now, Leon waited for someone to chat with him on MSN while he passed his time searching and looking up articles on the "aliens".

OOC: I do hope that was okay. Anca hasn't got a receiving end yet?

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
Joseph stared out his window, listening to the converstaion between his mother and his sister. The said that they were Pokemon. Joseph dearly hoped that that was right.
"But I wanna go outside!" he sister yelled.
"NO! There are Pokemans out there!"
"They... Are... Pokemon! Let me out!"
"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" It was quiet, then a door slammed. Joseph closed the curtains, and turned on the computer. The sounds of it booting up was music to his ears. REaching out form under the bed, he pulled out a drawinmg of Spheal. It was so cute wiht its smile and small tail...
"BEEP!" the computer said. Sitting in the chair, Joseph logged in. Then, opening the Internet browser, he logged on.
"Jospeh! Dinner's ready!" his mother yelled, and Joseph closed the screen. OPening his door, he ran out and sat at the table. It was a quiet dinner, wiiht a few words, and more chewing. Joseph finsihed up, and before he left the table, his mother talked.
"I'm sorry Joseph,"
"It's okay Mom," Joseph said, and he left for his room. Coming in his room, he went to the computer, and opened up his browser. He got on MSN, and waited for someone to talk to. Then he saw his phone. Picking it up, he doaled Anca's number.
"Hi, this is Joseph. Is Anca there?"
"Hello? ...Yes, she is. Hold on." Anca's mother called Anca, and Anca picked up.
"Hi, Anca, this is Joseph."

OOC: No one had replied to Anca's call... So I answered!

Russian May

Well-Known Member
"Oh yeah! My favourite place in the world - Internet!"
Mia jumped in her computer chair and pressed the "Switch on" button.

A few minutes later she was browsing the news site. It was full of reports dedicated to the investigation of that strange "alien" case. Mia was about to close the window when one phrase caught her eye...

"...There have been a few suggestions that these strange creatures are not aliens, but Pokemon - fictional species from a multi-billion dollar media franchise controlled by video game giant Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri..."

"What???" - Mia couldn't believe what she had read!
She turned and glanced at her favourite Torchic plushie, which was bought for her in Japan.
*So... what if it's true? But how to explain it? How did Pokemon managed to get to Earth? Or maybe it's just rumors?* - thought Mia.
She signed and turned back to computer.
"Well, I think, we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves." - Mia closed the news site and opened MSN.

"Welcome to MSN, Mia!"

There was a lot of people there!
Mia drew her keyboard and started to type:
"Hello, guys! So, what do you think about that all "alien" thing which is happening now?"
Mia leaned at the back of her chair and waited for anyone to reply...


Divine Beauty
((By the by, I won't be on December 1st or second. My choir is going to Disney to sing the the Candlelight Precessional. Wish me luck!~))

Rei clicked the mouse again and brought the MSN window back up. She blinked a few times, making sure she saw what she was seeing. Wow, a lot of people logged in, and in such a short time!

She smiled, and her eyes widened as her fingers stroked the keyboard, typing out a reply to Mia, someone she didn't know in person but was aquatinted with online. She started to feel a bit manic, rocking back and forth as she sat cross-legged in the chair, typing on her beloved keyboard. She loved typing. It often brought out her inspiration better than pen and paper.

~Well, its about time something happened around here. Nothing ever does. But, I haven't seen any 'aliens' yet. I can't wait though. I wonder if they really are Pokemon?

-- Hiding in the dark, you'll never see me, but I can see you...

Came the reply on the chat box. She sat back in the chair again, eagerly awaiting a reply.

((That last bit in the message is her signature for MSN. Kinda fits her, doesn't it? xD))
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The end of design...
Claud saw that quite a number of people started to log in, "Heh, at least the power's not out." Claud then opened up a couple of windows for instant messaging with people, all of which he entered:

Hey people its Claud, what do you all think of these emergencies and what not? Oh, and I even tried to find pictures of the supposed pokemon!

Claud closed all the windows, and continued searching for pictures.

"Ok, let's see here," Claud tried everything: pokemon, alien pokemon, pokemon sightings, and other phrases. "Pickle, pickle, I'm the pickle man." Claud started sing a rather odd sing he heard from a TV commercial. "Wait, that looks like-"

"Its dinner time Claud!" Claud's mother called out to him. Claud continued to search; he had a tendency to come up after a couple of times being called. "Claudius its dinner time!" His mother called yet again, at which Claud set himself to away, and went to the dining room, and it was at dinner time when he grew even more interested in pokemon...

OOC: Sorry this is a bit short, but couldn't think of much...yet...


Well-Known Member
Reckard trembled weakly as he crossed the floor of his upstairs living room dozens of times. The wind howled so feircley outside, it began to rush angenst his circular window. He lived in a small room along the frot of the attic over looking the entire town. He pushed himself down on his bed, and gazed mournfully at the rushing air beside him. "What..?" He whispered to himself slightly. Reckard suddenly jumped up, and checked the news for any developmenst like he had been doing lately on his family T.V.

"As you see by the rushing winds here, something must be amuck. Many experts are baffled by this phenomenon, and plenty think this is the begging of the end. Strangey, we managed to seize an image of one of the supposed 'aliens' dubbed by researchers, from an outside correspondant at 27KLR.

The screen changed to a picture of rapid wind a mysterious black shilloute of a flying entity was shown on the screen. The boy crawled closer to the television to find out more.

"Now we have not edited anything from this photo, and this is the clearest image we could obtain of such a photo. We now turn to fellow reporter, Gorgio Ranmaru for the latest happenings on what this mystery shoudedcreature could be.

The screen shifted now to an area diced with snow, and a reporter explaining within a nar by safe house with other delegates peeing out there small inslets to see the blazing images of scattered snow thrashed among the moutain peaks.

Yes, Corani, mystery shrouded indeed. Through all the havoc going on outside of your homes, 27KLR has managed to transport an official that is said to have the information leading on what these bizzare animals are. Suprisingly enough, he's the media supervisor with PUSA, the networking assosiation currently broadcasting the critically aclaimed animated television show, Pokemon.

"Pokemon? What would PUSA have to say about natural disasters like this?" Reckkard wondered to himslef while the reporter switched to sit down on a brassh, wooden table opposite of a stout man with a barrage of snow and hiking gear on.

What information, Mr.Tajjimaka, could you possibly on all these chaotic, disruptive events?
"Well it's all quite simple.." The strong, flexable supervisor stood by his claim. "My other, scienentific colleages may not believe me, but my station on working on the Pokemon episode and games believe the creatures out there are real, live pokemon themselfs!"
After a bellw of shock, the announcer raised his mircophone to the man and asked, "Mind clearing up what pokemon are, for those weary without children?
"Certaintly" The man agreed, pushing the phone out of the way. "Pokemon are animals of amazing poer. Able to do incredible thing unbenkost to us in the real world, lik creating fantastic beams of light to combat other pokemon, in which they ctach in small, red and white ball, called pokballs.
Ok, Mr.Tajiimaka, are you suggesting that the multi-billion dollar corporatio in Nintendo has brought the earth-
"Pokemon" The proctor interupted.

Reckard lay shocked. "Pokemon..?" He said slowly to himself. "Living..?" It didn't strike him for a moment. He just had to soak it all in. "Pokemon.." He repeated quietly, then sudenly the idea piercing him like a shathed sword unfurled before action. "She said they were real.." A bizare collage of beuddled pain spread over him as he remebered her name. "..Anca.." He had forgotten her over the years. People had ridiculed and made her hide, making her presense less in the world. It seemed like without her energy, it was like she was never there. A memory only clung by a needle of appearence, struck down and sending all fate flapping into the unknown wind.

His head began to hurt at her thought, and a sudden vision of her being entered hi mind, and in an instance, felt his aura pulse. He looked down at his hands, and for just a second, a seemingly diviison between two colors surrounded them, and he colapsed on his bed, fainted by his incredible pressure.

It seemed even within his dreams that he could not leave her memory behind. He remembered his dream as a slurred picture of that same shillouette, Anca running beside. The broad wings. Smooth chest, as if chizzled by angels. The dark thing beside her seemed so..intuned with her. Just frozen, he watched. And watched. And watched..till 'Bang! His dog, Gillian, playfully jumped ontop of Reckard, and he awoke in an angry avngeance, shoving the animal to the side. He glared down at it, with the polly-breed just glaring back with its emerald blue, puppy-dog eyes. He knew he couldn't stay mad at his pet, and hugged and petted him furiously.

He lt the pup wonder away to the side, and out of his masters eye. Reckard tiredly turne doff his blaring television and wondered down stairs, asking what time it was. "Oh, it's three. You must've been tired after waking up at five like the rest of us." Reckard glanced back at her confused. "Why'd we wake up that early?" He asked. "Oh, you know! The storm outside, and the pokemon-" Reckard stopped listening at those words. Pokemon had made him remember the rushing winds, shillouttes and divine image of her. A divinity of urge passed over to him as he reached for the door with a mighty fine, pearl white sweatshirt on, unzippered with the coat let loose.

He stopped at the knob. Part of him wanted to go. Thirsted to go. Needed to go. Yet another part held him back. It was something..ureal. He couldn't tell what it was, nor the sensation of thirst he had required before. It was just like a two-part struggle between mythical forces, or perhaps insanity versus well reason. At this point, he need didn't figure out and did not plan to without seeing her. He lunged at the knob, opning the door and letting all the gusing wind and bits of snow pour into the house.

"Reckard, what are you doing!?" His mother asked running at him.

"Seeing someone.."


"Anca.." He said, his feet shuddering within the icy wind.

"Anca? Who..Who is that?" She asked worringly.

"I-I'm not really sure.." He said a tad dazed, instantly at a stanstill with his mother shoving him back and slamming the door closed.

"Reckard!! Wheres your common sense, now!?" She asked outraged.

"I'm really sorry..I don't know came over me.." He said, aslight depressed at what he had done.

"Well..ok then. If you want to see this 'Anca' call her up first to schedule a different date! You know its too dangerous to be outside!"

He felt his head slump, but at the excitemnt of her mom's sudden idea, he raced up to his room, and found Anca's number, dialiing it slowly.

"Pokemon..Anca..Pokemon..Anca?" He chanted bit b bit to himself while the phone rang and he heard her hello.

"A-Anca! Is that you!?" He asked direly.
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Jirachi X

Doesn't Care
"Sometimes life is altered. Break from the ropes your hands are tied. Uneasy with confrontation. Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right" Blared through Taron's ears as he listened to one of his favourite songs by Avenged Sevenfold. He was spread out on his bed as he just stared out the window, looking for one of these so called 'aliens'.

"Taron! Dinners ready!" His mother called out from the kitchen below. He ignored it. "Get down here now!" His mother shouted. This was ignored as well. Taron soon heard stamping, so he walked towards the door and locked it. He decided that while he was up, that he would go on the net. He had a few emails, some were some of those chain mails that gave you 'bad luck' if you didn't forward them, which he deleted straight away. "TARON KNIGHT OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!!" His mother screamed but was drowned out by him turning up the music full ball. He had the weekly fan mail from the official Avenged Sevenfold website saying that they were cancelling all their tour destinations because of the phenomenon. And he also had a couple of emails from his friends telling him how angry they were about Avenged Sevenfold cancelled.

Taron then turned off his computer, walked towards the window and looked out. The streets were deserted. If this 'alien invasion' was real and had aliens like the ones in that recent movie, they would be goners already.

Taron turned back towards the door and looked at it for a moment, then he turned back towards window. He decided to break this curfew. If he did get caught, he would be brought straight back home and his mother would just dish out another punishment which would go ignored.
nathaniel was experiencing a weird emotion. half dis-belief, half elation.

"are they real?" he thought, his mind sending random ideas everywhere. "just log onto the internet!" he muttered to himself. he walked up to his room and learned a lesson that he always learned. msn could take forever to load, and even longer for a reply to get through. he gave up and logged off, but not before noticing and shadow flitting by the window.
"it's worth a try" he thought, and fished out the sugar cubes he and anca had made long ago, when the first found out about pokeblocks. he walked over to the window sill and placed two sugar cubes there. they were both purple. suddenly, a purple bat with wings for feet stopped right on his window sill and started eating them.
"a crobat" he realized, and suddenlyhad an urge to decorate every single window sill in the house with his "pokeblocks" he ran downstairs, and was crossing his mother's hideous pink carpet when he tripped over a lump.
"how weird. my mom loves this carpet. she never lets any lumps get in it. i thought. then i realised that the lump on the carpet was moving...


please wake up...
((Psst, CrystalSaurTower, I think Canis Lupus got there first. :p I hate to say it, because you did a wonderful first post, but I'm going to answer to Joseph, since he got the receiving end before you. ^^; Sorry...))


"Hi Joseph," Anca greeted half-heartedly. She continued to gaze firmly out the window, on watch duty still.

And then, it happened.

"Oh! Oh oh oh oh oh! I SEE IT!" she shouted into the receiver, holding her head closer to the window panes.

It was a short, teal green creature, vaguely designed like a cat might have been... or at least the ears. It had a tan jaw and stomach, and was surprisingly fat for its short stature. It was wandering around aimlessly across the street from her house, bumping into telephone poles here and there.

Not knowing it was being observed, the creature soon found its way to a trash can a neighbor had forgotten to take inside. It banged the metal can with its head after staring at it thoughtfully -- almost wistfully -- and it fell over, the lid toppling off and a hollow clang resounding all around for a few seconds. Trotting excitedly over to the spilled contents, it began to dig around, most likely searching for spare food.

Luckily for the creature, there were a few apples in the can. Granted, they were full of holes bored by worms long gone, but this creature could care less. It eagerly opened its mouth wide -- very wide -- and tossed one of the apples in, chewing it with its powerful jaw and swallowing it all in one bite. It then let out a pleased-sounding "Muuuuunch... lax!"

Anca was in shock for a few moments. But she soon recovered, and, heart pounding out of sheer excitement, she squealed loudly, forgetting for a moment there was someone listening to every word she said.

"Ooooooh! That is SO AWESOME! Eeeeeee!"


Divine Beauty
Rei continued to serach around on the Internet, refreshing pages constanly and chaging adress bars. Still, she found nothing confirming the sight of the Pokemon. Either they are messing with our technology... or they're really good at avoiding cameras... She thought, and then her paranoia struck. She gota prickling feeling in her neck, as though something was watching her. But that was impossible, considering all the windows in the room were covered by curtains.

I must be out of my mind... She thought to herself as she nervously got up, and let her curiosity take hold, urging her to one of the windows, to open the blinds and see what lay in the backyard.

"Oh well, it wouldn't have been the first time," she muttered to herself. Her hand cautiosly moved towards the blinds, both afraid and excited at what might be outside. Slowly, her fingers inched towards it. They were shaking from both excitment and fear.

"C'mon Reika, get a hold of yourself!" she said to herself, and grabbed the cord and pulled it swiftly, making sure the blinds would lock in place once they went up. She jumped back in suprise, nearly tripping over herself.

There it was. It looked so much like a raccoon, but it was cream colored with zigzagged brown striped. It's adorable chocolate eyes made Rei squeal.

It's even cuter than I imagined! She giggled to herself, and moved towards the door, despite the order from the police and her parents not to leave the house. She didn't care. It was just so cute! She opened the door, and the Zigzagoon rushed in, moving in a zig zag pattern, hence its name. It looked up at Rei, cocking its head. She picked it up and hugged it tightly.


Well-Known Member
He sat down. He was annoyed a lot. He had spent days in the hospital*Cheap excuse for me not being here* After that stupid feraligatr attack. He was going to get a lucario to kill that thing, or get his sword of his mantle and kill it himself!"Wait....it can shoot me with water....DO'H!" Stupid feraligatr.....*he walked out of the house* Now where is Anca? *he began walking to her house*


Well-Known Member

There was something ramming itself against the window. Leon drew the curtains to reveal a bright-yellow creature with a zig-zagged tail. It had red cheeks and the tip of its pointed ears were black. It had a few brown stripes on its back and the start of its tail was brown, too, but it ended in yellow. It was the ever famous mascot of Pokemon made famous by the television series. Its name was Pikachu.

The Pikachu released a powerful bolt of electricity from its cheeks and the blast shot through the window, shattered bits of glass littered the floor outside. The Pikachu entered the house and Leon noticed it was smiling. It seemed curious and started dashing around the room, still releasing small sparks of electricity.

The computer screen went dark and the air-conditioner suddenly stopped. There was a blackout, and it was caused by the Pikachu. After awhile, the Pikachu grew tired and lay on the floor to rest. Leon grabbed the Pikachu by the tail and examined it while wondering what to do with it. This was the first sign that the Pokemon were real. His house was probably going to be featured in the news tonight, Leon thought.


Well-Known Member
He walked down the street. He was almost to Anca's house. Then he saw a pikachu run into someones window. "Well....I 'm not in a hurry." He jumped up, through the window and saw that the pikachu was KOd with a what seemed like a confused guy over him. "......hello....." He grabbed the pikachu. ".....I need this....thanks, though." He jumped out of the window. "Im going to capture these pokemon.....a smile came over his face. "Hopefully they won't mind. If they do.....well, they'll all be KOd like this pikachu......

Sonozaki Maya

realized seraph
Aerais was still sitting down on his futon, but he was no longer thinking. He became bored, and decided to fetch one of the games on his shelf. As he was going to get it, he realized that the CD wasn't needed and sighed after realizing that he didn't need to go through that hassle as it was already installed on the computer, which made him chuckle with relief. When he sat down on the computer, he set his MSN status to Away and closed down all running programs, before booting up the game he was going to play. It was a fighting game and the netplay application he had used enabled him to play against other people either locally or from all over the world, so he connected to the available server and set down the options for hosting a game. He waited for a few moments until a challenger arrived, which, strangely enough, wasn't long. Normally he'd have to wait for over 10 minutes but the challenger decided to come in only 5 minutes. Well, they picked their characters for the game and began the round. During the play, Aerais kept on hearing rather peculiar noises from the window, but since he needed to maintain concentration on his game he could not stop to examine, which was rather unsettling for Aerais considering that what might be outside could have something to do with the mysterious phenomenon that has been occuring recently! Aerais cursed to himself as his gameplay started to lag. Apparently the challenger had taken note of Aerais' notoriety within this game and his amount of skill at it, but because of Aerais' unsettled composure, his game was beginning to decline slowly. However, there was a massive comeback as the adrenaline rush from Aerais wanting to check it out made him play rather fiercely and aggressively. In the end, Aerais won, but only by a string. The other player, he thought, was actually very good compared to the people he had played only recently. Aerais decided that he needed to give it a rest and check out that incessant noise. When he closed down the game, he walked to the window and saw something recognizable, and when it dawned upon him, he gasped softly. What he saw was a black crow-like creature, with a yellow beak. The crest on its head was oddly shaped like a hat, and Aerais could only recognize it for one thing - a Murkrow. It was cawing rather persistently and it was annoying him, but the thought of seeing a Pokemon in real life bewitched him and he could only stay in place. Aerais wanted to see if he was imagining things so he opened the window and started hitting the walls of his residence softly, and the Murkrow seemed to respond. It turned to face Aerais and cawed yet again. If it responded to Aerais' actions, then it must be real, or so he thought in his mind. His mentality was shaky after the events that had transpired.

It was truly an amazing moment for him.
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