((Welcome to the RP~!
Okay, so, if you want to LSU, then go to the appropriate thread in the Sign-Up forum. Other than that, it's time to RP IT UP!
...And I have nothing else to say. I can't really think of much else that needs to be said, and I forgot what I was GOING to say earlier. XD So, if you still have questions, post in the RPG Lounge thread.))
It was like the beginning of the world all over again, she thought.
Perhaps it was, in more ways that one.
The world was in a state of shock and panic. The whole planet itself seemed to be frightened, as well. Various storms were pounding upon various continents, volcanoes and earthquakes were scattered throughout, and the whole Earth just seemed to be in complete pandemonium.
Once these natural disasters had subsided shortly after morning on the west coast of North America, the people regained their bearings and their governments decided to make it official that everyone was to stay inside until further notice.
But then it struck her that, in another sense, it really was the beginning of the world all over again, although only one person knew it at the time. It was the end of dreams and the beginning of reality, the end of the old Earth and the beginning of the new.
And thus marked the beginning of the most exceptional event in the history of the Earth for this generation, and perhaps for generations to come.
The discovery of aliens, as it were.
The sound of sirens could be heard the world over today, the day that the U.N. made it official to the public: no one could be allowed out of their homes.
It was the safest method possible, they thought. With any luck, these aliens wouldn't be hostile, perhaps only instinctive, and equipped with only the law of self-preservation and the fight-or-flight response.
They had all heard the cries. "They're Pokemon!" But none of them truly believed it; they needed evidence, they needed to see scientific proof with their own eyes. It just wasn't scientifically possible. There had to be a logical explanation for this.
Another notable event that was occuring, the scientists noticed, was the rapid decline of animal sightings around the planet. Even the most common birds, fish, and even housepets were disappearing. People had woken up to see Rover or Fluffy missing from their homes. And yet, there were no corpses to be found. Surely deaths of such a voluminous number would bear corpses...
But that was all they knew. They were quite simply too afraid to capture one and study it, perhaps later dissect it for further internal analysis. At least for now.
"Just let me finish, will you, officer?"
She turned her head toward the man in the next yard. The man had been mowing the lawn, and she had been watching him -- though, more importantly, she had been on the lookout for them.
"I'm sorry, sir, I really am, but this is a global emergency. You have to stay inside, or we'll take you somewhere where you'll be forced to stay inside." The police officer made a gesture at his car. In the distance, other police sirens were blaring.
"Global emergency my ass... I haven't seen a single one of these so-called 'creatures' yet, so can I please just have the liberty of finishing my lawn, sir?" he asked irritably.
"I'm sorry, sir. Now please, go inside. This is the last time I'm going to ask you."
"...Urgh, fine, whatever," the man said in defeat. He stepped on a pedal on the lawnmower, and the buzz of the motor ceased.
The officer smiled. "Thank you, sir,"
The man simply grumbled in response, steering his lawnmower back into his shed. He then headed for his front door, sighed, and bolted the door shut. The cop soon got back in his vehicle and drove away at last.
Over the course of the next few hours, she watched cop car after cop car survey the streets, driving slowly so as not to miss anything. Her heart had been beating at maximum speed since first hearing about people claiming the creatures were Pokemon, but she had to be sure. Since that news report, she had been on guard duty at the front window.
"Anca, sweetie, come and eat dinner. You've been there for hours."
Her mother was there, and she had been expressing concern over Anca's incredible resolve to watch this phenomenon. She hadn't had breakfast or lunch, and had not budged an inch from the windowsill all day.
"Mom... I can't."
"I don't see what's stopping you."
Anca was taken aback by this somewhat curt response. She sighed wearily. "I just... can't. It's... well..."
The phone rang. Anca's mother sighed as well, trotting into the kitchen to get at the wireless phone.
"Hello? ...Yes, she is. Hold on."
Carrying the receiver with her, she offered it to Anca. "It's for you."
"Mom, do I have to...?" she complained, still keeping close attention on the events (or lack thereof) outside the window.
"I already told them you were there, now don't be rude," her mother chided.
Brushing a piece of her hair out of her face, she took the phone and gingerly held it to her ear.
She had a feeling she knew what was coming.
((Alright, there's the opening post. ^^;;;;;; It's kinda lousy, but it will do, for now.
If you want to have your character be the one at the other end of the phone, go ahead and do so, but remember that anyone else who tries to call in this time period will get a busy signal, so see if you can arrange interactions with others either here or in the Lounge thread once someone's set to be on the other end of Anca's line. At this point, people will be mostly communicating by telephone or internet, so feel free to have your character call someone or log onto AIM or something where they can be contacted by others.
(Don't worry, things will pick up, I swear! XD It will happen!)
Now, post!))
Okay, so, if you want to LSU, then go to the appropriate thread in the Sign-Up forum. Other than that, it's time to RP IT UP!
...And I have nothing else to say. I can't really think of much else that needs to be said, and I forgot what I was GOING to say earlier. XD So, if you still have questions, post in the RPG Lounge thread.))
It was like the beginning of the world all over again, she thought.
Perhaps it was, in more ways that one.
The world was in a state of shock and panic. The whole planet itself seemed to be frightened, as well. Various storms were pounding upon various continents, volcanoes and earthquakes were scattered throughout, and the whole Earth just seemed to be in complete pandemonium.
Once these natural disasters had subsided shortly after morning on the west coast of North America, the people regained their bearings and their governments decided to make it official that everyone was to stay inside until further notice.
But then it struck her that, in another sense, it really was the beginning of the world all over again, although only one person knew it at the time. It was the end of dreams and the beginning of reality, the end of the old Earth and the beginning of the new.
And thus marked the beginning of the most exceptional event in the history of the Earth for this generation, and perhaps for generations to come.
The discovery of aliens, as it were.
The sound of sirens could be heard the world over today, the day that the U.N. made it official to the public: no one could be allowed out of their homes.
It was the safest method possible, they thought. With any luck, these aliens wouldn't be hostile, perhaps only instinctive, and equipped with only the law of self-preservation and the fight-or-flight response.
They had all heard the cries. "They're Pokemon!" But none of them truly believed it; they needed evidence, they needed to see scientific proof with their own eyes. It just wasn't scientifically possible. There had to be a logical explanation for this.
Another notable event that was occuring, the scientists noticed, was the rapid decline of animal sightings around the planet. Even the most common birds, fish, and even housepets were disappearing. People had woken up to see Rover or Fluffy missing from their homes. And yet, there were no corpses to be found. Surely deaths of such a voluminous number would bear corpses...
But that was all they knew. They were quite simply too afraid to capture one and study it, perhaps later dissect it for further internal analysis. At least for now.
"Just let me finish, will you, officer?"
She turned her head toward the man in the next yard. The man had been mowing the lawn, and she had been watching him -- though, more importantly, she had been on the lookout for them.
"I'm sorry, sir, I really am, but this is a global emergency. You have to stay inside, or we'll take you somewhere where you'll be forced to stay inside." The police officer made a gesture at his car. In the distance, other police sirens were blaring.
"Global emergency my ass... I haven't seen a single one of these so-called 'creatures' yet, so can I please just have the liberty of finishing my lawn, sir?" he asked irritably.
"I'm sorry, sir. Now please, go inside. This is the last time I'm going to ask you."
"...Urgh, fine, whatever," the man said in defeat. He stepped on a pedal on the lawnmower, and the buzz of the motor ceased.
The officer smiled. "Thank you, sir,"
The man simply grumbled in response, steering his lawnmower back into his shed. He then headed for his front door, sighed, and bolted the door shut. The cop soon got back in his vehicle and drove away at last.
Over the course of the next few hours, she watched cop car after cop car survey the streets, driving slowly so as not to miss anything. Her heart had been beating at maximum speed since first hearing about people claiming the creatures were Pokemon, but she had to be sure. Since that news report, she had been on guard duty at the front window.
"Anca, sweetie, come and eat dinner. You've been there for hours."
Her mother was there, and she had been expressing concern over Anca's incredible resolve to watch this phenomenon. She hadn't had breakfast or lunch, and had not budged an inch from the windowsill all day.
"Mom... I can't."
"I don't see what's stopping you."
Anca was taken aback by this somewhat curt response. She sighed wearily. "I just... can't. It's... well..."
The phone rang. Anca's mother sighed as well, trotting into the kitchen to get at the wireless phone.
"Hello? ...Yes, she is. Hold on."
Carrying the receiver with her, she offered it to Anca. "It's for you."
"Mom, do I have to...?" she complained, still keeping close attention on the events (or lack thereof) outside the window.
"I already told them you were there, now don't be rude," her mother chided.
Brushing a piece of her hair out of her face, she took the phone and gingerly held it to her ear.
She had a feeling she knew what was coming.
((Alright, there's the opening post. ^^;;;;;; It's kinda lousy, but it will do, for now.
If you want to have your character be the one at the other end of the phone, go ahead and do so, but remember that anyone else who tries to call in this time period will get a busy signal, so see if you can arrange interactions with others either here or in the Lounge thread once someone's set to be on the other end of Anca's line. At this point, people will be mostly communicating by telephone or internet, so feel free to have your character call someone or log onto AIM or something where they can be contacted by others.
(Don't worry, things will pick up, I swear! XD It will happen!)
Now, post!))