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I like Sonic adventure 1, 2 and heroes. The games with the horrible 4kids cast (no offence to those that are part of it)... not so much. And the sonic next-gen looks like trash, not to mention the fact that sonic DIES.

What a nice way to celebrate his 15th anniversary, with sub par acting cept for eggman and the death of sonic and his revival using chaos emeralds...



Insert Title Here
um the voice acting was the least of that games problems...the least, I'm sorta glad the old cast had nothing to do with that game.
The only problem I found with Shadow was that the camera was a bit annoying. Otherwise I loved the entire thing. =P

I can't wait til the new one for Wii comes out - gameplay's supposed to feel like one of the original games. Only thing is the name change - started with an awesome name, and now it's retarded ("Sonic and the Secret Rings?" Wtf?). Nonetheless, can't wait to try it.


Kanto Starter Fan
Im Sonic fanatic myself (Hence the name xD) and Im in love with almost every Sonic game I have purchased since back when I got Sonic 2 on the Megadrive. In my opinion, the best game in his 3d outings is definately Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, which is my favorite game on the Cube. Some bad camera angles, but his fast paced levels definately made up for that. Sonic rush is another fantastic game, along with my other favorites such as the advanced series and older games such as 1, 2 3, knuckles and CD. Bring on Sonic and the Secret rings I say! =D
Sonic Adventure is probably my favorite Sonic game ever.


Well-Known Member
Dare I fling in a mention for... Sonic Riders?

This game gets bashed so much, but I liked it a lot more than Heroes. Wave and the rest of the Babylon Rouges were a great set of characters, but will probably never be used again which sucks. Best level was Dark Desert.
Never played Sonic Riders but I watched all the storymode on youtube and some gameplay videos...didn't look too fun imo.

Yeah after Adventure 2: Battle Sonic Team took a HUGE dip in quality, I wonder what happened.


Iblis Wings
Yeah after Adventure 2: Battle Sonic Team took a HUGE dip in quality, I wonder what happened.

Grr... they got the American side of Sonic Team to develop the newer 3D games while they hired a company known as Dimps to do the Advance and Rush games.
Sonic Team USA also did Sonic Adventue 2.


Hey do you guys think of Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3/360) and/vs Sonic and the Secret Rings?
I don't think they should be a "vs' kind of topic, they are what they are. Two completely different styles of Sonic - apparently if you like the original games go with Wild Fire (although I never had a hands on so I can't tell), and the adventure styles go with the new Sonic style.


i think that Sonic the Hedgehog (15th anniversary) will be the best sonic game ever.


Hoenn Champion
Well, for me, Sonic 3 and Knuckles was the best game. I just do not think that any of the newer 2D games reach that standard, or I just can't get into them.

Out of the 3D games, I have to say that I prefer Sonic Adventure. I liked how they did all of the different characters intermingling with eachother, but each having their own stories.


Well-Known Member
Kez said:
Well, for me, Sonic 3 and Knuckles was the best game. I just do not think that any of the newer 2D games reach that standard, or I just can't get into them.
I'll agree with you completely on the first sentence, Sonic 3 & Knuckles was highly addictive and great fun to play even after completing it and getting all 14 emeralds. However i'll disagree on the latter... Sonic Rush and to a lesser extent Sonic Advance 3 were both very good games.
Sonic Advance 1 were more like the original games - platforming and a small tad of speed mix in.

Sonic Advance 2 took on some kind of steroid with sonic and crew and now they were ultra fast in running, the whole game felt like you just held the right button the whole time, pressing A occasionally

Sonic Advance 3...was a bit too odd for my taste...

AJ Flibble

Sonic Advance 2 did have Music Plant though, which rocked. And also to a lesser extent Egg Utopia, though that's more the music.

The 3rd was bizarre though. In a mixed way. Ocean Base wasn't even that wet for smeg sake, yet Twinkle Snow seemed to be the "water zone." :S


Powerplay Champion
loved the first three, remember all their music, have yet to play sonic cd, which i hear is fantastic. sonic adventure one was fun... but the second one had pretty bad control issues
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