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Sonic Advance 3 was the best one for me as I liked the "tag-team" style of play... which brought me back to the old days of Megadrive/Genesis Sonic 2. Plus the music for Chaos Angel owned everything.
Sonic Advance 3 was the best one for me as I liked the "tag-team" style of play... which brought me back to the old days of Megadrive/Genesis Sonic 2. Plus the music for Chaos Angel owned everything.
...what does that have to do with Sonic Advance 3 it doesn't play anything at all like that there was no "tag teaming" in that game besides Tails following you.
I saw a commercial for the new Sonic game for XBox 360, and it made me realize: I'll never afford an XBox 360! I'll have to wait for it to either get downgraded for the Wii, or for it to get released on the PC. I'd like it to be on the PC! Then it would give me an excuse to get a special Controller for the PC.
Well, what if I wanted the $400 version, and get an Intercooler 360, as well as an XBox Live Starter Pack, as well as Viva Piñata? That would mean 3 Months of saving my money!
Sonic Advance was an incredibly boring game imo. The fact that I beat it about 2 hours after I purchased it didn't really help matters either. I personally felt the only redeeming quality of that game was the ability to finally play as the lovely Miss Rose in a 2D environment~
Well, what if I wanted the $400 version, and get an Intercooler 360, as well as an XBox Live Starter Pack, as well as Viva Piñata? That would mean 3 Months of saving my money!
There's somethign wrong with Sonic in 3D. For me, it just doesn't work. However, Sonic Rush is just AMAZING. If it weren't as short or easy, I'd say it's perfect. You can really feel the speed and the two screens work very well together. Another Sonic DS game would be very nice.
As for Sonic, the only two I have are the GC ports of the Adventure games. Ended up with the second one first due to being unable to find the first one (got it here in town at the tiny video store, of all places). I like both, though so far I like SA1 a bit better then the second one (that Emerald place I played on a demo on the DC that game with the original Phantasy Star Online and that level has stayed as my favorite since).
I have at least one of the Genesis Sonic games, though (never actually owned a Gen, but a neighbor did...heheh). I keep thinking I played one on another system as well (the Genesis version ported to another system, like a gem collection on the DC or I might have played it on a collection on the GC).
Oh, and I've see a few places online that people are not very fond of Tails.
Is it because of things like during SA1 when he basically hands Dr Eggman that Chaos Emerald in Chaos Island or whatever the place is called you ride to in a train toward the beginning of the game?
My first Sonic game was Sonic Adventure. Yeah, the original one. The Dreamcast doesn't get the love it deserves...
I spent all my time playing it (and Grandia II and Soul Calibur), and I beat all the stories except Sonic's (never beat the Egg Viper) and Amy's (her stages were so difficult that I only ever beat Twinkle Park).
Then a few months back I rented a GCN and SADX to "relive the magic"... and beat the entire thing in three days.
so I heard a new trailer and wtf no Crush 40 singing Sonic's Song? What are they trying to get rid of everything in terms of the sound department which made the adventure games sound good? Jun Sue - gone. Ryan Drummond and Crew - gone. Johnny Gieoli and Crush 40 - gone.
Hey now! Just cause it doesn't feature Jun Senoue or Crush 40 doesn't make the song's quality any different. Besides I bet Crush 40 does another song for the game while Sonic Team got ZebraHead instead to do it. That reminds me.... only till Friday before the game releases.