Korobooshi Kojiro
Mike Pollock suggest to Sega that they should do that, 4Kids had no say so in the matter, Sega did.
Which is why 4kids wouldn't let Ryan Drummond do Sonic because he didn't live in NY....
Mike Pollock suggest to Sega that they should do that, 4Kids had no say so in the matter, Sega did.
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :sHow is that over-rated? Most people seem to trash that game at every chance they get.
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :s
Some vets, such as myself, hated it. Others are indifferent over it. Unfortunately, the newer crowd overshadows the other two groups.
Hey, anyone play Sonic Jam?
That was awesome...it had alot of cool extras, and Sonic Mega Collection failed in comparison.
Definately. Sonic Jam ftw. I found the video clips of commercials from Japan and such far more interesting than the GameGear games and comic book covers from the ridiculously awful Archie comics.Hey, anyone play Sonic Jam?
That was awesome...it had alot of cool extras, and Sonic Mega Collection failed in comparison.
"PH1ND D4 C0Mp0073r RUUM!!!1!"
Both opening songs were good.oh god the Japanese opening is horrid, and I'm not just saying that because I hate all thing Japanese as you'll say it truly fit with the other intro.
4Kids? Time to improve? Wes..uh..they've been given YEARS to improve. Their inability to act will NEVER improve, man. >_>; They're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of dubbing companies.Some dubs just need time to improve.... I hope to god that the next games are well received....
4Kids? Time to improve? Wes..uh..they've been given YEARS to improve. Their inability to act will NEVER improve, man. >_>; They're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of dubbing companies.
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :s
Some vets, such as myself, hated it. Others are indifferent over it. Unfortunately, the newer crowd overshadows the other two groups.
Difference is that PUSA's actors are improving as they go along. 4Kids' main set have been acting for years and haven't seen an ounce of improvement....Wah! Man as much as I hate to admit it *Grits teeth*... I still feel the need to hope for improvement! I mean... you gotta have some hope! I mean look at PUSA.... okay not 4Kids technically but they are using 4Kids VA's stll aren't they? ... Darn it all!
A lot of people have already played demos of the PS3/360 Sonic game. They've mostly agreed it's pretty bland, as they expected. :s Sonic for the Wii, however, does have redeeming value.I know people are giving Sonic and the Secret Rings hope but... to many his upcoming 3D game to many is still his last real decent chance to gain some respect from many people. Hype kills or helps! In Sonic's case it's gonna kill him like how Heroes did!
The one time I can agree with you.Oh right.... time to get back on topic. Anyway Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Damn is that game still fun to play even to this day.
The one time I can agree with you.![]()
A lot of people have already played demos of the PS3/360 Sonic game. They've mostly agreed it's pretty bland, as they expected. :s Sonic for the Wii, however, does have redeeming value.