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what does that have to the with the games? Sega and 4Kids are two different companys.

Korobooshi Kojiro

That was what started the whole VA change, which was partially 4kids fault (they did hire terrible voices for some of the characters, imo).

And thus, Sonic X was ruined more then it all ready was.
no it started with Mike Pollock...

and your right they did hire terrible voices for their characters compared to the old ones...sorry Dan Green your Knuckles can't touch the game VA one.

and Mike Pollock has nothing on Deem Bistrow at all, the old game VA Dr. Eggman was amazing IMO, such awesome talent.


Old Coot
How is that over-rated? Most people seem to trash that game at every chance they get.
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :s

Some vets, such as myself, hated it. Others are indifferent over it. Unfortunately, the newer crowd overshadows the other two groups.
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :s

Some vets, such as myself, hated it. Others are indifferent over it. Unfortunately, the newer crowd overshadows the other two groups.

Ah ok I see your point now. I still find it a form fitting sequel to the Sonic Adventure games...however after that, oh dear...

Any Sonic fan should start with the basics first and work their way up, you'll find where the dip in quality started.

How Shadow got above anywhere a 5 in gamefaqs is beyond me, I rented it to try it out, and that was the first game I ever instantly returned, horrible.


Awaiting October.
Hey, anyone play Sonic Jam?

That was awesome...it had alot of cool extras, and Sonic Mega Collection failed in comparison.

i honestly can't say i have...i wish i did though mega collection was very enjoyable the only thing that the 2D sonic games didn't have was a stroyline like all platformers untill the late 90's i guess when mario 64 came out it had a storyline and the newer sonic games do but they can't match an RPG..

New sonic games=okay at best
old sonic games=Amazing

and the sonic games on GBA were quite good also..


Old Coot
Hey, anyone play Sonic Jam?

That was awesome...it had alot of cool extras, and Sonic Mega Collection failed in comparison.
Definately. Sonic Jam ftw. I found the video clips of commercials from Japan and such far more interesting than the GameGear games and comic book covers from the ridiculously awful Archie comics.
oh god the Japanese opening is horrid, and I'm not just saying that because I hate all thing Japanese as you'll say it truly fit with the other intro.


Iblis Wings
The only difference is the music in the Japanese opening ... unless you happen to dislike the music.

"PH1ND D4 C0Mp0073r RUUM!!!1!"

Some dubs just need time to improve.... I hope to god that the next games are well received....


Old Coot
oh god the Japanese opening is horrid, and I'm not just saying that because I hate all thing Japanese as you'll say it truly fit with the other intro.
Both opening songs were good. o_O Only reason some people hate the Japanese opening is because it's not as "cool" sounding as Sonic Boom. The Japanese track for the rest of the game, however, is superior to the US track. :s

Some dubs just need time to improve.... I hope to god that the next games are well received....
4Kids? Time to improve? Wes..uh..they've been given YEARS to improve. Their inability to act will NEVER improve, man. >_>; They're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of dubbing companies.


Iblis Wings
4Kids? Time to improve? Wes..uh..they've been given YEARS to improve. Their inability to act will NEVER improve, man. >_>; They're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of dubbing companies.

...Wah! Man as much as I hate to admit it *Grits teeth*... I still feel the need to hope for improvement! I mean... you gotta have some hope! I mean look at PUSA.... okay not 4Kids technically but they are using 4Kids VA's still aren't they? ... Darn it all!

Ed I'm just getting plain tired of this franchise! I'm on the edge of my seat hoping that some things will improve enough for people to accept! I mean... damn I've been with this franchise since I got Sonic 3 for Sega Genesis and watched AoStH. I still got some hope for it... it's just... seems Sonic's popularity is soon to be gone.... for good.

I know people are giving Sonic and the Secret Rings hope but... to many his upcoming 3D game to many is still his last real decent chance to gain some respect from many people. Hype kills or helps! In Sonic's case it's gonna kill him like how Heroes did!

Oh right.... time to get back on topic. Anyway Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Damn is that game still fun to play even to this day.
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You will be missed:(
Ask most Sonic players that started playing Sonic games when they became available on their precious Nintendo consoles. They'll tell you SA2B is "the best" and it's usually the most overhyped of Sonic games from some of the newer players today. :s

Some vets, such as myself, hated it. Others are indifferent over it. Unfortunately, the newer crowd overshadows the other two groups.

I loved SA2B, even though I've played Sonic since Sonic the Hedgehog on the Genesis. I guess it's because i've always been more of an explorer than a speedster, trying to explore every nook and cranny (you would probably be amazed at the number of secret passages in Sonic the Hedgehog 2), plus it had a more in-depth storyline than most of the Sonic games.

It doesn't make me any less of a Sonic fan. It just means I have a different way of playing Sonic.


Old Coot
...Wah! Man as much as I hate to admit it *Grits teeth*... I still feel the need to hope for improvement! I mean... you gotta have some hope! I mean look at PUSA.... okay not 4Kids technically but they are using 4Kids VA's stll aren't they? ... Darn it all!
Difference is that PUSA's actors are improving as they go along. 4Kids' main set have been acting for years and haven't seen an ounce of improvement. o_O But don't feel bad. I didn't like Sega's primary English cast to begin with. :p

I know people are giving Sonic and the Secret Rings hope but... to many his upcoming 3D game to many is still his last real decent chance to gain some respect from many people. Hype kills or helps! In Sonic's case it's gonna kill him like how Heroes did!
A lot of people have already played demos of the PS3/360 Sonic game. They've mostly agreed it's pretty bland, as they expected. :s Sonic for the Wii, however, does have redeeming value.

Oh right.... time to get back on topic. Anyway Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Damn is that game still fun to play even to this day.
The one time I can agree with you. :p


Iblis Wings
The one time I can agree with you. :p

Gee what a coincidence. Anyway I do kinda feel Sonic is going downhill... one way or another... slowly.... grr it would take a miracle just for this franchise to be on the same status on Mario now. And yes S3&K is still awosome to me. I still got a Nomad to this day and a ton of batteires just to play S3&K portable and on the go! And... well yeah I guess the classics are that good after all.

A lot of people have already played demos of the PS3/360 Sonic game. They've mostly agreed it's pretty bland, as they expected. :s Sonic for the Wii, however, does have redeeming value.

Alright I get it. It wasn't to their expectation. *Sighs*. What a rollercoaster this franchise been...well at least Sega's got other games that are liked. Like Chromehounds or Phantasy Star Universe. With their lead mascot..... I'm just going to leave it for something to debate.

Some Sonic fans tend to go overboard and I guess they still hope for good in this series is because... well it's hard to see your childhood hero have a bad finale to his stature and time.
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