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Cheese Puff!
Gee what a coincidence. Anyway I do kinda feel Sonic is going downhill... one way or another... slowly.... grr it would take a miracle just for this franchise to be on the same status on Mario now. And yes S3&K is still awosome to me. I still got a Nomad to this day and a ton of batteires just to play S3&K portable and on the go! And... well yeah I guess the classics are that good after all.

Alright I get it. It wasn't to their expectation. *Sighs*. What a rollercoaster this franchise been...well at least Sega's got other games that are liked. Like Chromehounds or Phantasy Star Universe. With their lead mascot..... I'm just going to leave it for something to debate.

Some Sonic fans tend to go overboard and I guess they still hope for good in this series is because... well it's hard to see your childhood hero have a bad finale to his stature and time.

Unfortunatly the series is going down hill as you said but the bigger dissapoinment it that I think SatSR could make it go up: 2 steps right. But then StH has to come out and somewhat ruin it: 1 steps left. What do you get? Same place. And there isn't much to go on with with SR but it seems like another 2 steps left. So if they could just leave out 1 good game they could avoid the likely 3 steps back. As they say 2 steps foward; 3 steps back.
Sonic the Hedghog on PS3/Xbox looks pretty sweet to me, let's just see how it turns out. Althought I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rahter prefer the English cast that was present in Adventure 1 and 2...although Tails is too old (cory) and deem bistrow died :( (eggman).

So the only ones left would be:
Ryan / Sonic
David / Shadow
Lilla / Rogue
Scott / Knuckles
Jennifer / Amy

eh I guess Lisa Ortis does a good enough job as Amy, so the only I could do with the other 4 besides Ms. Jennifer Dullard. However, the main leads for Sonic and Shadow are just horrible...and Lillia Minelli, who did Rouge is a very well known VA in the industy...such a shame they can her.


Free Runner
Sonic 2006 is Going to be, At most, one of the most thought out games, I'm not too irked by the VA's too much, So long as the story and action in it is balanced, Then I'm happy!

But Blaze is gonna be in it, Who'd have thought that Blaze woulda been in it! How many people thought that blaze would only be in Sonic Rush? I was one of them, And what part will the Sol Emeralds have in the story? Will Sonic and Shadow use the Chaos Emeralds? And Silver uses the Sol Emeralds? This'll have people Wondering for a while,

Oh yes, And for the People that don't know, The American Website has had a Big update with all Characters in it, And the Vehicles that Shadow uses, and a hellofa lot of other things

here's the link

Kadjaft out!


Well-Known Member
looking forward for Sonic PS3, but its crap that PS3 comes out next year (for europe) his recent games games are bad (except Sonic Rush) this looks like the best main series sonic game in years, The Secret Rings looks good aswell but not alot of info

BTW. best sonic game ever Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Mega Collection +
Check my topic for details, but Secret Rings it going to be the LAST Sonic game to be dubbed by 4Kids. Some of this is kinda evident in Next-Gen, considering that Princess Elise is voice by Lacey Chabert.


Old Coot
Check my topic for details, but Secret Rings it going to be the LAST Sonic game to be dubbed by 4Kids. Some of this is kinda evident in Next-Gen, considering that Princess Elise is voice by Lacey Chabert.
Requires actual proof, as 4Kids is having a tendancy of hiring additional actors to their roster. Sean Schemmel, for example, has joined up with them.


Contaminated KFC
I'm referring to the ending of Sonic CD, the Gem one has a slow, and boring remix of Sonic Boom.

The Jam ending of Sonic CD, is wayyyyyy better.
I concur~

I really loved Sonic Boom, but something about it always seemed to rub me the wrong way. The lyrics were pretty awesome, and I loved the music in general, but...I dunno. It always felt so slow imo. I'm talking about the opening version specifically here.
While the japanese version had some pretty iffy lyrics (Toot toot! Sonic Warrior!), I think the music in general fit the whole sequence a lot better. It was really fast and upbeat, and I rather liked that.

Watch Gravy talk about Sonic CD's opening theme as everyone else continues to discuss STH06!

eeve fan #5

Eeve trainer
i love all of the sonic songs eapecially all hail shadow
Requires actual proof, as 4Kids is having a tendancy of hiring additional actors to their roster. Sean Schemmel, for example, has joined up with them.
All of the info actually came from Sega at the Digital Life Expo. I'm not meaning to say that it is 100% set in stone, but it is highly likely.

AJ Flibble

Both opening songs were good. o_O Only reason some people hate the Japanese opening is because it's not as "cool" sounding as Sonic Boom. The Japanese track for the rest of the game, however, is superior to the US track. :s

Well, it's all a matter of opinion really. Though IMO the theme tunes are kinda equal.

I wouldn't say all the Japanese tracks are superior either. I find almost all the US Good Futures are far better (namely Collision Chaos, Stardust, and Metallic Madness the most). Except maybe Quartz Quadrant. But generally I like both versions for tracks.

I really cannot imagine playing Metallic Madness Good Future with the Japanese track AT ALL. Ew.

I just see both versions as different interpretations of a stage, even though the music didn't need to be changed. variety is good.

Now only if they invented a new version of Sonic CD where you could choose each track preference - individually. I can say now that having SSGF US and SSBF Japan would make me very happy.
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Iblis Wings
I personally prefer Sonic Rush in the music department. Man that game has some real catchy tunes. Heck I replay the game just for the music tme and time again. Give me What You Need over Metalic Madness (Both versions) or Right there Ride on over Palmtree Panic (US versions at least. Japan version... tie). Hideki Naganuma has outdone himself! Or heck Vela Nova was just plain awosomke.
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AJ Flibble

Pft! Want good Sonic music? You play Rush! Man that game has some real catchy tunes. Heck I replay the game just for the music tme and time again. Give me What You Need over Metalic Madness (Bother versions) or Right there Ride pn over Palmtree Panic anyday! Plus the Boss theme is actually catchy! Not so evilly dramatic or comically weird. Kideki Naganuma has outdone himself with that game!

I have Sonic Rush. I just prefer both versions of Sonic CD overall for music.

Sonic Rush has fantastic music, but I just like Sonic CD's more overall.

Though the Dead Line tunes are badass to the extreme.

Again, opinions. :p

The Advance series generally missed the mark in terms of music, except maybe Chaos Angel (acts 1 and 3 mainly though).
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Sonic the Hedghog on PS3/Xbox looks pretty sweet to me, let's just see how it turns out. Althought I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rahter prefer the English cast that was present in Adventure 1 and 2...although Tails is too old (cory) and deem bistrow died :( (eggman)..
From what I've heard the controls are sluggish, Sonic has crappy movement, the homing attack is too slow, and overall it's nothing special.

This is coming from players of the 360 demo and also players who went to a gaming event and got a chance to play it, so yeah.

Save your pennies for Banjo 3 imo :s
I personally prefer Sonic Rush in the music department. Man that game has some real catchy tunes. Heck I replay the game just for the music tme and time again. Give me What You Need over Metalic Madness (Both versions) or Right there Ride pn over Palmtree Panic (US versions at least. Japan version... tie). Hideki Naganuma has outdone himself! Or heck Vela Nova was just

Love the Sonic Rush soundtrack myself, I would probably say it's better than CD's, because of the reasons you said pretty much. The songs from Rush are far more memorable than the CD tracks, and I have a few of them etched into my brain, and probably will have them there for years to come. Same thing happened with Death Egg from S3&K, Green Hill from Sonic the Hedgehog, and Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2.


Korobooshi Kojiro

Save your pennies for Banjo 3 imo :s

You win!

Anyway, also Sonic for the PS3 has...

*Final Fantasy type-plot (really doesn't fit with Sonic)
*A redisigned Egg-Man (I really didn't like this, it takes away his charm)
*Does it have a T-Rating? Sonic characters cussing was annoying...
*Shadow...driving...a truck.

Not looking that interesting, whereas Sonic Wild Fire is reminding me of the older games, in 3-D.

I concur~

I also LOVE the part wheir Sonic is doging those laser-robots, while the screen is in a top-down perspective. The Japanese song (anyone know wheir to find it?) REALLY goes well there.

Sean Schemmel, for example, has joined up with them.

RUN! RUN! They will rape your talents beyond belief Mr. Mad Dog!
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Cheese Puff!
You win!

Anyway, also Sonic for the PS3 has...

*Final Fantasy type-plot (really doesn't fit with Sonic)
*A redisigned Egg-Man (I really didn't like this, it takes away his charm)
*Does it have a T-Rating? Sonic characters cussing was annoying...
*Shadow...driving...a truck.

Not looking that interesting, whereas Sonic Wild Fire is reminding me of the older games, in 3-D.

I also LOVE the part wheir Sonic is doging those laser-robots, while the screen is in a top-down perspective. The Japanese song (anyone know wheir to find it?) REALLY goes well there.

RUN! RUN! They will rape your talents beyond belief Mr. Mad Dog!

It has a rating of E10+ but... so did Shadow, which could mean more lame poser bad *** cussing.


The reason why I got a Sega Genesis and a Dreamcast. Period.

I remember I used to play S&K every other day at 9 years old and being able to get all 7 Emeralds on Mushroom Hill.

I remember when I used the debug code to screw with Sonic 2.

I remember doing the faux 2-player mode with Tails

I remember that I stayed away from Sonic 3D Blast like the dickens.

I remember how SA1 was entry into the Dreamcast.

Sonic 360/PS3 is turning out to be sluggish in representation. Somewhere along the line of implementing Havok Physics and CLAIMING to sport graphics of the Sonic FMV in previous games the game turns out more stiff than usually. I don't see what was wrong with the physics for Sonic Adventure and Heroes which had SMOOTHER walk/running physics (some StH fanboy people claimed that this is a contradictory statement... I just say they're fanboys who think I'm out to bash the game)

Look the truth is that yeah, I was looking forward to Next Gen Sonic but Sonic Team isn't making a good case for their realistic, edgy, FF-esque Sonic not with all the visual and gameplay criticism it's been getting from available demos. It's really breaking my b***s that Nintendo didn't even make Wii powerful enough to run the game, or so I hear (when the game was developed, only GCN kits were available but I suppose it still holds up) so now I don't know if I should get the Blu-Ray player with the overrated processor or the overheatting PC port box to play it on...at least when I thought the game would be a bit more solid.

Somehow, Secret Rings is looking more appealing.


Super Gamer
I love all of the original games (Genesis) and Sonic Adventure & SA2 on Dreamcast & Gamecube

I liked the Sonic Advance games (though there were way too many holes to fall in and die...>_>)

I loved Sonic Rush(I hope there will be a sequel soon!!!) ~ the music pwned, and so did the GamePlay :D - you could continuously keep progressing without being slowed down by a badnik which is what Sonic is about.

My brother will probably get the Xbox360 version ~ if he gets an Xbox for himself(he's buying me the Wii as well O-o)

I'll be getting Sonic Wildfire (Sonic and the Secret Rings is a dumb name...)

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E-102 Gamma

I prefered Shadow the Hedgehog to any other Sonic game.

Gamma's storyboard (Sonic Adventure) made me upset. (Gamma dies, NO!!! ><)

Sonic Heroes was good, but, you have to kill Metal Sonic, and he's one of my faverote villains!

Sonic Riders was unpredictable, and, it isn't something to do with Mario, let's see Mario try doing what Sonic did... *Imagines Mario on extreme gear board*
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