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~Sonikkus Fanart~


Kanto Starter Fan
Hey there! Im fairly new to the forums, but I pretty much know my way around now. Im not the best artist in the world, but I really wish to get better. I have quite a lot of old/new sketches and other art to show you so here it is. Enjoy!

Fake Pokemon

http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/3077/fakamonballydeerll1.png - Ballydeer (Pre evo of Stantler)

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/9647/fakamoncrevixkj9.png - Crevix (Pre evo of Onix)

http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6530/fakamonsharclampyq8.png - Clartrap (Pre evo of Masukippa)

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/3411/bippyfm5.png - Pippy (Pre Evo of Bippa)

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/4329/fakamon3zf0.png - Evo of Rotomu (No name yet ^_^;)

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/6453/fakamontwistaxy8.png - Twista (Evo of Spinda)

Quick Sketches

http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/9302/humanoidscorpixm3.png - Humanoid Scorpi (o_O;)

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/7130/hamanoidpikachujs4.png - Humanoid Pikachu

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9246/trainerandhikozaruix1.png - DP Trainer and Hikozaru

http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1296/supersmashbros4cb.png - SSBB Picture.

Ill upload more of my work later. Please Comment! Critisism is much appriciated too. ^_^
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i really like the stanler pre evo
i love the cartoon style, too. very original imo.
i just have a problem with the two evos. twista to me is kinda random. i understand it because spinda was all spinny, so you branched off from there, but maybe make it more of a panda...and a twister is kinda strange because it doesn't really have a relationship with wind...just being dizzy O_O
and the rotomu evo is too similar to rotomu, imo

good ideas though
keep working


You have a very interesting style. It’s like you see the world in blocky shapes and round round circles and then you go and apply them to your drawings. Very interesting indeed…and it gives your art a circle charm to them. The use of bold black outlines certainly adds to that effect…almost like you drew them in Flash or something.

Anyways, the pre-evos are certainly cute. BUT it looks like the cuteness got to your head because the evos don’t look like evos. Nope, there isn’t enough of a change between the two stages. I think that’s due to the fact that you simplify everything, whereas evolutions should be more complex instead of simple.

Your sketches are pretty appealing. It looks like you scanned the original drawings and outlined them on the computer. That’s actually a nice decision and the overall effect of the two mediums combined creates an interesting effect. I especially like the third one with the Hikozaru and the trainer…talk about stylized!


Salingerian Phony
Heh, it's nice to see some minimalism here. It's something I can comprehend.

I love the pre-evolutions. They fit the derivative Pokémon very well, you never have to second-guess what they're related to, and they're nice and colorful.

The evolutions, however, while still very good, often look too similar to their derivative Pokémon. Twista in particular looks too much like Spinda; it just wears a Taz-style tornado. It even has the same googly eyes and color scheme. The one for Rotomu isn't so bad; you gave it a body, so no one will ever confuse Rotomu with what it evolves into. And personally, I feel both of them need to evolve anyway, so I'm happy.

The humanoid characters are nice too. Loks like their personalities shine through very well by their expressions and postures. They look like people with Pokémon costumes though. All it takes, based on what I've observed, is designing the face to reflect the face of the Pokémon.

I can't help but love the carefree style in the DP Trainer/Hikozaru one. There's really nothing wrong with it at all. I can certainly imagine this to be concept art for some American-made wacky spin-off of the main show (or whatever country you're from).

One last thing: You might want to change the name a bit. "Fakamon" makes me think of a certain swear word than the word "fake." "Fake-a-mon" is unmistakable.


Kanto Starter Fan
Oh wow! Thank you so much for the comments! Really constructive and give excellent advice! Thank you for pointing out my style and finding it interesting. I have other styles, but I prefer this for my pokemon art. Ill try and make the evos more complexed (I find Twista my least favorite myself) but the thoughts on my Trainer and Hikozaru put a smile on my face. ^_^ Ive also changed Fakemon to Fake Pokemon, and forgot to tell you that I did go over the humanoids In paint, so my apologies for that!

Not to forget this is the first time anyone has ever put such in depth comments on my work, so thank you all once again for giving me a think of what I need to improve on ect. Heres another drawing on SSBB. Enjoy!


Ill also post more of my work later, so expect more from me in time. Its a shame this scanner doesn't scan my drawings in very good quality. ^_^;


Kanto Starter Fan
New work to show! Sorry if I haven't posted here in a while. I never have chance to visit the forum very much. Enjoy!

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/2353/samus9jq.png - Young Samus

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/7761/teamsonicdk5.png - Team Sonic

My Sprites. I may work on more if anyone wants to PM me for a request. ^_^




Natsu no Maboroshi
I like the pre evo of Onix, and the humanoid Pikachu. They're well drawn, but I think you should emphatize your style on them, IMO.