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Sora's Mainly Pokemorph Sprites


AKA Snagger Outlaw
Just three now since they take a while to make. I'm not the best spriter in the world, I know. Oh, and there is non-anatomically correct nudity, just warning ya.


Yes, I do like morphing Dragonair x3

Metal Force

Will the first one is good, the second one needs more parts of the pokemon like the first one, the final one is sortta good there are things needs to be sixed like that blue thing and you have to make the body lower, it's not like it's that horse/human thing [forgot it's name], lower the body and the parts remained scretch it on the side of the quali body.

ruka rukario

Rukario Master
i like the 1st and 3rd one.

and something about your sentence about anotomy doesn't make sense, but i'm not here to check your grammer.

I like how you made the hands glow on the 3rd one!


eevee evolution
i love the 2nd one, its awsome. the 1st one bugs me somehow... the 3d one is looks nice to...


eevee evolution

Recolors of Neopets, Subeta, and my own made up colors. I get bored.

awsome!! i love the dark matter ones, i dont see much wrong except that they are a little resized...


AKA Snagger Outlaw

More morphs.

Absol: ... I dunno.
Mew/Rukario: This is a ship, I guarantee it. (Mew/Rukario fans, feel free to use this sprite)
Pachirisu: I got thrown off a horse so I got careless on this one... ignore it.
Aruseus: I felt like it. *shrugs*


the look smooth yet rough. the look nice but, they just sorta don't flow with themselves. the absol and Pachirisu look sorta nice. i think that a little refining and they would be better....


The Yellow Lapras is blinding, Purple doesn't go the best with blue. They're good but you could improve.