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Soul Calibur Series vs. Super Smash Bros. Series


These two are no doubt two very elite fighting game series. I know comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges, but this could turn out to be a fun debate. So what do you think? Which one is better and why?

Please do not post in this thread just saying they are different because we all know that.



"Could it be... the legend...?"
I've only played the Super Smash Bros. series, but I think it's better than any other fighting game because of its freedom.

Poke Freak

Overall I like the battle system in SSB better, it's much more fun IMO. Add that to that fact that it's a unique system which to my knowlage is in only two games, compared to SC which even though it does possess differences than other games the battle system works similar to many different games, I think SSB is better.

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
SSB has such good multiplayer value and the characters are much better known than SC.
Even though I love the weapon choice in SC, SSB does it for me.
SSBM is good because it's a party fighting game that is easy to play and it has a system that's deep enough to be played on a serious competitve level. That and it has Nintendo all-stars.

SCIII is good because it's also somewhat easy to play (all though not as easy as SSBM) and it has an immensely deep fighting system that is so much fun once you master it.

Ultimately I like SCIII more because of the fighting system and because of it's visual appeal. It's graphics are more realistic and the animation is fast and smooth (which makes hacking at your opponent that much more satisfying).

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I prefer Soul Calibur because I've played it more, and I have played SSB and it seemed really easy, no challenge at all, so SC is my choice out of the two.
Hmmmmm, Soul Calibur. 'Nuff said; if you don't like it, then you're a retard. ;\

But yeah, Soul Calibur takes the cake. Mostlly because it's fun/addicting and the fighting mechanics play smoothly. I like SSB and all but Soul Calibur is just better.


Well-Known Member
I'd personally say SSB simply because I'm still playing it. I got Melee the day it came out and I still get it out every now and again to play. I have SCII but I think I only got it becasue of Link. I completed the game with almost every character whereas I'm still unlocking stuff in SSBM (I'm not crap, I'm talking about the hard stuff to unlock) So, I think SC is a good game but I'm going for SSB because of it's long lasting appeal. It's also amazing fun at a party.
Swifty said:
Soul Calibur has fan service. That alone makes it superior. :D
You win the thread. :D

I like both equally. Seriously. Both are fun...

Still, I prefer Melee when playing with my friends. Most of them also prefer it. We get bored of SCII too soon, but we can play SSBM for hours to no end. I like the catastrophic attire of Melee to the technical greatness of SCII...

When I'm solo, SCII is better, though... =/