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Soul Cards (SIGN-UPS!!!)

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Seijiro Mafuné


"These mystical lights that are sealed deep inside us, granting us life, at the cost of death, in the end...

"They come from somewhere. I know it. Yet... they have eluded us so far. Shining in a sincere darkness, where nothing else can see or hear...

"It shall be no longer. I'll find the place where souls come from. And when I do... I'll see their light shine pure."


There are many legends in the world, some as old as the cosmos itself, or so people say. Legendary creatures like the gargantuous dragons, the mysterious beasts or the magical birds. Even the creators have been thought as mere myths.

Out of all of these, there is one legend that is the most insensate: the idea that the human soul is actually a living being, a small light that shines inside of people, guiding their bodies and their destinies.

Most scoff at that, finding this idea repulsive, childish even, as it's expected of the younger generations, who have abandoned their beliefs.

But a person doesn't. And he's willing to take one deranged chance to prove its truth, even if the price might be too high. He doesn't care. Foolish, like them all. And yet...

His plan is 'simple', as if such could be: he's built a machine that is supposed to be able to bring the 'light' in people. By finding enough of those, he'd be able to find his way to the place where the others lie, and so prove its existance.

But this should not be taken lightly. We do not have time for this. The light he seeks is powerful, indeed, but easily misused. We must be ready.

We will be ready.


Okay, this is enough preparation.

Just so you know, there IS a relation between the Soul Cards from the title and the things mentioned in the preparation. It might not be exactly clear right now, but it will be clear once this gets off the ground.

Character profile time!


Name: Your name.
Age: Very variable.
Gender: Yeah, you know it.
Description: Your appearance, skin or clothing.
Personality: What you're like.
Soul Power: Just one of them. Remember to make sure it's somewhat original.
Element: You know, water, fire, earth, wind, energy, spirit, wood, moon, dark, light, etc...
Soler: A special item that is very important to you. Any reasons you want to add, so long as they are NOT supernatural.
Bio: Your life story, or at least the important parts.

Seijiro Mafuné​

Any questions, PM me.

The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Sounds interesting...

Name: Zaffire
Age: 21
Gender: male
description: Has black hair that goes down, a white mask with only one eye hole. Has burning crimson red eyes. Wears a rosy red cape which covers his bust. He wears a black sleeveless shirt. One of his arm is a cybrnetic arm which may give him a few problems with his normal body structure. His other hand's pretty normal but keeps a grey glove on. He carries around a giant scythe which can change form so he can easily carry it around. He wears grey pants, normal shoes, has a silver skull buckle and a kind of medallion.
Personality: Is ussually a mysterious guy and has a kind of harsh and rough attitude. He doesn't appeal to leisuraly activities much such as playing. He mostly considers these activities useless and pointless. He can be sometimes caring but never romantic. He may look like he could use a kind of girl friend but would rather remain as a lone wolf. He shows very little signs of niceness but is actually pretty nice if he is really well known by someone. He is very patient and loyal as well.
Soul power: His has the ability to be kind of ghost like. Since he has ghost powers it gives him the ability to make himself transparent allowing anything to go through him or allowing him to go through things.
Element: dark
soler: The medallion I mentioned is a kind of rare talisman that was given to him a long time ago. It can cost millions. But this isn't why he keeps it. He keeps it because it was given to him by his parents. This medallion is a memory symbol to him why he shouldn't ever stop reaching his full potential.
bio: After his parents dies he wandered the world searching for answers that he mostly asked. These questions aren't to be answered and these answers aren't supposed to be revealed. Because of his quest to always answer these questions he was cursed to wage war against the world. The answers he has gained reveal to him what the world is mostly made off. Hate, anger, jealousy, pain, suffering, anxiety and evil. He has only seen very little hope in this world and is now trying to keep the light of hope in the world going on. He started this quest when he was five and still continues. He has brought many pin and suffering to the world for he feels that there must be retribution. He would often lurk in the shadows attack plenty because of their evil acts. The problem was that he killed many without giving proof that they are evil. He is a terribly wanted person and is wanted dead rather than alive. He has earned his cybernetic arm because he had to give up something in order to save this kid's life. He rescued this kid from a crazy doctor who tried to kill this kid for body parts. During the event his arm was disabled from a paralyzing explosion. He managed to gather some parts from the explosion but didn't exactly create the bionic arm perfecty, at times it would need repair or a few tightening. He got his scythe from fighting against this gypsie who was using black magic to devour shadows of people to keep herself younger. The gypsie kept this scythe to drive any spirits or any intruders. His physical and ghostly techniques were no match for her scythe, but by great luck he used her own spell against her so instead of her devouring his soul he devoured hers making him stay young. The scythe he holds has lost its ability to drive away spirits so now it's just used as a very powerful weapon and is considered his symbol of darkness. Even though he knows what's happening to him is a problem he continues to stalk the world...
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Seijiro Mafuné

TBS, it's good, but your Soul Power is too many. Choose only one of them. And I don't see why you have a mutant scythe and a cybernetic arm. Explain that better and I might allow them.

Glassgod, you need to develop your character's personality and bio better. And it can't have this guy who killed 20 relatives of yours just like that. And maybe not that many swords...

Oh, yeah, before I forget: your powers HAVEN'T been unlocked yet.
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Seijiro Mafuné

Nope. You DON'T have any powers. And I don't get why everybody is treating this as a Shadowrun/similar game.

Masa Mune

Thunder Trainer
I'll edit this post when I can think of a proper character


Help me find myself
Name: Aranoki
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Description: Aranoki is a twenty-three year old, but she looks at about twelve because she liked coffee ice-cream, unfortunately for her, the icecream caffeine in it, and resulted in a stunted height. She has dark brown hair which shines copper if the sun hits it right. Her eyes are hazel, which she gets from her mother, and so does her ski nose. She has freckles all over her face, on her nose, her cheeks just about everywhere. When she smiles, she keeps her mouth closed, and she laughs in short outbursts.
Personality: Aranoki is very harsh towards ignorant people. She insults people if they are annoying to her, though she usually is the first person to apologize after a quarrel. Although this is her usual ways of going about, Aranoki can be quite different, depending on the situation. Her emotions aren’t very strong, although her guilt, embarrassment, want, and anger seem to be normal. By the way, she is very lazy and doesn’t really bother to do people a favor.
Soul Power: (I’m confused on this, could you explain it more?)
Element: Charcoal
Soler: Aranoki has a fleece blanket. It might not make sense, but it keeps her warm, and makes her happy, with the little happiness she feels. It isn’t like other things make her happy, but they’re temporary while this blanket isn’t. She takes a sort of pride in it, although she doesn’t know why she would take pride in an ordinary blanket. She has kept it around her and no, it is not a night blankie.
Bio: Aranoki lived with her mom and dad, she had a big brother also, about eight years older than her. She lived in a house, it was big, to her, almost like a mansion, to her. But it wasn’t, and they didn’t own it. The house was rented. Although the family didn’t like this fact, Aranoki didn’t care, all she remembered of it was good cheer and happiness. She went to pre-school at a uniformed school for pre-school, but it was expensive, so they moved to a different one. It was a public school, but it fit the price. They lived on like that for about two years, until kindergarten. That was when the news was broken to Aranoki and her brother, they were moving.
Where they moved, it was a nice place, with all the rain and snow in the winter, although it didn’t last as long as Aranoki expected. Aranoki went to public school for two years but got bored, know that she was in first grade and actually learning things, the line between regular and APP were drawn, and she took a test and moved to a different school. She stayed like this, but was exposed to way to much truth about how corny things are and how stupid things get, thus, her emotions dulled. She ate coffee ice-cream and fell in love with it. And then hated it when she discovered it gave her stunted height. She moved out of her parents’ house when she was nineteen and has woes with tax collectors, and holds a job of computer probramming. Aranoki has pretty much lead a normal life.
I’m confused about the Soul Power thing, and I was just wondering why I don’t see your profile or anyone’s posts that you’re talking about except for one person. What is your character like?


Wrath of Fire
the point of sole power is. You said it hasn't been unlocked yet. So how can we put that down. Explain please. Also, where is your sign up.
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