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Soul Dew


Well-Known Member
I am confused. Does the soul dew work in the battle frontier?


Well-Known Member
Any ideas as to why it doesn't work?


Jirachi Master
b/c it is not fair. read above posts.


it's not fair that the AI in BF gets by with a lot of H4Xing, so why can't we use soul dew? At least it works in all modes of Colosseum and XD. I think.


The new tuxedo look!
The world is unfair, but why is it never unfair in our favour? (quote from calvin & hobbes)
I like that quote to describe the BF.

That means no soul dew 4 you.


Toon link
you need the eon ticket to the other lati

And yeh it is unfair but i rekon it should be aloud anywhere


I am the game
What does soul dew do?