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Southern Island

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I'm not asking for cheats but!
I used an xploder to warp to Souther Island it all worked but Lai@s didant appear when I spoke to the rock?

What am I doing wrong?
Ho- oh, Lugia, Deoxys and Mew appear.

But when i'm on Birth Island I can't get off the island. Do i need to beat or catch Deoxys to escape?


You need the Eon Ticket, or it wont work.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you must get there via the Eon Ticket otherwise your Lati won't appear at all. Also, you can leave Birth Island without getting Deoxys.

It's what you deserve for cheating.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
ss5vegeta there is no need to speak to someone like that,
he was telling you the truth
that's what you get for cheating
if you hadn't of cheated you could of sent nintendo your game and they would have given you an aurora ticket if it's fr/lg or emerald,
same thing if you wanted an eon ticket but it only works on r/s and emerald,
they could've also downloaded jirachi for you,
what are you going to do now flame me or something


Well-Known Member

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
Little boy? Let's have a look at your profile kid...

And mine...

Hmmm....don't flame me for no reason when all I was doing was answering your question.

he's just trying to act big,
there was no need for him to flame you...
you were just saying the truth...

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
southern Island needs an activation code from the ticket that you cannot easily cheat.

the wrap code is best for getting deoxies. Just remember to remove it or it wont let you off the island .


Well-Known Member
SS5Vegeta, they were telling the truth and answered your questions.

I would have said the same thing.

Btw, i've also reported you for being needlessly rude.
why must retards spam on my topics, soem kind of fetish? i dont know?

Thats ironic... considering you were banned for mass spam :)
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